Cho Gath High True Dmg Build

Cho'Gath build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support. 4) His E gives him up to 80 + 30% AP bonus damage to his auto-attacks that pierce his targets. By building AP, Cho'Gath is making his auto-attacks impossibly powerful as well 5) 1k True damage nuke to his opponents with only a few AP items, because why not? Also, Rylai's allows his E to slow his opponents as well.

  1. Lol Cho Gath Build
  2. Cho Gath Build Ap

Dec 24, 2019  Cho’Gath’s been pretty weak for a while now: his last visit to the patch notes back in 6.20 made Feral Scream a fairer ability to play against, but ended up weakening Cho by removing some reliability from his kit. We’re updating Feast to boost the cool aspects of Cho’Gath’s colossal, slobbering Void monster fantasy while removing the frustration of losing stacks when killed (it was a. Soo, I main support. And I like to play tanky supports like Blitz, Leona, Braum, Taric, basically any support that has hard cc. And I was wondering if Cho' support would be viable? Even on ranked? The build would be the basic tank support build Or And I do know how to land. Sep 09, 2017  Please leave a like, comment, and subscribe if you want to see more of these! And be sure to hit the notification bell to see all our uploads Thank you!! Follow my stream here (I go live in the.

Eso deals 2755 magic dmg and restores 375 magicka

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Lol Cho Gath Build

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Cho Gath Build Ap


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