Adds Fire Dmg Skill Poe

I like it when games put all the info I need into the game proper. I'm sure I could search these forums and find out the answer to the question I'm about to ask, but don't you all agree it would be nicer if it was in game?
So I found gloves that 'Add 5-9 cold damage'. My question: to what? Melee attacks? Any weapon attacks? Any skills? There should be space enough in the tooltip to specify!
Last bumped on Aug 20, 2016, 1:34:56 PM
Posted by
on May 7, 2012, 4:45:45 AM
All added damage on gear are added to attacks (skill with attack time). I agree that they should be more clear on that one. It was exactly like that in D2 too
Unviable build tester.
Fuse mechanics:
95% Crit Build Without Charges [0.10.1c]:
Posted by
on May 7, 2012, 6:28:24 AM
If you are using a lightning spell you get the 5-9 cold damage from the gloves, right? So is it possible for you to freeze/chill someone with only this 5-9 cold damage?
Posted by
on Oct 14, 2012, 7:36:23 PM
If you are using a lightning spell you get the 5-9 cold damage from the gloves, right? So is it possible for you to freeze/chill someone with only this 5-9 cold damage?

if you crit, it should be afaik. I burn shit with 1-3 fire dmg ^^
'Path of Exile be a online Action RPG set up in tha dark fantasy ghetto of Wraeclast. Well shiiiit..'
- Uzicorn, for teh children.
Posted by
on Oct 14, 2012, 7:41:49 PM
the 'x damage' on equipements is applied only to attacks, not to spells(dunno why).
Only the one on support gems is applied on the spells they support.
Posted by
on Oct 14, 2012, 8:29:00 PM
I'd say integer damage bonuses on gear applying to attacks (i.e. unarmed, melee or something that shoots projectiles) and not spells is fairly standard behaviour in any aRPG. Granted, you can never be sure with this game, but adding 'to attacks' after every mod of that kind is an ugly solution for something that should be intuitive.
Besides, it's easy enough to test something like this by taking off and putting on your gloves :)
Last edited by hubb on Oct 14, 2012, 9:19:38 PM
Posted by
on Oct 14, 2012, 9:07:01 PM
If the item says.
Increases cold damage by 3% (or something like that) that works for spells also right.?
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Posted by
on Oct 14, 2012, 9:13:42 PM
Yes. That might seem less obvious but like I said you can equip it to check. That's what I do.
Posted by
on Oct 14, 2012, 9:21:13 PM
the 'x damage' on equipements is applied only to attacks, not to spells(dunno why).
Only the one on support gems is applied on the spells they support.

So then the question is: 'Does this added cold damage support gem make up for the lack of cold spells in my fire witch's arsenal?'. We all know how powerful the freeze/chill effects are. If I can add them effects to my fire spells, then I'd be almost as good as a cold witch.
Last edited by ivkoto77777 on Oct 14, 2012, 9:26:58 PM
Posted by
on Oct 14, 2012, 9:26:30 PM
the 'x damage' on equipements is applied only to attacks, not to spells(dunno why).
Only the one on support gems is applied on the spells they support.

So then the question is: 'Does this added cold damage support gem make up for the lack of cold spells in my fire witch's arsenal?'. We all know how powerful the freeze/chill effects are. If I can add them effects to my fire spells, then I'd be almost as good as a cold witch.

Pretty much.
I added lightning damage to my freezing pulse, and every time I crit, I add a shock stack to my enemies. Shit is fun.
'Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions.' - Mark
Posted by
on Oct 15, 2012, 2:32:39 AM
  1. Adds Fire Dmg Skill Poe 2

Report Forum Post

Before Start, You Need to Set Lockstep Mode for Flicker Strike(No Desync)

1. DPS
Pastebin :

vs Shaper

2. Video

1) Shaper -
2) Minotaur -
3) Chimera -
4) Phoenix -
5) Hydra -

3. Item & Skill Gem

1) Terminus Est(6link)
[Skill Gem]
① Flicker Strike
② Melee Physical Damage
③ Increased Critical Damage
④ Maim
⑤ Multistrike
⑥ Melee Splash → Ruthless (Over 16Tier Boss)
2) Kaom's Heart
3) Belt of The Deceiver
4) Rat's Nest(Enchant : 150% Increased Effect of The Buff Granted by your Ice Golems)
[Skill Gem]
① Blade Vortex(Gem Level 1, Quality 20)
② Increased Duration
③ Power Charge On Critical
④ Increased Critical Strikes
You Need more Strength(62) & Resistance(Fire & Lightning Res 41%) with Amulet, Rings, Boots, Gloves.
5) Gloves
※ If you have Mana Leech Option from Golves or RIngs, you can save one passive node.
[Skill Gem]
① Immortal Call
② Cast when Damage Taken
③ Herald of Ash
④ Ancestral Protector
6) Rare Ring
※ If you have Mana Leech Option from Golves or RIngs, you can save one passive node.
7) Amulet(+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges, Life, Adds Phy DMG, Res, etc.)
[Popular type]
8) Boots(+1 To Maximum Frenzy Charges, Life, Strength, Res, etc..)
[Skill Gem]
① Summon Ice Golem
② Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance
③ Hatred
④ Blood Rage
9) Jaws Of Agony
Before you fight a boss, you can get Power Charges from this shield.
[Skill Gem]
① Fire Trap or Lightning Trap
② Cluster Traps Support
③ Multiple Traps Support
10) Jewel(7EA)
You need 4 damage options jewels.
11) Flasks
① Lion's Roar
② Taste Of Hate
③ Atziri's Promise
④ The Wise Oak
⑤ Diamond Flask(Chemist's Diamond Flask of Adrenaline)

