Azur Lane Weapon Dmg Modifiers

+% Light Radius. Your character's light radius determines how far away monsters must be to become aware of you. Sorcerers generally want a large light radius, so they'll see targets coming far enough away to hit them with spells, but Warriors and other melee fighters can be more effective with a lower radius, since that means fewer monsters will see them at once. Weapon Durability Modifiers. Durable Substantial Massive Fortified Indestructible Weapon Metal Colors. Iron Dull Copper Shadow Copper Bronze Gold Apapite Verite Valorite Metal types/colors for player made weapons only affects the durability of the weapon. It does not increase damage or accuracy.

Download the WDC:
*** You’ll have to download it, otherwise it won’t work. ***


This small Excel spreadsheet
– helps you to find the best weapon modifiers for your current build in PvE and PvP
– let’s you test different consoles, sets, upgrades in theory before you spend your hard earned Dilithium, Lobis and ECs.
– gives you insights into the game’s calculation methods

How to use

1. Enter your current configuration

Use the light-colored cells in row 5 and 7 and columns E, F, G to enter your current weapon, energy levels, traits, bridgeofficers, consoles and set bonusses.

Most cells have a drop down list or a short description.

Compare the values in row 106Â (Total Damage) with your actual numbers in space (i.e. ESD).

Hints and warnings:
– If you’ve double checked your equipment and the numbers still don’t match, adjust the weapon power in the spreadsheet. The values for your energy systems in the HUD are rounded down, so 121 could be 121.875.
– boosts from DOFF missions aren’t fully implemented yet.
– bridge officer and captain skills are still work in progress

2. Copy the configuration with the “Copy Reference” button.

Your current DPS values (N165-Nxxx) will be copied into column P.

If you change your setup, the difference in percent will be calculated in column Q.

3. Advanced calculations

This spreadsheet calculates the effects of critical hits and accuracy overflow. You may modify the target’s defence in G113 to match the values seen in PvP (80-180%). Or just turn off the overflow method in H114 (set to 2).

[Pen] is handled as a total damage bonus with 5 as a default. This may be correct for unshielded targets but is obviously too high vs. shielded ones. Anyway, [Pen] adds a debuff to the target making it fairly desirably, even if the raw damage of the weapon might be lower in comparison to a similar one with an additional [CrtD] mod. When teamed up with some debuffers (i.e. Recluses), [Pen] is less effective due to the damage resistance formula.

You may also add several damage buffs from bridge officer or captain’s abilities. Use the Toggle Skill choice to activate it (Row 156).

4. Compare the results

Azur Lane Weapon Dmg Modifiers Download

Rows 165-xxx list almost all different combinations for weapons of the same Mk level you set in cell G8. I did not include [Pen] for very or ultra rare weapons, but if there is a certain interest for them I’ll update the list. I did not include any other crafting mod (the effects of [Over] or [Rapid] are too complicated to calculate).

Anyway, the results are colored red if the weapon deals less and green if it deals more damage than the current one selected in row 7. There’s also a rank (column O)and the difference vs. the current weapon (column S). Columns P and Q show the the copied values and the actual difference vs. that value.

All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2020. Dmg audio plugins bundle 2018 price.

The sheet in the tab Compare sorts the different weapons by DPS.


Please check the Infos tab for further information like release notes and how to get in contact to report bugs etc. I really appreciate any help to improve the WDC.

– The Weapon Damage Calculator is (and probably will always be) work in progress.
– Since STO does not provide the formulas used for damage calculations most of the stuff used in the spreadsheet is the result of reverse engineering.
– I don’t own all consoles and sets so some values are taken from STOWIKI or ingame tooltips.
– Please remember that any DPS value calculated by this tool is a theoretical (raw) value. Every shot fired is actually modified by the distance to the target, resists, debuffs and buffs. Equipment also has some “soft” features, i.e. an Ancient Obelisk core will add more raw DPS than a spire core. But the spire core will reduce energy drain and thus improve your ship’s performance.
– there may be some copy/paste errors

Azur Lane Weapon Dmg Modifiers Guide

Have fun!

