Bdo Sometimes My Attack Wont Do Dmg

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  1. Anyway, it sounds like you're running into an issue with damage resistance. Some enemies have resistances to certain types of damage, so each attack made with that type will have the numbers reduced by a large amount. I seem to recall that those droids have high energy resistance, which means that lightsabers and blasters are weak against them.
  2. This BDO Grinding Spot Guide takes a look at the many hunting zones in Black Desert, in which you can level. Lets use a table to sort BDO Grinding Spots by Level, AP, DP, Silver per hour, and Experience.
  3. The dmg isnt night/day, so HP is desired by most. I think warriors/dk/mae etc, classes that have a few 100% crit skills or can reach high crit easily may benefit from 2 crit gems over 10 ap. It's still unknown if each +1 level is 5% or 10% crit dmg.

The idea is to stack Evasion, Block and Hp with Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics using Crest of Perandus(40% Block Shield) and Stone Of lazhwar(50% Block applied to spells to be really tanky.
This is the Core Build for lvl 60 after that its only HP stacking.
What do you think about this Build?
Can i be one hitted until lvl 60?
What Damage skill should i use? I thought about Ethereal Knives since its pretty good without dmg nodes? Would the dmg be enough?
Would this Build be Viable in Onslaught?
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2013, 9:36:25 PM
I considered a build like this and actually started one too.
Defensively the concept seems really solid. The biggest difference between what I planned and what you have here is that I took unwavering stance because it cancels out block stun which means you dont need to stack block recovery. And of course because I took unwavering I also had to take iron reflexes. Also for that reason I wouldn't have taken the dodge passives as they would halve the armor I got from Iron reflexes and I think a 75% block chance and max resists are 'good enough'. In addition to the stone, theres a group of block passives near the templar, one of which gives 12% block chance to spells, so if you had max block on physical you could get somewhere around 45% spell block.
The problem came in not being able to figure out how the hell to do any damage. By the 20's I was chipping normal monsters down one slash at a time and it got suuuuper tedious. Who cares if things cant kill you when you can't kill them either?
Last edited by Nonsensei436 on Jun 24, 2013, 10:53:45 PM
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2013, 10:53:27 PM
I considered a build like this and actually started one too.
Defensively the concept seems really solid. The biggest difference between what I planned and what you have here is that I took unwavering stance because it cancels out block stun which means you dont need to stack block recovery. And of course because I took unwavering I also had to take iron reflexes. Also for that reason I wouldn't have taken the dodge passives as they would halve the armor I got from Iron reflexes and I think a 75% block chance and max resists are 'good enough'. In addition to the stone, theres a group of block passives near the templar, one of which gives 12% block chance to spells, so if you had max block on physical you could get somewhere around 45% spell block.
The problem came in not being able to figure out how the hell to do any damage. By the 20's I was chipping normal monsters down one slash at a time and it got suuuuper tedious. Who cares if things cant kill you when you can't kill them either?

I think the Build you describe is much easier doable with a Marauder or Templer since they have enough and better Shield Nodes and lots of life.
What i had in mind is avoiding dmg as much as possible. It only works wirh evasion. Cause if i got it right itworks like this
hit>Evasion>If not evaded>dodge>if not dodged>Block>if not block you get hit
and each of these stages has their own chance.
The only downside i see is the halved armor but when you get enough evasion it should be impossible to get hit twice in a row. But you need enough armor to not be one hitted.
As for dmg the only idea i have is Ethereal Knives which works good on a Maradaur with a Build you described. Sure you wont do a ton of dmg but you get a huge defense for it.
Does noone else has expirience with this kind of Build?
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2013, 11:58:50 PM
I considered a build like this and actually started one too.
Defensively the concept seems really solid. The biggest difference between what I planned and what you have here is that I took unwavering stance because it cancels out block stun which means you dont need to stack block recovery. And of course because I took unwavering I also had to take iron reflexes. Also for that reason I wouldn't have taken the dodge passives as they would halve the armor I got from Iron reflexes and I think a 75% block chance and max resists are 'good enough'. In addition to the stone, theres a group of block passives near the templar, one of which gives 12% block chance to spells, so if you had max block on physical you could get somewhere around 45% spell block.
The problem came in not being able to figure out how the hell to do any damage. By the 20's I was chipping normal monsters down one slash at a time and it got suuuuper tedious. Who cares if things cant kill you when you can't kill them either?

