Any Way To Get Sneak Dmg From Magic

This C++14 library is meant for accessing structure elements by index and providing other std::tuple like methods for user defined types without any macro or boilerplate code.

  1. Any Way To Get Sneak Dmg From Magic Mountain
  2. Any Way To Get Sneak Dmg From Magic Cards

Any Way To Get Sneak Dmg From Magic Mountain

Test results

Nov 08, 2016 If you put a poison that does 30 damage to health on a bow and get an x3 multiplier, the poison will do 90 damage instead. I do not know if effect durations such as paralyze and weakness to elements is affected by this, but its stil worth mentioning. If you want to bump your bow damage, poison can often be the way to go. Magic Tricks. Apr 26, 2017  How to Get Started Learning Magic. So, is magic real? The best way to find out is to discover the answer for yourself. To get started learning how to do real magic, check out Magick.Me, our online school for magick. It’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started practicing true magick and learning about true occultism. You have to do enough damage to get a one hit kill. Its easier to do with a dagger and the assasin's blade 15x dmg perk, you will get more damage that way than with a sword and 6x dmg. Also, you have to use a right-handed attack, left-handed or dual-wield attacks will NOT trigger the animation.

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Or, for that matter, why does your mod use what seems like an elaborate means of applying sneak damage? I'm assuming there is a very good reason since this seems like a lot more work than just making a perk with 'mod spell magnitude if undetected by target and it satisfies these conditions'. I'm curious as to the advantage of this way of doing it. Jul 28, 2019  Precise and Flat Reflection (ex Magic Get, ex PODs Flat Reflection) This C14 library is meant for accessing structure elements by index and providing other std::tuple like methods for user defined types without any macro or boilerplate code.

Any Way To Get Sneak Dmg From Magic Cards

Motivating Example #0


Motivating Example #1


Motivating Example #2


Requirements and Limitations


  • C++14 compatible compiler (GCC-5.0+, Clang, Visual Studio 2017 with /std:c++latest or /std:c++17, ..)
  • Static variables are ignored
  • T must be constexpr aggregate initializable and must not contain references nor bitfields


Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

Okay. First things first. I'm sorry for any OOCness. Second. since you're here you already know this is harry potter. And my guess is that you have at least seen the first movie or read the first book. Now if you remember, when witches and wizards are young they can't completely control their magic. And can make things happen by thinking about it. Lord voldy pants got really good at that. Now. I found a post on tumblr somewhere forever ago and it talked about how what if a student never lost that capability? Like. They got in control of their magic but could still do stuff. Like make things disappear. Such as an apple….Or themselves. And in this story Eren can do this. Along with the other things….And you'll find out levi's trick later. now. TO FANFIC! Also. Eren's POV for now. And yes I changed their ages.

I blink waking up. I sit up ever so slightly propping myself up on my elbow and I look over and see that Levi's still asleep. I smile and remember why I'm okay waking up everyday to a dead arm and face full of hair. He looks so peaceful asleep. When were alone and when he's asleep are the only times that his mask falls away and you really see him. I'm still curious how a 16 year old is capable of making that face. I'm still surprised that he's only a year older than I am.

He groans and moves. I smile gently at him and say 'Good morning captain.' He opens his eyes and glares at me and says 'To fucking early….' and with that he pulls the blankets over his head and snuggles closer to me. I smirk at him and say shaking his shoulder 'Come on Levi. It's time to wake up.' I hear grumbling coming from him and something that sounds like 'I'm not getting up' but coming from him probably far more colorful.

I roll my eyes and focus for a second then snap my fingers, and the blanket he was hiding under disappears. It's still there, you just can't see it. And it doesn't block the sunlight streaming in through the window. He blinks and then looks at me glaring. I grin at him and say 'well I see that you're awake.' He throws off the now invisible blanket and his eyes widen.

He then gets in my lap and hugs me tightly and says 'It's fucking Cold. What the fuck. When in gods name did it get so fucking cold.' I chuckle and say 'It's not that cold. You have just been warm for the last 8 hours.' He glares at me some more making me laugh. I hug him and say smirking 'That doesn't work on me. Glare at me till you turn blue, It won't work.' And with that I picked him up, set him in front of me and stood up.

I stretch as I stand and smile at him. 'Come on. We have to get up. Don't you have paperwork to do?' I say. He gets up and stretches as well. I walk towards the bureau, and pull out my uniform. I make sure I grabbed the right uniform. I don't want to try putting his on by accident again. He walks to the bathroom and I hear water running. I get dressed and had just tucked my shirt in when he exited the bathroom.

He grabs his uniform and begins getting dressed. When were both dressed he looks at me and says 'Come help me make the bed. It's annoying to do without help.' We walk over to the bed and he says 'If you would.' I look at the bed and snap my fingers making the comforter reappear.'That trick of yours can be really annoying you know Brat.' I grin and say 'Why? It can do this!' I say looking at him and snapping my fingers. making his uniform disappear.

