Best Dmg Heroes Heroes Of The Storm

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I've compiled a list of heroes and indicated whether they are mostly auto attack or mostly spell damage. Maybe this is helpful to some people as there is sometimes confusion around certain heroes (for example, Sonya and Lunara though seem like auto attackers do the majority of their damage as spell damage)

Top Damage Heroes Of The Storm

MOBA heroes don’t get more badass than the Heroes of the Storm characters! Heroes of the Storm is one of the biggest MOBAs at the moment. It’s fun, it’s accessible yet deep, and it stars many of PC gaming’s most important characters of the last two decades.


Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus. Choose your hero and prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm! May 06, 2014  Builds. Diablo has some of the best survivorability in Heroes of the Storm if built correctly. With this build, you will not only be able to take a brunt of the damage in team fights, but you.

This may help when selecting heroes to counter or augment them.

Feel free to discuss below if you think I may have missed something (I did note if I thought that talents can meaningfully modify their main damage type).

  • Deathwing – Mostly Spell, has strong slow auto attacks

  • Rexxar – Mostly auto attack from both Rexxar and Misha which splits depending on build

  • Auriel – Damage is mostly spell, but has decent auto attacks for a healer

  • Sonya – Mostly spell, though autos are decent, they are mostly to generate fury for spells

  • Mal'Ganis – Mix, though mostly spell

  • Uther – Mix, good autos that in most builds generate CDR or healing

  • Lunara – Mostly spell, though autos are decent, they exist mostly to spread poison which is spell

  • The Butcher – Mostly autos, any spell damage is mostly incidental in effort to maximize auto attacks

  • Kerrigan – Mostly spell, though she has very strong auto attacks that can't be ignored

  • Fenix – Mostly auto attacks, slow ones splash, though lasers do more single target damage, more hybrid builds exist

  • Zagara – Mix, most builds have strong auto attack abilities that scale into late game

  • Gazlowe – Mix but mostly spell. Robo goblin has respectable autos but gravo builds are almost all spell

  • Samuro – Essentially all auto attacks

  • E.T.C. – Mix, ETC autos are decently strong but his real jam is crowd control

  • Rehgar – Mix, when playing safe, mostly spell, when playing aggressive it's a lot of autos

  • Ragnaros – Mostly spell, but very strong autos

  • Murky – Mostly spell

  • Valla – Mostly autos, but certain builds make her more of a hybrid with spell burst and auto sustain damage

  • Johanna – Mostly spell

  • Raynor – Essentially all auto attacks

  • Zul'jin – Essentially all autos, but certain builds give him respectable amounts of spell damage as well

  • Mephisto – Essentially all spell

  • Falstad – Hybrid, very strong autos but most builds have a lot of spell, so 50/50

  • Xul – Hybrid autos, his W is actually a cleaving auto attack

  • Kael'thas – Essentially all spell. His autos are fairly weak and generally put him at risk

  • Lúcio – Mix, but so low it's irrelevent if you aren't already near death

  • Kel'Thuzad – Essentially all spell damage

  • Whitemane – Essentially all spell damage

  • Jaina – Essentially all spell, has talents to add chill to her autos, but that is used to just amp her spell damage

  • Greymane – Mostly auto attack, however his ults do significant spell damage, bullet is % damage

  • Malthael – Mostly spell damage. His autos cleave but biggest effect is to spread his mark

  • Leoric – Hybrid, does a lot of % spell vs high health targets, but his autos are very strong but slow.