2.52e 2017-05-29Â Special weapons from missions and reputation will be automatically selected. Still work in progress. Attack Pattern Alpha’s CrtH&CrtD are now adjusted by the uptime.
2.53e 2017-06-07 CrtD and CrtH from skillpoints
2.54e 2017-07-14 Synergistic Retrofitting 2-Part set added
2.55e 2017-07-21 More sets and consoles
2.56e 2017-08-01 Minor edits

In GURPS, being able to inflict damage on your opponents’ characters when attacking from a distance is quite handy. Some helpful weapons are spears, nets, harpoons, and axes, but remember that you can’t redirect an opponent’s attack. When making a ranged attack, figure your effective skill by

  1. Taking your base skill with your ranged weapon.

  2. Applying the target’s Size Modifier (SM).

  3. Modifying for the target’s range and speed.

    See Size and Speed/Range Table on p. 550 in GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns.

  4. Applying the relevant modifiers below.

    Modifiers are cumulative, but combined visibility penalties cannot exceed –10. If any modifier marked with an asterisk (*) applies, adjusted skill after all modifiers cannot exceed 9.

A roll of this number or less is a hit. If using rapid fire, you score one extra hit for every full multiple of Recoil by which you make your attack roll.

Azur Lane Weapon Dmg Modifiers List

Attackers Maneuver

  • All-Out Attack (Determined): +1

  • Move and Attack: –2 or –Bulk of weapon, whichever is worse

Attackers Situation

  • Affliction (coughing, retching, etc.): See Afflictions on p. 428 in GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns

  • Bad footing: –2 or more (GM’s option)

  • Close combat: a penalty equal to the weapon’s Bulk statistic

  • Damaged weapon: –HP of injury received last turn (maximum –4)

  • Major distraction (e.g., all clothes on fire): –3 or more (GM’s option)

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  • Minor distraction (e.g., part of clothes on fire): –2

  • Shock: –HP of injury received last turn (maximum –4)

  • ST below that required for weapon: –1 per point of deficit

Attacking from Moving Vehicle or Mount

If weapon is not in a stabilized mount, the combined bonus for Accuracy, Aim, bracing, and targeting systems cannot exceed the vehicle’s SR.

Azur Lane Weapon Dmg Modifiers 10

  • Air vehicle: –1 for a handheld weapon, 0 otherwise

  • Exposed rider hanging on side of vehicle/mount and shooting over/under it: –6

  • Ground vehicle, good road: –1 for a handheld weapon, 0 otherwise

  • Ground vehicle, bad road: 0 for a stabilized turret or stabilized open mount; –1 for a fixed mount, hardpoint, or carriage; –2 for an external open mount; –3 for a handheld weapon

  • Ground vehicle, off-road: –1 for a stabilized turret or stabilized open mount; –2 for a fixed mount, hardpoint, or carriage; –3 for an external open mount; –4 for a handheld weapon

  • Space vehicle: 0

  • Turning in exposed saddle/seat of vehicle/mount to fire at foe behind: –4

  • Vehicle/mount dodged last turn and you’re not the operator/rider: –2, or –4 if flying

  • Vehicle/mount failed control roll: penalty equal to margin of failure

  • Water vehicle, calm water: 0 for a stabilized turret or stabilized open mount; –1 for a fixed mount, hardpoint, or carriage; –2 for an external open mount; –3 for a handheld weapon

  • Water vehicle, rough water: –1 for a stabilized turret or stabilized open mount; –2 for a fixed mount, hardpoint, or carriage; –3 for an external open mount; –4 for a handheld weapon

Opportunity Fire

Azur Lane Weapon Dmg Modifiers 1

  • Checking target before firing: –2

  • Hexes watched: 0 for 1 hex; –1 for 2 hexes; –2 for 3–4 hexes or a line; –3 for 5–6 hexes; –4 for 7–10 hexes; –5 for 11+ hexes watched

Other Actions by Attacker

  • Aim for one turn: +Accuracy of weapon

  • Braced weapon: +1 if you are stationary and took a turn to Aim

  • Dual-Weapon Attack: –4/–8 with primary/off hand (–4/–4 with Ambidexterity)

  • Extra Aim: +1 for 2 seconds, +2 for 3+ seconds

  • Off-hand attack: –4 (no penalty with Ambidexterity)

  • Pop-up attack: –2, and no Aim possible

  • Rapid fire: 0 for 2–4 shots; +1 for 5–8 shots; +2 for 9–12 shots; +3 for 13–16 shots; +4 for 17–24shots; +5 for 25–49 shots; +6 for 50–99 shots; +7 for 100–199 shots; and so on.

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