He blinks then looks down. He then glares at me with a blush so faint if I hadn't been looking him I would have missed it. 'Brat.' He says 'Fix it.' I grin at him and say 'Alright, Alright.' I look at him and snap my fingers for the fourth time that day, making his uniform reappear. We then make the bed. In reality, I straightened the blanket he did the rest. We then walk to his office. I then ask him 'Do you want to eat together? Or do you want me to grab you something?'


He thinks for a second then says 'Lets eat together.' I can't help the grin that appeared on my face and we walk to the dining hall. We grab food and sit across from each other. We ate in a peaceful silence, the few people who walked by acknowledged Levi with a nod or 'Captain.' After we were done we walked out of the dining hall. Levi suddenly said 'Oh yea. I forgot. I have to grab something from Erwin.'

I nod and say 'I'll walk with you.' He gives me a slight smile. Then we walk over to Erwin's office. We knock on the door, but receive no answer. Just then a cadet walks by and says 'Oh! Are you looking for the Commander?' I nod at her and Levi says 'No. I was just knocking on his goddamn door for my fucking health.' She looks at me smiling and says 'The Commander went down to the training grounds a few minutes ago.'

I smile at her and say 'Thank you!' simply to be nice. Levi had turned and started walking toward the training grounds and I followed him. He's fuming. Which means he's jealous. I can tell even through his mask. And it takes everything inside me not to laugh. After were out of sight I say to him 'She was cute.' His head whips around so fast I thought he might get whiplash. I walk up to him and kiss his forehead and say 'Not as cute as you. But still cute.'

We then walk to the training grounds. We see Commander Eyebrows talking to Armin. We walk up and Levi immediately asks about something Erwin apparently forgot to give him. I then look at Armin and look from him to Erwin with raised eyebrows. He knew Levi and I were going out, Almost everyone knew that, But I didn't know he was going out with Erwin. He says 'We started going out today…' I then grin at him and say 'Oh. You are so telling me how this happened later.' Armin facepalms.

I look over at those two who had just finished talking. I go to walk over to them but just as I do I see a Titan fall from the sky. The entire ground shakes as it lands, It's taller than even my Titan form. I'm staring at it wide eyed. So is everyone else. Even the Titan looks dazed. But recovers and starts moving toward Armin. My body starts moving. I grab Armin and run toward the others.

Just then two more appear. Both slightly smaller than the first. When they land the ground shakes again and off balances the other Titan. I then start moving into action. Levi is taking down the first Titan. Erwin and Armin are getting people out of the way. I move to take down the second Titan.

Just as I move toward the other smaller Titan. I see the 3rd Titan jump and grab Levi's Leg. I quickly move and cut off the Titans fingers freeing him. 'Are you okay?' I ask panicked. He nods but then shouts 'BEHIND YOU' But while I was talking the 2nd Titan had gotten behind me. And I feel the Titan grab me. The Titan squeezes and I feel him crush the breath out of me.

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I see a rush of fabric and feel the Titan let me go. I use My gear to get above the three Titans. Dammit that hurt. That had knocked the wind out of me and it was hard to breath. I didn't feel like anything was broken though. And the discomfort went away quickly. Which I'm happy about. I see the Levi is bleeding from a spot on his head. I look at him and say 'I'll take the one on the left. Can you get the one on the right?' He nods and we get to work.

I quickly swing around the 2nd Titan and slice a chunk out of it's nape. Levi killed the other landed. I see that he's favoring his left leg over his right. I knew when it grabbed him it had hurt him. I land next to him. I look over at where the Titans had fallen and I see something roll towards me. It looks like a bracelet. It's gold, with red gems on it. I pick it up and show it to Levi. 'Hey. Look at this. I saw it rolling from where the Titan's fell.'

He looks at it for a second then reaches out to touch it. Just as Levi touches it I suddenly feel something like a hook right behind my navel and I feel my body suddenly spinning. At first all I see is color. Then I can see everything clearly again and we start falling. I grab Levi and slam him to my chest and angle my body so that I'm under him and will hit the ground first. I land on the floor. Hard.

When I land I feel Levi roll off of me and start talking to me. I say 'I'm fine.' I say with a slight smile as I sit up. 'I just hit my head' He looks at me with wide eyes. I can see that he is worried. He then propels his body forward and wraps his arms around my neck hugging me tightly. I hug him back and he lets me go but remains sitting next to me. I then see a very old man with a long white beard standing next to an old ornate desk. He glares at us and in a very authoritative voice asks 'Who are you? And how did you get in this school?'

Levi simply glares at him and shouts 'What? What do you mean? What school? Where the hell are we?' I'm looking at him I see the edges of my vision start tunneling. And all I see is black around the edges and it keeps creeping closer to the center slowly. I blink and shake my head, making me wince as this makes my head hurt more. I can hear Levi and the Man shouting. But I just can't stay awake any longer. I feel my body fall forward and feel Levi catch me. I hear Levi start calling my name and shaking me. But I feel my mind go blank as I fall into unconsciousness.

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