Aura Kingdom Dmg Or Speed While Leveling

Oct 19, 2019

Jan 24, 2015  Level 10 - DMG +2476 The new 'Fishing Supply Shop' uses a new currency called 'Fishing Coins', which is different from the Angler's Gold Doubloon from the Fish Kings. These coins can only be obtained from selling you fish, baits, and fusion materials from fish, to the NPCs. Thanks for the reply! You are correct about the supposed 6 am reset, but regardless all dungeons will still reset at 12 am EST server time. As for the class details, I'd rather not go into detail about those since players are able to differentiate between AoE, ranged, etc by reading the class description in character selection. Feb 09, 2014  Aura Kingdom Bard/Wiz Guide. If you can hit the Defence Cap without using Iron Wall, then use Courage for the extra HP and Received DMG Reduction. Extreme Speed. Sonic Healing does not -20% DMG while casting. It increases the Static DMG Reduction by 20%.

Each Guitar skill played will be accompanied by three different musical notes in Fresh Blue, Bright Golden, and Dazzling Purple. Play the notes in a certain order to form a special melody and liberate its soul in the form of a skill. The ultimate skill is Universal Chord. Universal Chord unlocks the full potential of the Guitar, granting powerful damage to enemies and bolstering your allies.

This guide will try to show you how to play as a Dark element DPS lancer with bard subclass (or shuriken and gunslinger subclass as they will have pretty much the same build).


If you're wondering why bard sub then here the answer: It got stun and heal. pretty simple right? Oh and the fortification bonus have MOVE SPD which is pretty nice since you gotta go fast.
  • Lancer element is Dark.
  • Bard element is Storm.
  • Lancer Attack SPD Cap is 74%.
  • Maximum Crit DMG is 315% with Killer Instinct Envoy.


Note 1: Almost all DPS class will have the same gear thus this gear applicable another DPS class.

Aura Kingdom Dmg Or Speed While Leveling 2

  • If you're using crafted weapon then use a Destroyer Core.
  • The element on your main weapon should always be Dark.
  • Always have a weapon with Nocturnal Core.
  • Try to get weapons with high % (125% - 130% for orange weapon and 130% - 140% for gold weapon).
  • Use lava stone on both your weapon with at least 2% DMG stat in each stone.
  • Use enchantment card with PEN stat.
  • Always upgrade your weapons to 5-Star.
  • Try to fortify both your weapons to at least +20.
  • Always transform your weapons with DMG stat.

  • If you're using crafted armors then use a Imperial Core.
  • The element on your chest armor can be decided to what element the boss is.
  • Try to get armors with high % (125% - 130% for orange armor and 130% - 140% for gold armor).
  • Use secret stones on all your armors with at least 2% DMG stat in each stone.
  • Use enchantment card with PEN stat.
  • Always upgrade your armors to 5-Star.
  • Always transform your armors with DMG stat.
  • Try to fortify all your armor to at least +20.

These are what armor set you should get:
  • Level 80 - 90: Scourge Set (Top) and Judgment Day Set (Bottom).
  • Level 90 - Slv 1: Holy Chant Set (Top) and Holy Anthem Set (Bottom).
  • Slv 1 +: Holy Chant Set (Top) and Abyssal Naught Set (Bottom).

  • If you're using crafted accessories then use a Imperial Core.
  • Try to get accessories with high DMG stat.
  • Use enchantment card with PEN stat.
  • Always transform your accessories with DMG stat.
  • Try to fortify all your accessories to at least +20.

These are what accessory set you should get:
  • Level 80-95: Arcane Frost Set or Paragon of War Set.
  • Level 95+: Wild Howl Set.

  • If you're using crafted trophies then use a Imperial Core.
  • Try to get trophies with high DMG stats.
  • Try to fortify both your trophy to at least +20.
These are what trophy you should get:
  • Level 80: Guzigla Bloodied Tooth and Theory Time Travel Code.
  • Level 95: Cultural Relic - Twisted Bone Rose and Winston's Sword Fragment or Delfonia's Exquisite Earring or Debaka's Makeshift Constraption.


  • Put 99 points to DMG and the rest to SPD or CRIT.
  • Put 99 points to HP and the rest to DEF or EVA.
  • Except EVA, all your stats should reach cap (SPD 50%, CRIT 100% and DEF 80%).
  • Make your move SPD as high as possible.
  • Get 315% CRIT DMG to boss.
  • Get 74% ATTACK SPD.
  • Get Damage bonus to element as high as possible
  • Have at least 30% ACC.


Note 1: You can get Implosion envoy by temporarily changing to Gunslinger subclass and take the envoy before changing back to prefered subclass.


