Dmg O1 Shell Raspberry Pi 3 B

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  1. Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Manual


Find all available devices arp -a

The Raspberry Pi is an amazing microcomputer that you can use to learn code and build electronics projects. Combining a Raspberry Pi 3 with an Apple Mac enables you to quickly set up the operating.

Locate Raspberry (b8:27:eb) in Network: Pi Finder

Dmg o1 shell raspberry pi 3 black


  • Connect to device via SSH + Name: ssh pi@rasperrypi
  • Connect to device via SSH + IP: ssh [email protected]


Add new user with home dir: sudo useradd -m sven -G sudo (see /etc/passwd)

Set password for user: sudo passwd sven (see /etc/shadow)


Get system info (e.g. IP): ifconfig

Get network info: iwconfig

Get hostname: hostname

Get hostname IP: hostname -I

Check for all connected USB devices: lsusb

Switch to config: sudo raspi-config

Switch to GUI: startx

Reboot system: reboot / sudo reboot

Shutdown: sudo shutdown -h now

Start SSH while booting: sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults

Web Server

Update system: sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Web Server: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5

Laravel will also need mcrypt and GD extension.

Install MySQL: sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql

Restart: sudo service apache2 restart

Install Avahi for .local domain: sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon (see tutorial)

Note: Also update vhosts to AllowOverride All!


Play: omxplayer audio.mp3 Crit or weapon dmg for snipers division 2.

Volume: + & -

GUI Keyboard Shortcuts

System menu: ctrl + esc

Open programm menu: alt + space

Switch programms: alt + tab

Access dropdown: alt + [letter-with-underline] e.g. alt + f

Close window: ctrl + q

Back to CLI: ctrl + alt + backspace

Remote Control

Install XRDP: apt-get install xrdp

Connect via Remote Desktop app

  • