Can You Cast When Dmg Taken Molten Shell

How to write dmg to usb converter. This guide covers the verbatim copying of a DMG image to a USB thumb drive using only Linux (no need to find a Mac). If the DMG was intended to be bootable then the resulting USB will be bootable. Convert to ISO. Linux doesn’t much care for DMG files. Sure, it’ll play nice with them. But we don’t just want to. Method 2: How to Burn DMG to USB in Windows 10 (Bootable) Step 1 Install WizDMG. Download WizDMG to your Windows PC and install the program by following the setup instructions in the wizard. Step 2 Load DMG File into WizDMG. Step 3 Start Burning DMG to USB. The guide from lifehacker: Download Lion from the Mac App Store. The installer should show up in your Applications folder. Right-click on the installer and hit 'Show Package Contents'. Navigate to Contents SharedSupport and look for a file called 'InstallESD.dmg'. Open up Disk Utility and drag. Step 1: Download and install the application on your PC. Step 2: Insert your USB drive and launch PowerISO. Step 3: In the Tools menu, select 'Create Bootable USB Drive. Step 4: Select the USB drive in the section called Destination USB Drive. Step 5: Leave all other default as they. Step 1: Download the DMG file and then convert it to ISO using a free online conversion service like YouConvertIt. Step 2: Once you do this, you can use another utility like ISO Editor to burn the ISO file to a USB drive.

OK I have two cast when damage taken (I checked if this is an issue and it's not) but from all the gems linked to them don't work except cold snap. Tried with level 1 Rallying Cry. Not working. Tried with two linked instead of four nothing again.
Is this a bug or something I am doing wrong? Anything no matter what level it is as long as it is within the CwDT limit is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last bumped on Sep 23, 2016, 4:54:36 AM
Posted by
on Sep 22, 2016, 1:28:08 AM
Rallying Cry isn't a spell, so that not working is intentional. What were the other skills?
Have you done something awesome with Sire of Shards? PM me and tell me all about it!
Posted by
on Sep 22, 2016, 1:34:49 AM
I was following the build from this link
SO I have Immortal call and molten shell as also hatred
Posted by
on Sep 22, 2016, 9:40:16 PM
Hatred is an aura, so won't work with Cast When Damage Taken.
Molten Shell and Immortal call should work, though. Are you sure they are the right level to be supported by your CWDT gem?
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Posted by
on Sep 22, 2016, 10:00:11 PM
Yes. I tried even lvl 1 molten which is within my CwDT limit but nothing. Any ideas?
Posted by
on Sep 22, 2016, 10:25:05 PM
Yes. I tried even lvl 1 molten which is within my CwDT limit but nothing. Any ideas?

It should work, then. Can you link your gem setup in to this thread?
(When posting, view your character by clicking on it's picture at the top, then click on the item and it will insert it into your post.)
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Posted by
on Sep 22, 2016, 10:29:17 PM
Posted by
on Sep 23, 2016, 1:03:18 AM
Thnx mate, now it works. Don't know why or how.
Fear of having to appear in public can be a great motivator for some, even PoE characters.
'Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.' Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Posted by
on Sep 23, 2016, 4:54:36 AM

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Can You Cast When Dmg Taken Molten Shell Movie

Can anyone help me understand why my curses don't proc on CodT?

I had previously used CoDT with Molten Shell, Enduring Cry, and Decoy Totem where everything worked fine. I changed things up a bit, but no curse has proc'd for me. I believe this should work since a friend is running one with Enfeeble.
Thanks in advance.