  • General Skills: Merciless Soul Strangler (DMG +11%) or Song Of The Full Moon (DEF-14%)
  • Attack Spec: Zeal (10% Extra 110% DMG)
  • Advanced Skills: Deadly Ditty (Demon Lance - Hymn Of Doom +25%) or Funerary Digre (Demon Lance - Hymn Of Doom DMG taken +3% Stack up to 6 times)
  • Defense Spec: Extreme Speed (EVA +7% and MOVE SPD +20%)
  • Tactical Spec: Break Defense (25% chance -25% DEF)
  • Special Skills: Deep Blue (Detailed DMG +5% and Malice -14%) or The Best Defense (DEF 3% of DMG)

Weapon Mastery

  • Use the left path Dark Lance Skills weapon mastery.
  • Allocate points to DMG, CRIT or SPD, All Elemental Resistance, MOVE SPD, and HP, or what ever stats you currently need.
  • Get both weapon mastery level to 70 as it will give you more points.


  • Headgear: Enchantment Card DMG Against Boss Mastery and Premium Enchantment HP 3%.
  • Headgear: Enchantment Card DMG Against Elements Mastery and Premium Enchantment HP 3%.
  • Face: Enchantment Card Frozen Lance Mastery and Premium Enchantment DMG 3%.
  • Body: Enchantment Card CRIT DMG Against Elite Mastery and Premium Enchantment DMG 3%.
  • Ornament: Enchantment Card Extreme Speed Mastery and Premium Enchantment DMG 3%.
  • Weapon: Enchantment Card Sacrificial Lance Mastery and Premium Enchantment DMG 3%.


  • Get the Dark Skill +30% mount.
  • Get all DMG to Elements mounts.

Gaia Emblem

  • Get the Dark Skill +17% Emblem.
  • Get all DMG to Elements Emblems.
  • Get the MOVE SPD Emblem.


Reroll your Eidolon until:
  • 1 Star: 25% Attack SPD[/u] or DMG 8%[/b].
  • 2 Star: DMG of Dark Skills 15%.
  • 3 Star: DMG of Dark Skills 30%.
  • 4 Star: DMG 16%.

Note 1: Best with Dark Element Eidolon.
Note 2:

Aura Kingdom Dmg Or Speed While Leveling Tool

1 Star and 2 Star effect may be switched.
Note 3: 3 Star and 4 Star effect may be switched.


Lancer skill rotation are fairly simple:

Aura Kingdom Dmg Or Speed While Leveling Chart

  • Always have 3 Red Summons for Blood Lance - Soul Reincarnation before attacking.
  • Merciless Soul Strangler in the beginning followed by some skills to get another 1 Red Summon and 1 Blue Summon.
  • Use Mark's Awakening and repeat until enemy dead.
  • Always Stack Ballad.
  • Heal if needed.
  • Some boss need to be stunned in the beginning of the fight.

Note 1: Always try to jump cast.
Note 2: Always try to back strike.


Aura Kingdom Dmg Or Speed While Leveling 1

  • Always have all Elixir in your inventory.
  • Always have all Tonic in your inventory.
  • Always have Food and Drink beforehand.
  • Get the Dual Drive and Move SPD pet.

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Aura Kingdom Sorcerer/Wizard Build by shiro214

This is my Sorcerer/Wizard Build
If you don’t like playing offensive then this is not for you.
it is still incomplete since I’m still changing, experimenting and farming the equips, and no complete data of eidolon on wiki

She is currently a pure crit+def type for now but later on she will have hp and speed(lvl 70 to 100)
She also does crit on her continues DPS 1k to 5k per tick (did try with very high eva players
its either you burst them or you always miss)
Her Soul Draw skill crit too when it does it gives you 5k to 10khp heal
Like seeing raining crit on solo, pvp and party runs
Don’t need pots often
Your damage is DAMAGE

Anyways here is her current stat

for pvp gears
you need 2 orange weapons equipped with 15% acc core
gladiator set for pvp
secret stones with 15% crt dmg on (soc/wiz skills) 6% crit dmg and 3% acc
you can temporary use other skills secret stone as long it has 6% crt dmg and 3% acc
acc because your a hard hitter but you don’t have acc you will have hard time hitting or landing anything on eva in pvp

Opening dmg in window. This is her envoy path

At her starting level I did go damage first for easy leveling
Then got Big Game Hunter(20% more damage on elite -1% def per stack)
Then go to sorcerer training > weak point > sorcerer studies
Will take thick skin 2, arcane shield and 2 ultimates in the near future void and frost in the near future

This is the Ultimate

you can change it depending on the situation
changed atk spec to callousness need more crt dmg

