Dmg Dnd 5e Ranmdom Events

General Drug Rules

The general idea here is that you have an addiction counter for each drug, each time you fail an addiction save (from taking a dose) it goes up by one, making it harder to make the save in the future and also giving you more negative effects. Livingsteel are a relatively new race, but the first livingsteel was made of pure Diamond, or so the rumors say. After the design schematics got out more. Jul 04, 2014  Like many others, I downloaded the Basic Rules for DnD. I play in +Erik Tenkar‘s Swords and Wizardry game, was introduced to roleplaying with Basic, Expert, and AD&D in 1980 or so, and will always have a soft spot in my heart for it, even though my system of choice is currently GURPS. Furthermore, it and.

The general idea here is that you have an addiction counter for each drug, each time you fail an addiction save (from taking a dose) it goes up by one, making it harder to make the save in the future and also giving you more negative effects.

How to open Apple's DMG files in Windows 10. By Roger Fingas Friday, June 07, 2019, 08:45 am PT (11:45 am ET) One of the potentially frustrating things about switching back and forth between Mac. How to run dmg file in windows 10 After installing 7-Zip, you can simply double-click a DMG file to open it and browse its contents. If you’d like to extract the files from the DMG so they’re easier to work with, right-click the DMG file, point to the “7-Zip” menu, and then choose one of the extraction options. Dec 13, 2019  Right click the DMG file and select ‘Convert to iso’. The filename will depend on what your DMG file is called. Tell the program where to store the ISO and select Start. Allow the program to convert the file. It can take as little as 10 minutes or much longer depending on the size of the file and speed of your computer. Using PowerISO.

Addiction Save

Whenever you take a dose, you must make an addiction save

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  • Make an addiction saving throw (Wisdom or Constitution Save depending on drug/dm) vs Drug DC + Addiction Counter for the specific drug
  • On A Success:

  • The drugs take effect as normal, unless you are already addicted in which case it will be as effective as your drug addiction level states
  • On A Fail:

    Increase Addiction Counter by 1
    You are now addicted refer to the addiction effects based on the Addiction Counter that you are on, the drug's Addiction Effects happen until clean of addiction (Addiction Counter at 0).

Withdrawal effects

Withdrawal effects happen whenever you are addicted and not currently on the drug

On A Rest:

  • Whenever you take a long rest, you roll an addiction save following the drug's dc
  • On a Success:Remove 1 from the addiction counter


Powder of a common flower in grassland regions, sometimes compressed into pills. Powerful stimulant but incredibly addictive, usually highly illegal.

  • Costs roughly 5sp - 3gp, Easily Acquired


  • Duration: 2 hours
  • +10 Speed
  • Immune to effects of exhaustion

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 10 + Addiction Counter

Addiction Effects

  • Addiction Counter 0-3:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected.
Dmg Dnd 5e Ranmdom Events
  • Withdrawal Effects: +1 to exhaustion
  • Addiction Counter 4-6:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Less Effective, only +5 Speed (double dose for +10), still immune to exhaustion effects.
  • Withdrawal Effects: -2 to Charisma checks, +2 to exhaustion
  • Addiction Counter 7-10:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Less Effective, only +0 Speed (double dose for +5, triple + 10), still immune to exhaustion effects.
  • Withdrawal Effects: -4 to Charisma Checks, +3 to exhaustion

On A Rest:

  • Roll an addiction save, DC based on above
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Failed Addiction Save: +1 Exhaustion


A common plant which grows in temperate regions, died and smoked in a pipe. A favourite of wizards for its calming effect, but popular among many classes and regions.

  • Costs roughly 3sp - 5sp, Easily Acquired


  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Advantage on concentration saves
  • Ritual spells take 5 extra minutes

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 5 + Addiction Counter

Addiction Effects

  • Addiction Counter 0-2:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected.
  • Withdrawal Effects: Disadvantage on concentration saves and not able to cast rituals (Unless consumed in last 24 hours)
  • Addiction Counter 3-9:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Less Effective, effects only lasts 3 hours
  • Withdrawal Effects: Disadvantage on concentration saves and not able to cast rituals (Unless consumed in last 12 hours)
  • Addiction Counter 10:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Less Effective, effects only lasts 2 hours.
  • Withdrawal Effects: Disadvantage on concentration saves and not able to cast rituals (Unless consumed in last 6 hours)

On A Rest:

  • Roll an addiction save
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Fail: No Penalty

Elven Pipeweed

A rare lichen which grows on the trees of some jungles and forests, dried and smoked in a pipe. Produces a numbing as well as a minor hallucinogenic effect, usually illegal.

  • Costs roughly 1gp - 5gp, Only Acquired Around Elves


  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, force and thunder damage
  • -2 initiative, weakness to psychic damage

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 8 + Addiction Counter


  • Addiction Counter 0-2:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected.
  • Withdrawal Effects: The -2 to initiative persists for 2 more hours after the effects of the drug have worn off
  • Addiction Counter 3-7:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected, but -4 initiative and disadvantage on dexterity saves
  • Withdrawal Effects: The negatives in the above line persist for 2 more hours after the effects of the drug have worn off
  • Addiction Counter 8-10:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected, but -6 initiative, disadvantage on reflex saves, and slowed
  • Withdrawal Effects: The negatives in the above line persist for 2 more hours after the effects of the drug have worn off

On A Rest:

  • Roll an addiction save, DC based on above
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Fail: -2 Initiative for the next day


A clear nectar distilled from the rare and usually poisonous drakeroot plant which screams when it is harvested. Intense sedative effect and powerfully addictive.