Spell Totem. Actually, I can't be sure what would happen, but I suspect the spell totem is being cast when damaged and it is using summon skeletons instead of the curse. Assumably, given your results, the cast when damage taken is not then choosing to cast the curse since the totem can not (guess that logic isn't in place!). Try taking out the totem and see if it works.
Last edited by Aimeryan on Jan 24, 2014, 5:10:20 PM
Posted by
on Jan 24, 2014, 5:09:15 PM
Hey, I've got some questions about cwdt .. the wiki doesn't have the info ..
First up do the attached skills use mana? some people said yes, some said no .. I couldn't get it to proc so I couldn't test it for myself (prob shouldn't have gotten one, haha)
Here's my main issue:
On the wiki it says 'This gem can only Support Skill Gems of level x or lower' .. I presumed that meant the level of the gems (as that's exactly what it says .. not only supports skill gems with required level x or lower)..
So at lvl 1 it has a 31 limit, given that most gems only go up to 20 I presumed this was accumulative from the attached gems (otherwise there'd be no point levleing it).. so you could use say a level 17 molten shell and lvl 12 enduring cry (29total).. but even with a single lvl 17 molten attached I couldn't get it to trigger even after loosing like 2000 health and it's supposed to start after 400 and something.
So is it the required level of the gems that it means when it says 31 rather than the level of the gems? .. so you couldn't even have the molten shell attached because a lvl 17 molten shell requires level 60 something to use? .. if so its very misleadingly phrased ..
But I did a google, asked a friend and asked in game, posting here is my sort of last resort (sorry if it's been mentioned before there are so many pages to go through) .. cos for a second there I was planning on spreading the gems out and using like level 6 cwdt because it has a 40 level gem limit and only requires you to lose 780 health .. then using 2 of them, one set in boots, one in helm and attaching 2 level 20 skill gems to each .. but I don't think it'll work .. will have to go back to using both blood magic and faster casting (I hate how molten shell roots you in place for a bit).
I named him Waggleton P. Tallylicker
.. I never got the chance to tell him
.. he will be remembered.
Posted by
on Jan 24, 2014, 5:52:20 PM
Hey, I've got some questions about cwdt .. the wiki doesn't have the info ..
First up do the attached skills use mana? some people said yes, some said no .. I couldn't get it to proc so I couldn't test it for myself (prob shouldn't have gotten one, haha)
Here's my main issue:
On the wiki it says 'This gem can only Support Skill Gems of level x or lower' .. I presumed that meant the level of the gems (as that's exactly what it says .. not only supports skill gems with required level x or lower)..
So at lvl 1 it has a 31 limit, given that most gems only go up to 20 I presumed this was accumulative from the attached gems (otherwise there'd be no point levleing it).. so you could use say a level 17 molten shell and lvl 12 enduring cry (29total).. but even with a single lvl 17 molten attached I couldn't get it to trigger even after loosing like 2000 health and it's supposed to start after 400 and something.
So is it the required level of the gems that it means when it says 31 rather than the level of the gems? .. so you couldn't even have the molten shell attached because a lvl 17 molten shell requires level 60 something to use? .. if so its very misleadingly phrased ..
But I did a google, asked a friend and asked in game, posting here is my sort of last resort (sorry if it's been mentioned before there are so many pages to go through) .. cos for a second there I was planning on spreading the gems out and using like level 6 cwdt because it has a 40 level gem limit and only requires you to lose 780 health .. then using 2 of them, one set in boots, one in helm and attaching 2 level 20 skill gems to each .. but I don't think it'll work .. will have to go back to using both blood magic and faster casting (I hate how molten shell roots you in place for a bit).

It's your required level to use the gem (stated on each gem) being supported by CoDT. Not the level of the gem itself. If you over level the gem, it will not proc. Most people will mention a 'sweet spot', where CoDT doesn't require too much damage and the supported gems are not too weak. Obviously, this keeps CoDT from being to OP, although many argue it already is.
Posted by
on Jan 24, 2014, 10:19:18 PM
Enduring cry and immortal call have their cooldowns. If it is on cooldown, cwdt cannot proc it.

Yeah, but I don't think that's it. Molten Armor has no CD so it should proc every time, but it doesn't. IC with 0,5sec CD should proc more often too. Say I'm running to Piety skipping mobs, sometimes only one of the spells will proc, then the next, then another many secs apart.

I'd like to report a similar phenomenon of CwDT not functioning as intended. After discussing this with several other people, I have concluded that the problem is most likely with the game programming and desync, rather than the actual gem programming itself.
For the record, I am using lvl 19 CwDT with molten shell, enduring cry, and temporal chains. You wouldn't believe how many people try to tell me how to theorycraft my character and telling me that a lower level CwDT is better. Its my choice to be fail if I want. Let me decide that my high regen high life character with no block, dodge, or spell block or spell dodge can be using a higher level CwDT, but thats besides the point. I am less interested in having these spells proc all the time at a low effectiveness than for the spells to be of high effectiveness when I take really heavy damage.
So anyway, when you use these gems at a high level, frequently 2 gems will proc and the other gem will not proc. What was explained to me is that each spell has its own cooldown and very frequently the gems desync from one another. This makes sense and is functioning as intended if you predict that molten shell and temporal chains will stay coupled to each other, but enduring cry will become decoupled as it tries to activate while still on CD during high damage.
However, this is not what occurs. Temporal chains and molten shell also become de-synchronized. This should never in theory occur as there would be no reason for a temporal chains spell to activate and a molten shell to not activate, or vise versa, yet that is what happens. What was explained to me is that there is a such thing as spell desync. Essentially for whatever reason, when de-sync occurs, frequently a spell becomes lost and never casts.
Can someone confirm that this is what is occuring?
Also, is it possible that we can change the programming in the game to go back to just plain lag rather than allowing events to float on your local computer without communication with the server. I read the story about why this was done and that the idea was to make the experience while gaming feel 'less drunk' from the lag, but in practice, desync appears to be a far worse problem. So can we please change it? It was certainly a noble effort to try, but I just prefer lag over desync so much more. There are so many people that just spam /oos macro commands to bypass this, when in fact, all this accomplishes is a primitive way of bypassing the programming to allow the lag that we should be allowing in the first place. Desync is, or at least at one time, was a choice. We chose to experiment with this type of programming with local calculations. What I am wondering is if it is too late to go back?
Last edited by Zindax on Jan 25, 2014, 5:06:58 AM
Posted by
on Jan 25, 2014, 5:03:32 AM
However, this is not what occurs. Temporal chains and molten shell also become de-synchronized. This should never in theory occur as there would be no reason for a temporal chains spell to activate and a molten shell to not activate, or vise versa, yet that is what happens.
Each skill has it's own entirely separate damage count, and will cast when it's count accumulates to the target value. They are not linked in any way. Anything that causes you to update a skill resets that skill's count, such as levelling the gem.
Zindax wrote:
What was explained to me is that there is a such thing as spell desync. Essentially for whatever reason, when de-sync occurs, frequently a spell becomes lost and never casts.
Can someone confirm that this is what is occuring?
I can confirm that it's not. it is not possible for desync* to have any effect on the trigger gems because they're entirely server-side.
*in the sense that the term is usually used here, and you seem to be meaning it that same way
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Jan 27, 2014, 5:47:43 AM
Posted by
on Jan 27, 2014, 5:47:09 AM
Mark, when the 250ms delay was introduced to cwdt, I wondered whether that meant that taking 400 dmg (or whatever dmg is needed to proc levelXX cwdt) would cast all linked spells or only one of the linked spells because of the 250ms cd.
I did my tests by letting one slow attack speed mob hit me and the results were.. inconclusive. Sometimes all linked spells would cast, sometimes not. I've noticed (during gameplay with a near to max level cwdt linked to immortal call and molten shell) that whenever a spell failed to trigger correctly, it WOULD trigger on next hit. And the spell that failed to trigger would always be, in my case, Molten Shell, which also happened to be linked on the last slot of the 4L (there's also an increased duration in there, hence the 4L).
Posted by
on Jan 27, 2014, 5:46:30 PM
Mark, when the 250ms delay was introduced to cwdt, I wondered whether that meant that taking 400 dmg (or whatever dmg is needed to proc levelXX cwdt) would cast all linked spells or only one of the linked spells because of the 250ms cd.
I did my tests by letting one slow attack speed mob hit me and the results were.. inconclusive. Sometimes all linked spells would cast, sometimes not. I've noticed (during gameplay with a near to max level cwdt linked to immortal call and molten shell) that whenever a spell failed to trigger correctly, it WOULD trigger on next hit. And the spell that failed to trigger would always be, in my case, Molten Shell, which also happened to be linked on the last slot of the 4L (there's also an increased duration in there, hence the 4L).