Secret Stones

get secret stones like this, of course its better if its a soc/wiz skill (you can still use non soc wiz stone as long it has the desiredPrefix 1 stat for example that picture above have -2% reduced damage you will have that effect even with different skill)
alternatively you can use Destroying CRIT DMG +6% (if all are destroying 5 armors + 2 weapon you’ll have CRIT DMG +42%)
Godly/Destroying also use godly ACC +3% with CRIT DMG +6% which is kinda rare
here for wiki more about it
i need more data on this, wiki isn’t complete yet!

its better to have a Full Sigrun (evolved 2 star) most of the time they are way better agro absorb than most tanks you see
also you can have Bel-chandra or Uzuriel for their buffs CRT + crt dmg buff (better if both in the party have these two +40% crt dmg)

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When playing her in parties or solo (PVE)

Normal Single Target: get in long range Corrosive Shadow > Demon Seal > Blood Seal > Breath of Ashura (while she/he is casting this you can move back or reposition yourself)> Corrosive Shadow > Demon Seal > Blood Seal > Breath of Ashura >
Only use Soul Draw if you want to heal
This goes to (solo boss)

Multiple Targets(Mob):
Instant Thunder > Nightmare Totem > Meteor Shot > Demon Seal > Blood Seal > Breath of Ashura
Nightmare Totem > Meteor Shot > Demon Seal > Blood Seal > Breath of Ashura (while she/he is casting this you can move back or reposition yourself)> (repeat you need to build up Big Game Hunter Fast so your party mates can kill mobs faster (Infernal Abyss, Other World: Skandia) casting Corrosive Shadow will take your make you stack Big Game Hunter slower but you can cast other skill like Instant Thunder for another Crowd Control (CC) stun you can always use your Ultimate with your Eidolon when nearly dying
after the Ultimate with Eidolon you can cast Nightmare Totem again.

BOSS (Party): Check First if your tanker is a Guardian/Bard Type
why because this kind if class never tire Focus Firing/Targeting them

if he is Corrosive Shadow > Demon Seal > Blood Seal > Breath of Ashura > (repeat Demon Seal > Blood Seal > Breath of Ashura > until Big Game Hunter is 15 stack or just do Demon Seal > Blood Seal + normal attack for faster stacking) then you can throw your Corrosive Shadow Again

if he is NOT: Demon Seal > Blood Seal > Breath of Ashura > Meteor Shot >(repeat)
why? if you use Corrosive Shadow, Rejuvenating Mantra, Nightmare Totem, and Ice Storm. Mobs and Boss would likely target you! They hate party healing, sleep, stun, Immobilize that’s why they target bards and guardians. (Unless you wanted to get hit *please notice me senpai*)
if the boss targeting you, you could do this (run around in counterwise or clockwise, only using Breath of Ashura > Meteor Shot> Nightmare Totem (your normal atk still hurts and still stacks Big Game Hunter and Cursed Seal), you can use Both Rejuvenating (soc/wiz) while at it, it its melee like Toto try to Immobilize it with Shadow bolt(Corrosive Shadow), when hit hard by a skill and you survived use Soul Draw to immediately replenish your HP)

and don’t forget to use Soul Draw, Rejuvenating Prayer to help yourself heal other than pots and Energy Conflux for more critical damage(Powerful Strike Mantra is currently useless gives low damage buff and sometimes if gives your party mates only +6 dmg buff *yes its bugged*)

PVP: I have still little experience of pvp, so no concrete gameplay
Since you critical hit a lot if you hit a skill your skill Continuous DPS will do the rest on non evasion type, run around with Breath of Ashura, get tea with triple cast (Corrosive Shadow or Shadow Bolt or Breath of Ashura crit burst!) and don’t GET STUNNED.
Guardians and Bard will hate you for it, especially on longer battles you drop their HP like mad.

here one of the ss *no pots, I still don’t have bel so use my shota serif for 2% stats and non proper secret stones will update equip pics in the near future (getting poor again)*

Pros:Critical will mostly land, de-buffing and damaging at the same time, can manage without pots mostly, healing and pots can return your hp faster because you don’t have big pool of hp, your ranged, can help damage mobs and boss faster on parties also you can crow control with Nightmare Totem and Instant Thunder, AOEs!, Continuous DPS skills.

Cons:your soft like paper!, most spell won’t make you move while channeling/casting them. Only Rejuvenating Mantra, Nightmare Totem, Meteor Shot and Breath of Ashura lets you do it, don’t have heal healing powers like bards do, you might miss hit or crit since crit is a chance not 100%, low critical damage, slow cool down(wizard spells) expensive gears!.

you can help me by doing pvping, suggestion in forums and donate in-game currency so I can buy the gears and see the difference.

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