  • Costs roughly 1sp - 5sp, Easily Acquired


  • Duration: 6 hours
  • User falls asleep, cannot be woken
  • Counts as a long rest and recovers all hit dice

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 10 + Addiction Counter

Addiction Effects

  • Addiction Counter 0-2:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected
  • Withdrawal Effects: Long rests recover no hit dice, unless Drakeroot was used
  • Addiction Counter 3-6:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Duration lasts 7 hours
  • Withdrawal Effects: Long rests recover no hit dice and only half HP and spell slots are recovered, unless Drakeroot was used
  • Addiction Counter 7-10:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Duration lasts 8 hours
  • Withdrawal Effects: User can no longer take a long rest without taking some Drakeroot

On A Rest:

  • Roll an addiction save, DC based on above
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Fail: No penalty

Rogue Dust

An uncommon powder that when inhaled causes the user to become more dexterous at the cost of your constitution. Illegal to consume, not own.

  • Costs roughly 2sp.


  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Gain 1d4 Dexterity Temporarily
  • Lose 2d2 Constitution Temporarily

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 10 + Addiction Counter

Addiction Effects

  • Addiction Counter 0-2:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected
  • Withdrawal Effects:-1 Constitution
  • Addiction Counter 3-6:

  • Drug Effectiveness:Dexterity gain is now 1d4-1
  • Withdrawal Effects:-1 Constitution
  • Addiction Counter 7-10:

  • Drug Effectiveness:Dexterity gain is now 1d4-1, Duration lasts half an hour
  • Withdrawal Effects:-1 Constitution

Dmg Dnd 5e Random Events Chart

On A Rest:

Dmg dnd 5e random events 2017
  • Roll an addiction save, DC based on above
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Fail: No penalty

Cursed Demon Blood

Magically fouled blood that when ingested causes the user to become magically imbued with the power of a demon at a cost.

  • Costs roughly 5gp a dose, found in dodgey back alleys


  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Gain 1d4 Strength Temporarily, affected by the spell bane (at 1st level)
  • You gain resistance to fire damage

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 10 + Addiction Counter

Addiction Effects

  • Addiction Counter 0-3:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected
  • Withdrawal Effects:-1 Wisom
  • Addiction Counter 4-9:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Bane lasts for an extra hour after the drugs have worn off
  • Withdrawal Effects: -1 Wisdom
  • Addiction Counter 10:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Bane lasts for an extra hour after the drugs have worn off
  • Withdrawal Effects: -1 Wisdom, You permanently become a Tiefling

On A Rest:

  • Roll an addiction save, DC based on above
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Fail: No penalty


Made from the powdered stalks of luhix plants, which only grow in the Plane of Eternal Dark. It isnormally sprinkled onto bleeding wounds, which are then sealed with bandages or magical healing.

  • Costs roughly 4gp, buy from beings of the hell planes


  • Duration: 8 hours
  • For the first 1d6 x10 minutes you have -1 to all attributes and are immobile
  • Afterwards you have +2 to all attributes

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 15 + Addiction Counter

Addiction Effects

  • Addiction Counter 0-2:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected
  • Withdrawal Effects:-1 All ability scores
  • Addiction Counter 3-6:

  • Drug Effectiveness:Duration halved to 4 hours
  • Withdrawal Effects:-1 All ability scores, +1 Exhaustion
  • Addiction Counter 7-10:

  • Drug Effectiveness:Duration halved to 4 hours
  • Withdrawal Effects:-2 All ability scores, +1 Exhaustion

On A Rest:

  • Roll an addiction save, DC based on above
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Fail: No penalty

Moon Sugar (Skooma)

Skooma is an illegal crystalline solid produced from Moon Sugar. It is highly addictive and its imbibers pass through bouts of euphoria followed by protracted lethargy. It is smoked in a special pipe, the crystals are placed in a small dish and heated. The gas produced is bubbled through water in the pipe to cool it as it is inhaled.

  • Costs roughly 5gp, buy from moon elves


  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Increase speed by 10
  • Increase Strength by 1
  • Reduce Intelligence by 1
  • Reduce Dexterity by 1

Addiction Save

  • Make a save of DC 15 + Addiction Counter

Addiction Effects

  • Addiction Counter 0-2:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Works as expected
  • Withdrawal Effects: -1 Intelligence, -1 Dexterity
  • Addiction Counter 3-6:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Strength no longer increased
  • Withdrawal Effects: -1 Intelligence, -1 Dexterity
  • Addiction Counter 7-10:

  • Drug Effectiveness: Strength no longer increased, Speed only increased by 5
  • Withdrawal Effects: -1 Intelligence, -1 Dexterity, -10 Speed(when drug not consumed in the past 6 hours)

On A Rest:

  • Roll an addiction save, DC based on above
  • On a Success: Remove 1 from the addiction counter
  • On A Fail: Next day you have -5 Speed
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