Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis

  1. Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis Minecraft
  2. Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis 1
  3. Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis Pc
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A Very Easy Crit RivenRiven Guide S6 6.17

Nemesis' builds got dumped on in the item changes into Season 2(she was great with the now extinct unicorn build). Now shes more of an ult on a stick, her shield got a bit more counters than in her prime, so mixing in CDR, attack speed and at least one item to counter build with would be a good idea. Feb 16, 2018  Demonic Build DPS. By Arkmenhah, December 21, 2017 in Demon Hunter. Eye Beam does a TON of damage(one eye beam from me is around 3M dmg), you need to be using nemesis before Eye Beam. On Garothi it's also important to have Eye Beam and Fury of the Illidari back up when the 2 adds pop out. I know crit is the heaviest weighted. The idea behind diz is simple its #dixout4harambe just kidding its that time when i think about her build its just cdr and damage and i was just like what if i try critical riven build my mind was just like ur stupid men i was just like dude diz is perfect we got cdr for essence reaver for every crit and it works well in runic blade my mind was just like dude your right and thats how i get the.

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What are the highes nemesis damages people have seen with their builds. Someone stated that 30-50 million is not possible. Maybe I was high when I saw those numbers. Please stat your damage numbers with your aces and eight builds or sniper builds when aces and eights proc. Surtr (Fire Barbaric King) is a good attack monster in Summoners War. Surtr rune build Attack build: Rage/Blade or Violent/Nemesis - SPD /%Crit dmg /%ATT or%ATT /%Crit dmg /%ATT with speed substat Crowd control build: Despair/Focus.


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Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis


Diz f#$%&r can heal and deals so much damege (don't worry its threat lvl is high but that doesn't mean you can't beat him)


Fall damage terraria. Its because of her miasma it prevents you from dashing what does it mean? Your f#$ked

Idea Behind Diz

The idea behind diz is simple its #dixout4harambe just kidding its that time when i think about her build its just cdr and damage and i was just like what if i try critical riven build my mind was just like ur stupid men i was just like dude diz is perfect we got cdr for essence reaver for every crit and it works well in runic blade my mind was just like dude your right and thats how i get the idea behind this


I just want to point out something here
For sorcery it deals bonus damage from abilities
For those who is asking y bounty hunter instead of opressor its because opressor deal 2.5 bonus damage for stun slow root etc. Bounty hunter deals 5 bonus damage assume that you kill everyone so 5 is better than 2.5 am i right? And thunderlord for burst and another thing
Y intelligence instead of precision and you there shouting dude its armor penetration its so good for riven aaaaand.. Yes its good but not the best and the best is inteligence because it gives you 5 cdr at lvl 1 not like

Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis Minecraft

precision that gives you 0.3 armor pene at lvl and at lvl 18 you will get 3 armor penetration and in lvl 18 the enemies armor are 150+ so that means its useless do you understand now?


Nothing special just crit DMG and CDR armor
Crit Dmg.=20% so if you have ie (infinity edge) you have 270% crit dmg pretty neat
Armor =9 almost cloth armor that worth 300..coolcool
Cd reduction =7% because of intelligence you'll 12% cdr at lvl 1 its like caulfield cdr yeah
Quint of dmg

Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis 1

=7 almost like doran blade but no health its still fine men

About Riven

Build Crit Or Dmg Nemesis Pc

Riven is a OP Champion That can kill multiple enemies by just button mashing (seriously you can) and you can maximize her by doing this build
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