I think the Build you describe is much easier doable with a Marauder or Templer since they have enough and better Shield Nodes and lots of life.
What i had in mind is avoiding dmg as much as possible. It only works wirh evasion. Cause if i got it right itworks like this
hit>Evasion>If not evaded>dodge>if not dodged>Block>if not block you get hit
and each of these stages has their own chance.
The only downside i see is the halved armor but when you get enough evasion it should be impossible to get hit twice in a row. But you need enough armor to not be one hitted.
As for dmg the only idea i have is Ethereal Knives which works good on a Maradaur with a Build you described. Sure you wont do a ton of dmg but you get a huge defense for it.
Does noone else has expirience with this kind of Build?

Yeah I suppose I could just bite the bullet with dodge and take the half armor penalty. I might actually end up doing that. Armor kinda sucks anyway.
As for damage I have decided to go with some heavy hitting single attacks linked to melee splash to mow down packs.
Posted by
on Jun 25, 2013, 1:11:08 AM
Your build is just not going to work because you don't take enough HP and also no DPS nodes.
Few tips:
1) Remove all of the evasion% boost nodes - for acrobatics you don't need them
2) Take more HP
3) Optimize the pathway better
4) You also need to solve mana problems - either taking some mana nodes or blood magic or relay on blood magic gem (last needs 5-6L)
Here is my lvl 71 ranger tree from HC:

One of the possibilities - I'd imagine could be maybe possible - for 1h sword + shield as adaptation of my ranger tree:
Last edited by Filousov on Jun 25, 2013, 1:54:19 PM
Posted by
on Jun 25, 2013, 1:53:56 PM
Your build is just not going to work because you don't take enough HP and also no DPS nodes.
Few tips:
1) Remove all of the evasion% boost nodes - for acrobatics you don't need them
2) Take more HP
3) Optimize the pathway better
4) You also need to solve mana problems - either taking some mana nodes or blood magic or relay on blood magic gem (last needs 5-6L)
Here is my lvl 71 ranger tree from HC:

One of the possibilities - I'd imagine could be maybe possible - for 1h sword + shield as adaptation of my ranger tree:

I think you dont understand how i meant my Build.
Wgy remove Evasion Boosts? I know that you dont need them for Acrobatics but Acrobatics and Evasion are 2 different Chances to avoid Damage.
Since my posted Buiuld should be the 'Core' for lvl 60 there are many things youcan spec after 60. You can get HP or Dmg as you want. I thought about only getting HP which should be enough. The dmg would be low, right but this isnt a glasscannon more like the opposite a character who just cant die but doesnt deal a lot of damage.(Atleast its the idea)
Your Build is just another Cookie Cutter Bow Builds. Its good but its an often played Build and kinda the opposite what i wanted to achieve with mine.
Posted by
on Jun 25, 2013, 4:12:31 PM
I have experience with an evasion tank type build.

First you will want to rush getting Ondar's Guile/Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics
Lvl 1-21:

Next you want to fill in life and shield block nodes, at this point you will be quite tanky against both spells and melee mobs surrounding you.
Lvl 22-40:

From here you can go in a couple of directions depending on what weapon and skills you want to focus on.
-If you want to go with a Frenzy/attack speed tank, use swords, specifically rapiers when they are available due to their easy dex requirements for a ranger. It is more of a stationary tank, attacking swiftly.

-If you want to do a more crit-based build, use daggers only as well as viper Strike/Power Charge on Critical and head into the shadow/witch area for power charges, crit mult/crit chance nodes as well as dagger-related Notable passives. This is a very mobile tank, going from target to target hitting with viper strike once with your dagger and moving to the next target. Mobs get hit with a crit and die easy, others are left to die from chaos, allowing you to move from mob to mob quickly, taking out the most important/damaging mobs first.

Last edited by SaranCadrey on Jun 26, 2013, 2:39:55 AM
Posted by
on Jun 26, 2013, 12:44:04 AM
I have experience with an evasion tank type build.

