D3 300 Whirl Wind Dmg

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This is the basic starting point for a Whirlwind Barbarian build. You can use this as a starting
point to create your own build that works best for you as your gear changes. In my weapons
I gem for critical hit damage.
The other gem slots I either gem for strength or resist all. It seems that two one handers are
best but ultimately you will use what ever the best weapon/s you currently have happens to be.
I found that I had to change out the Rend and Sprint Skills for more burst damage otherwise the
running monsters started to really drive me crazy. Especially the gold goblins. See further
down for suggested skills.
See A Video of the Build in action here:

If you have been playing the Barbarian for sometime and have other tips/suggestions for skills,
gemming, what weapons to use, please share your wisdom with the rest of us.

of using WW as your main attack?
Mobility, Whirl wind through mobs to find that safe place to fight.
Throw in some leap or sprint abilities and it really shines.
Need extra Survivability? Life on hit works fantastic with WW.

Can have low single target damage.
You will hate monsters that run away.
Can be sometimes be frustratingly difficult to kill a treasure goblin.

Basic Skills and Runes for the traditional WW build.

Cleave (Reaping Swing Rune) – bonus fury for each enemy hit.
*Cleave is my personal favorite primary attack for WW but Frenzy and Bash will also work just fine.
If you don’t need the extra Fury regeneration choose one of the other runes.
All the basic attacks seem to work just fine with Whirlwind

(Wind Sheer Rune) – bonus fury for critical hits
You will sacrifice uptime on WW for more damage if you use the other runes
but don’t be afraid to try them out. The others will change your damage/gameplay and
you may not miss the extra fury.

War Cry
(Invigorate) – bonus health and regeneration
I like Invigorate for the extra healing/heath.

Battle Rage
(Into the Fray)
Increases your crit chance when surrounded by demons. I may try Marauders Rage for boss
fights with its increased single target damage.

(Ravage, increases range to 17 yards) This is the more traditional choice for the WW build.

(Run like the Wind) This is another traditional WW skill to choose.
I would recommend trying a few of the others to see how you like them.
Leap also a fun skill to use in this build and offers stuns and mobility.
**See Bellow for Other Skills if you wish to replace Rend and Sprint.
Passive abilities
Unforgiving, Superstition, Brawler are the most important.
Choose the last ability based on your personal preference.

**Replace Rend and/or Sprint with the following skills
Avalanche (Glacier) – extra damage and a stun
Hey, its new and fun to use. The Glacier rune helps freeze those pesky runners in place.

Overpower or Earth Quake
Try working either of these into your build for extra damage.
**If you want to try you hand at tank like build to taunt the beasties away from attacking your friends
try adding the Threatening Shout skill with the Demoralize rune. That will give you a 4 second taunt every 10 seconds.
Pair that up with Ground Stomp and an other stun and keep the monsters away from your fragile damage dealing buddies. I hope this will give you an idea of how flexible these builds are. Feel free to comment and offer suggestions.

D3 Whirlwind Barb

Apr 04, 2014 This is the basic starting point for a Whirlwind Barbarian build. You can use this as a starting point to create your own build that works best for you as your gear changes. In my weapons I gem for critical hit damage. The other gem slots I either gem for strength or resist all. It seems that.

D3 300 Whirlwind Dmg 3


D3 300 Whirlwind Dmg Review

  1. Ring of Royal Grandeur; Gems: - Helm: Diamond - Armor: Ruby/Diamod - Weapons: Emerald It's a T16 speed build. If you are need something else you need to change this on some points.
  2. The charts list the 5 most popular Barbarian builds and the percentage of the characters who are using that specific build. It also lists 10 build variants. These are builds which use the same active skills as the primary build, but with small differences in the passive skills or runes.
  3. Mar 24, 2014  Anybody ever bother calculating out the most efficient load out for delivering WW damage? I know it can't be an easy calculation considering how many things factor in, like IAS, range, 1/2 handed, or even FRW. Would it be a Polearm barb?
  4. Whirlwind Wind Shear Threatening Shout Falter. Ignore Pain Iron Hide. Battle Rage Swords to Ploughshares. Wrath of the Berserker Insanity. Berserker Rage. Stat Priority: CDR Socket Reduced Resource Cost Dmg% Legendary Gems. Bane of the Trapped. Bane of the Stricken.
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