As far as I know, each gem manages its own cooldown. The CWDT gem causes a linked gem to go on cooldown for 250ms when activated. Gems of the same name (e.g., Firestorm gems) share cooldowns; hence, you can not use two firestorms gems with CWDT (only one will proc).
Last edited by Aimeryan on Jan 27, 2014, 10:45:18 PM
Posted by
on Jan 27, 2014, 10:42:18 PM
As far as I know, each gem manages its own cooldown. The CWDT gem causes a linked gem to go on cooldown for 250ms when activated. Gems of the same name (e.g., Firestorm gems) share cooldowns; hence, you can not use two firestorms gems with CWDT (only one will proc).
This is correct
Posted by
on Jan 27, 2014, 10:54:55 PM
Each skill has it's own entirely separate damage count, and will cast when it's count accumulates to the target value. They are not linked in any way. Anything that causes you to update a skill resets that skill's count, such as levelling the gem.
This is confusing can a skill have it's own damage count? Does that mean that sometimes i take damage that doesn't count towards a specific gem's damage count because the skill is on cooldown? But then all the linked spells with different cooldowns would desynch eventually and never proc all at the same time? That's not what I'm observing.
I have the same problem that sometimes all skills proc together and sometimes 1 or 2 skills don't proc even though they shouldn't be on cooldown. I would greatly appreciate some clarification on this.
Posted by
on Jan 28, 2014, 12:06:49 PM
This is confusing can a skill have it's own damage count?
By counting damage? I'm not sure what part of that is confusing, so I hope this helps clarify. The skills themselves have to count their own damage, because nothing else can do it. The support gem can't, because support gems fundamentally cannot do anything. Skills do things, and the skills can be modified by supports, but supports have no independent 'presence' to do things on their own or react to things, they just statically modify skills. When you link an Added Cold Damage gem to some skills, it modifies each of those skills by increasing the stats for damage they'll deal when they hit. When you link CwDT to some skills, it modifies each of those skills by disabling them from active use, causing each of them to count damage you take, and adding a trigger condition to each saying 'This skill executes when it's damage count reaches X'. Each skill is completely independant, they just have those same modifications.
Anytime you change a skill (such as levelling a gem), that skill is actually being removed and recreated differently, so it will lose any counted damage at that time.
McJackson wrote:
Does that mean that sometimes i take damage that doesn't count towards a specific gem's damage count because the skill is on cooldown? But then all the linked spells with different cooldowns would desynch eventually and never proc all at the same time? That's not what I'm observing.
While skills on cooldown will not count damage, if all the cooldowns come from CwDT, they would be the same, and should keep occuring at the same time, unless one is updated and loses it's count, as noted above. If they have different countdowns (such as enduring cry having it's own cooldown) they can, but may not always depending on how much damage you take and how often. Sometimes it won't matter because that skill will only miss a little damage while on cooldown and then the hit that sets it off is large enough to make up for that at the same time the other skills are set off.
I have made a note for QA to test on a copy of your character to see if they can see anything odd happening with this, but it may be some time before they get to that, there's a lot to test at the moment.
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2014, 12:37:12 AM

The answer is no. CWDT counts the damage and tries to cast the spell but can't because it is on cooldown. It will try again next time it would cast spells. Jun 29, 2019  Manually casting molten shell at high level is fantastic as it allows you to gain a large amount of Armour, and Absorbption shield when you need. Its automation is also decent and made to high level molten shell on cast when damage taken will work well with high Armour builds. Tips For Using Molten Shell Guard Skill.

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