First you will want to rush getting Ondar's Guile/Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics
Lvl 1-21:

Next you want to fill in life and shield block nodes, at this point you will be quite tanky against both spells and melee mobs surrounding you.
Lvl 22-40:

From here you can go in a couple of directions depending on what weapon and skills you want to focus on.
-If you want to go with a Frenzy/attack speed tank, use swords, specifically rapiers when they are available due to their easy dex requirements for a ranger. It is more of a stationary tank, attacking swiftly.

-If you want to do a more crit-based build, use daggers only as well as viper Strike/Power Charge on Critical and head into the shadow/witch area for power charges, crit mult/crit chance nodes as well as dagger-related Notable passives. This is a very mobile tank, going from target to target hitting with viper strike once with your dagger and moving to the next target. Mobs get hit with a crit and die easy, others are left to die from chaos, allowing you to move from mob to mob quickly, taking out the most important/damaging mobs first.

Your Builds are intresting. But you will never have skill 120 Points. So are these Builds viable? Cause you have to count like with 90 Points which are already hard to get since its about lvl 80 or something. Would be ncie to see these Build in 71 and 90 Point version.
But if you get all the defensive and hp nodes there is not much space for dmg nodes. So does anyone know a way to do decent dmg without needing any nodes or just a few? Anyone expirience with Ethereal Knives? How to do enough dmg with them?
Posted by
on Jun 26, 2013, 6:24:18 PM
This is my current shadow in default
I'm lvl 74. Haveb't tried to progress further though. Waiting for evasion/dexterity buff. In short, I have
41% chance to evade
44% chance to dodge
On alt swap I have a claw and crest of pendarus, bringing me to
41% chance to evade
44% chance to dodge
40% chance to block
Evasion has a cap, so to speak, at around 50-53%. The scaling at that point is beyond madness. This means the most you'll get from melee attacks is hit-miss-hit-miss.
When I'm in alt swap mode (claw + pendarus), i become very hard to hit by melee attackers
When they would hit, they have to pass my 44% dodge. If they pass it then they have to pass my 40% block. If they pass that then I get hit.
I'll admit I rarely get hit in this mode, but I do get hit, and sometimes really hard or in a row.
Looking at your tree you'll need a lot more life nodes. Obviously that's easy for you to get and you'll be easily at 200% in your 60s.
A problem I see with your build is damage.
You have a lot of avoidance, but you can't kill fast enough. So although you can avoid a lot of incoming dmg, your kill speed also puts you in prolonged dangerous situations that you need to take care of fast.
Like I said earlier, I don't get hit much in shield mode, but sometimes when I do, I get hit hard, and in a row. I can kill monsters very fast. Slower kill speed and more avoidance, means those hard hitters will get more chances to swing at you. So you end up staying in dangerous situations longer, and hits will still get through, albeit once in a while, even with all that avoidance.
Another problem is mana
Unless you're running blood magic (gem or passive) you'll have mana problems. Ofc this is easily fixed.
Since you won't have much dmg, you're almost pigeonholed into viper strike (+ multistrike?), which isn't fast enough to dispand waves of mobs quickly, but you most likely don't have a choice.
Someone on my friends list also has a ranger with the kind of stats you're aiming for. His spell block is probably higher though. He has
30% dodge
20% spell dodge
around 60-75% spell block (stone of lazhwar and rainbowstride)
75% block chance
Can't for the life of me remember his chance to evade
He said he rarely gets hit, but one problem is that when he gets hit he can get hit hard in a row at times. Also, he uses viper strike cause that's the only skill that gives him any dmg whatsoever. Constantly whirling bladin' 'round the place and viper striking everything is how he plays.
Hope that helps
Last edited by SoujiroSeta on Jun 26, 2013, 9:00:22 PM
Posted by
on Jun 26, 2013, 8:58:23 PM
Im currently levelling a similar build in onslaught and I can't speak for endgame yet but i'd recommend not getting so many evasion nodes and grabbing more life nodes instead. My character hasn't grabbed any shield block nodes and im just going for life atm in case I get unlucky and chain crit.
Also if you plan on levelling with EK your going to have really bad mana problems like me, and im leaning more towards using freeze pulse for dmg even though it's slightly lower dps, but I might revert back to EK once i've got mana regen nodes or better gear.
Posted by
on Jun 27, 2013, 1:34:40 AM

Bdo Sometimes My Attack Wont Do Dmg Work

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