4. Passive, Bandits, Pantheon

1) 93lv(7 jewel sockets)
2) 93lv(5 jewel sockets)
3) Bandit Rewards
4) Pantheon
Last edited by SpringWitch on Sep 20, 2017, 4:18:48 AM
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2017, 6:27:37 AM
Posted by
on Sep 17, 2017, 11:39:53 PM
I didn't quite understand the resistance chart that you show.
You're saying you need to hit exactly 41% lightning and fire resistance with the gear?
because in your Pastebin you have 41% lighnting, but only 29% fire (without flasks).
very confused
Last edited by nubcake0119 on Sep 19, 2017, 1:43:02 PM
Posted by
on Sep 19, 2017, 1:41:45 PM
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2017, 4:19:39 AM
I didn't quite understand the resistance chart that you show.
You're saying you need to hit exactly 41% lightning and fire resistance with the gear?
because in your Pastebin you have 41% lighnting, but only 29% fire (without flasks).
very confused

Please check my pastebin.
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2017, 4:25:11 AM
I didn't quite understand the resistance chart that you show.
You're saying you need to hit exactly 41% lightning and fire resistance with the gear?
because in your Pastebin you have 41% lighnting, but only 29% fire (without flasks).
very confused

Please check my pastebin.

I did, I said so in the reply.. that's why I'm confused.
this is your stats without flasks
and this is with flasks active:
the resists don't seem to be balanced around for Wise Oak, or am I getting something wrong?
can you take a look at my Pastebin so far and tell me what am I missing, because I'm only doing third of your damage with nearly the same gear.
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2017, 6:03:29 AM
@nubcake0119: Some reasons for your lower damage may be:
* Lower Char level (i.e. no Throatseeker cluster, less jewels - in this case four vs seven jewels)
* change Melee Splash vs. Ruthless in POB
* you significantly less added physical damage on gloves and jewelry
* you have overall less critical strike chance and critical multiplier
* not all gems are 20/20
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2017, 9:38:44 AM
How u get this jewels? I cant find on poe trade jewels with 4 damage mods
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2017, 1:30:08 PM
Problem with this build in leveling is 'Super low Leech %' with 0.4% life leech in boss fights will have a hard time.
How u deal with it before u have enough damage to leech back?
Posted by
on Sep 21, 2017, 3:15:13 AM
I don't understand how your DPS is that high, can you post unbuffed flicker tooltip?
Posted by
on Sep 21, 2017, 10:57:33 PM

Holy Flame Totem is a totem that rapidly fires projectiles; it is physical-based with 50% conversion to fire, which makes it way easier to scale into late game than before. Although on a 6-Link the skill can cost more than a 150 mana per cast, we solve this problem by using the Blood Magic keystone notable. Adds fire damage to skills. Adds fire damage to skills. Games Movies TV Video. Explore Wikis; Community Central. Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Register Start a Wiki. Path of Exile wiki. Add new page. Path of Exile. War for the Atlas Areas Classes Skills Bestiary Lore Community.

This application would create a cost that could be partially mitigated by expending multiple slots, over multiple days, by multiple casters, during certain rare events, at certain locations, sacrificing certain rare materials (including creatures). In fact, some existing spells with longer casting times might be presumed to be simple rituals of this sort, and all magic item creation is in fact rituals of this sort.The simpliest way of describing how I plan to implement a ritual system is that rituals let you apply metamagic to spells in ways that does not (necessarily) increase the casting cost even if you don't necessarily know that metamagic feat. Spells are left hanging unfinished, and the rituals are then completed with a short series of steps, sufficiently short to make them useful in a stressful situation.Although the rules describing creating, learning, and casting rituals that are not spells have never been described, my game universe assumes such magic exists in game and is fairly common and is a large part of magic as it is normally practiced by beings other than adventurers (who are always in tight scraps). 3.5 extra dmg to casters.

Adds Fire Dmg Skill Poe 2

Dec 10, 2019  Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand. Fire dmg, spell dmg, later you will understand why i tell about wands too. Grants increased Fire Damage with Attack Skills, Chance to Ignite, Fire Damage over Time Multiplier, Ignite Duration and the notable causes Ignites you inflict. Supported Skills deal 1% increased Fire Damage Supported Skills Penetrate (38-42)% Fire Resistance This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment. It will not add lightning damage to your Arc as it is a spell. No flat added damage (adds xx-xx) on any gear applies to spells, only attacks. There may or may not be any unique items that break from this, but regardless, in your case, the added lightning damage on that amulet will do nothing for you.

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