D3 Ww Barb Dmg Taegeuk Dmg

D3 Ww Barb Dmg Taegeuk DmgBarb

Nov 02, 2018 Gain 2% increased damage for 1.5 seconds when you spend resource on a channeled skill. This effect stacks up to 10 times. Critical hits cause the enemy to bleed for 2500.0% weapon damage as Physical over 3 seconds. Gain Blood Frenzy, granting you 3% increased Attack Speed for each bleeding enemy within 20 yards. Build and customize the active skills, passive skills and skill rune variations for the Barbarian. Band of Might; Hellfire = Brawler or Nerves of steel. You can also use Flavor of time. Replace Bane of the trapped with Boon of the Hoarder if you need gold generation. Convention of Elements for dmg (Must have). Band of Might as your greatest toughness bringer (Synergie with Charge). Skull Grasp for dmg (Must have). Put Skull Grasp in the cube for max dmg, because ww is your greatest dmg. Install.dmg is not going to flash drive. Weapons: Istvan's Paired Blades (The Slanderer + Little Rogue) is one hell of a combination of atkspeed, dmg and toughness. Open office dmg free download.

D3 Ww Barb Dmg Taegeuk Dmg 6

Hello all,
my name is røtter and iam playing an ally Beast Master Hunter on Aegwynn. Iam a very casual Player and i know, that out there many better BM Hunter players then me. To this Players: 'I need your help'.
First of all: I read all these topics here in the forum and i realize, that many players are screaming for a buff, but in my situation iam pretty sure, that iam lack on dmg because its my own mistake. I am sure i could do much more dmg when i just know what iam doing wrong.
I am always on the bottom of the damage meter which makes me a bit sad. There is not one single encounter i am under the Top 5 of details! To help the raid, to have a chance to raid mythic in the future and to have a better contribution in WoW my goal is to improve that situation. If you can see any major mistakes please let me know what i should do better and i try to learn it.
So now the facts:
Crit: 6776 (27%)
Haste: 10722 (30%)
Mastery: 10972 (80%)
Versatility: 2628 (6%)
15: Way of the Cobra (Beast Mastery Hunter)
30: Dire Frenzy (Beast Mastery Hunter)
45: Posthaste
60: One with the Pack (Beast Mastery Hunter)
75: Binding Shot
90: Volley
100: Killer Cobra (Beast Mastery Hunter)
1. Iam using the tool simulationcraft (current version 7.3.0-02) to see my damage potential and getting out a pawn string which helps me with my item decisions.
The result of simcraft is:
Røtter : 1268136 dps (Single Target DPS / Patchwork style)
Ranking Mastery > Crit > Vers ~= Agi > Haste
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: 'Røtter-BeastMastery': Class=Hunter, Spec=BeastMastery, Agility=24.51, CritRating=28.05, HasteRating=23.08, MasteryRating=34.29, Versatility=24.87 )
When i compare this result with a guide from icy-veins there is a difference. Simcraft says, that mastery is my mainstat and icy-veins says, that crit and haste are more important.
What should i trust?
2. Here are some better logs (from my opinion):
prefix for logs: w a r c r a f t l o g s . c o m
Kin'garoth HC overview: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=18&type=damage-done
Kin'garoth HC my own logs: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=18&type=damage-done&source=3
Varimatrhras HC overview: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=23&type=damage-done
Varimathras HC my own logs: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=23&type=damage-done&source=3
Shivarra HC overview: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=28&type=damage-done
Shivarra HC my own logs: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=28&type=damage-done&source=3
All the logs has the same result, iam at the bottom of the damage meter and i dont know why. Please let me know if you can see why. And dont be afraid to be hard to me. When iam doing many failures its ok to let me know...what counts is, that i have enough information to have the possibility to improve my self.
best regards
røtter - aegwynn
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