  • Arthas – Mostly spell. Arthas is primary taken for his control, and uses autos to proc frostmorne hungers

  • Varian – Smash is mostly spell, TB is essentially all auto and Taunt is hybrid but lower dps

  • Malfurion – Essentially all spell

  • Thrall – Hybrid, his poke is all spell, while he does massive amounts of auto attack damage when he commits

  • Li-Ming – Essentially all spell

  • Probius – Essentially all spell

  • Azmodan – Mostly spell, certain builds can buff his autos, but those builds are weaker

  • Kharazim – Mostly auto attack, his abilities tend to amp auto attacks rather than do spell damage

  • Nazeebo – Essentially all spell. His autos are primarily to spread his poison

  • Artanis – Essentially all autos. His main spell damage is his Q and his terrible ult

  • Ana – Mostly spell, her autos exist mostly to stack doses

  • Chen – Mostly spell, has respectable autos but his soak and fire is his primary damage source

  • The Lost Vikings – Mostly auto attack, spin and longship are their only real spell damage

  • Sylvanas – Hybrid. Her main builds now focus on using autos to prep her W for stacking

  • Chromie – Mostly spell, though her auto attacks are far stronger than other mages and are often underestimated

  • Stukov – Mostly spell, but when cornered his autos are incredibly powerful though slow

  • Maiev – Hybrid, her real focus is control and her fan of knives resets, autos are decent

  • Anub'arak – Mostly spell. He's primarly chosen for his crowd control and dive ability

  • Gall – Literally all spell

  • Cho – Hybrid, strong autos

  • Lt. Morales – Mostly autos, grenades with certain builds are strong (like versus sheilds) her autos are suprisingly strong

  • Li Li – Mostly spell, her autos are ok

  • Tyrande – Mostly auto attacks amplified by hunters mark, her spells are mostly for vision and crowd control

  • Yrel – Mostly spell, her autos are good, but she's mostly picked for distruption

  • Tyrael – Mostly auto attack. His spells are used for mobility and control

  • Brightwing – Mix, her damage spell is strong but hard to hit, her autos are ok

  • Illidan – Mostly auto attacks, his W is decent spell but auto attacks is key to his trait and design

  • Zarya – Hybrid, her grenades give good poke but at high energy her auto attacks rip through heroes

  • Alexstrasza – Mostly spell. Some builds buff her flame significantly but most builds are weak on damage except Dragon

  • Imperius – Hybrid. Both his spells and auto attacks are very strong

  • Muradin – Mostly auto attack. His spells are mostly for crowd control

  • Alarak – Mostly spell but his auto attacks are often underestimated

  • Orphea – Mostly spell

  • Blaze – Mostly spell, his autos do worthwhile cleave damage but aren't a super big threat

  • Zeratul – Mostly spell, some builds buff autos and his autos are not to be ignored but his threat is spell damage

  • Qhira – Hybrid, strong autos with good DoT spell damage

  • Sgt. Hammer – Essentially all splashing auto attack damage

  • Tychus – Mostly auto attack, his basic abilties do some spell damage

  • Valeera – Mostly spell, but her auto attacks are strong and build up her spell power

  • Junkrat – Hybrid, does a ton of poke damage with spells but can safely auto attack very frequently

  • Garrosh – Hybrid, auto attacks are decent but real threat is displacement and crowd control

  • Abathur – All spell, auto attacks are only for the meme highlight reels

  • Deckard – Mostly spell damage, though he's picked mainly for healing and control

  • Gul'dan – Virtually all spell, autos are only for min/maxing between Qs

  • Tracer – Mostly auto attack, her ult provides a spell damage nuke that is a real threat

  • Dehaka – Mostly AoE spell, his autos are decent.

  • Cassia – Hybrid, her Q is for poke, her Fend is mostly for clear, her auto attacks are still strong however

  • D.Va – Mostly auto attack, her E is generally only useful for control unless paired with a lot of CC

  • Stitches – Mostly spell

  • How to open dmg in terminal. Diablo – Hybrid, strong autos and decent spell damage

  • Anduin – Hybrid, can often auto with some safety, spells do damage but moreso amp healing

  • Hanzo – Hybrid, very strong autos but most builds have a lot of spell, so 50/50

  • Tassadar – Mostly spell, some builds buff autos but these are more for memeing

  • Medivh – Mostly spell, especially when Master's touch is completed

  • Nova – Hybrid, mostly spell but does respectable auto attacks as well

  • Genji – Hybrid, he's a classic finisher but his main damage during a fight is auto attacks.

Source: Original link

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Heroes Of The Storm Builds

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