7.2 Top Aoe Dmg

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7.2 top aoe dmg 2
  1. 7.2 Top Aoe Dmg Download

The GWF and offensive GF does the most sustained AoE, but a wizard can put out an insane amount of burst. In general, because all the trash fights are short the wizards will do the most dps on trash by far, the GWF does well on longer aoe fights like bosses where you have constant adds.

  • Targets1
  • Item Level475
  • Encounter TypeMax
  • 1Arcane MageView Breakdown66,806 DPS
  • 2Beast Mastery HunterView Breakdown64,085 DPS
  • 3Marksmanship HunterView Breakdown62,214 DPS
  • 4Unholy Death KnightView Breakdown61,918 DPS
  • 5Enhancement ShamanView Breakdown61,124 DPS
  • 6Balance DruidView Breakdown60,077 DPS
  • 7Survival HunterView Breakdown59,749 DPS
  • 8Havoc Demon HunterView Breakdown59,138 DPS
  • 9Elemental ShamanView Breakdown59,060 DPS
  • 10Frost Death KnightView Breakdown58,390 DPS
  • 11Fire MageView Breakdown57,614 DPS
  • 12Affliction WarlockView Breakdown56,833 DPS
  • 13Feral DruidView Breakdown56,626 DPS
  • 14Assassination RogueView Breakdown55,634 DPS
  • 15Destruction WarlockView Breakdown55,415 DPS
  • 16Retribution PaladinView Breakdown55,072 DPS
  • 17Frost MageView Breakdown54,894 DPS
  • 18Demonology WarlockView Breakdown54,585 DPS
  • 19Subtlety RogueView Breakdown54,395 DPS
  • 20Windwalker MonkView Breakdown54,253 DPS
  • 21Shadow PriestView Breakdown52,565 DPS
  • 22Outlaw RogueView Breakdown52,164 DPS
  • 23Fury WarriorView Breakdown50,102 DPS
  • 24Arms WarriorView Breakdown49,165 DPS

DPS Rankings Overview

These rankings are created using SimulationCraft, a program that is highly tested and trusted for simulating in-game encounters with characters.
We use SimulationCraft because simulators permit a high degree of control by allowing us to use specific talents, rotations, gear, possible boss mechanics, etc. to arrive at repeatable results that can be compared across specs and time. Also, simulators allow us to average out results from thousands of fights to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time and not in one amazing fight.
If you are curious to learn about the simulation fight encounters of Max and Real, we recommend to read our past articles that describe them in Part I and Part II.

7.2 Top Aoe Dmg Download

Common Questions

The damage meters for my boss fights look very different than these rankings. Why?
There are any number of reasons why in-game results will differ from simulated (or log based) results. A few common differences include the following.

  • Fight Length: Dungeons and LFR raids often have shorter fight durations which can result in much higher DPS as the value of DPS cooldowns is greatly increased in short fights.
  • Multiple Targets: The current DPS rankings offer strictly single-target and splash-AoE (1 main target+2). There are scenarios in-game where there are a lot more targets which can allow for much more aggressive AoE.
  • Player Variables: Skill, latency, gear, a lucky string of crits, etc. can all significantly impact in-game DPS. Rankings can help represent general trends, but they’ll rarely predict the outcome of a specific encounter with all its unique factors.

How do these rankings compare to other sources that use raid logs to show spec comparisons?
Raid log sites offer a perspective on how some of top players are performing with each spec. These rankings can be helpful to understand how specs are faring in the current raid tier and often reveal unexpected synergies between specific specs and boss encounters. However, log based sites are subject to their own data problems including players who artificially boost their DPS by employing technical or social exploits, changes in popularity of specs, uneven sample sizes, and generally unrepeatable or uncontrolled results.
While simulators allow us to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time through averaging out thousands of fight results, it is important to note that simulators are generally weak when modeling specific fights in a raid tier, and additionally they rely on data that is as good as the theorycrafting community is able to produce.
Overall, no single DPS ranking is perfect and they should all be considered when evaluating specs. Simulators and log based solutions both offer value to the WoW community.

Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. Each rotation list is more of a 'priority list'--in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to use next. Out of all abilities you have available, use the one highest up in the priority list.

Shadow Priest DPS priority involves two phases. The first phase is executed in Shadowform to build Insanity so that you can enter Voidform for additional damage. However, the rotation remains largely the same in both forms.

When you cast the spell, you can make a melee spell against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. Does roll20 have the dmg. You create a floating, spectral weapon within range that lasts for the or until you cast this spell again. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 + your modifier.As a on, you can move the weapon up to 20 feet and repeat the against a creature within 5 feet of it.The weapon can take whatever form you choose.

  1. Shadowfiend on CD
  2. Shadow Word: Pain (maintain DoT See Note 1)
  3. Vampiric Touch (maintain DoT See Note 1)
  4. Void Eruption (See Note 2)
  5. Void Bolt on CD
  6. Shadow Word: Void on CD (See Note 3)
  7. Mind Flay (See Note 4)

You will want to enter Voidform as soon as you can, continuing to follow the above prioritization for generating Insanity optimally.

Note 1: It's generally best to avoid refreshing DoT's when it still has a lot of time left. Try and wait until they are about to expire before refreshing.

Note 2: Casting Void Eruption whenever possible is crucial for being able to activate Voidform in timely fashion.

Note 3: Replace Shadow Word: Void with Mind Blast in this priority list if not using that talent.

Note 4: Channeling Mind Flay is a great filler spell when there's nothing else to do. However, interrupt it as soon as you have something better to cast.

  1. Shadowfiend on CD
  2. Void Eruption (See Note 2 above)
  3. Void Bolt on CD (if in Voidform)
  4. Shadow Word: Pain maintain DoT on multiple targets (See Note 5)
  5. Vampiric Touch maintain DoT on multiple targets (See Note 5)

Note 5: These DoTs are effective up to about 5 targets at once, and should not be applied on any target that will die in less than 8-12 seconds.

  • Shadowfiend or Mindbender Use on cooldown while Voidform is active.
  • Vampiric Embrace Use at the discretion of your party/raid leader for group healing.
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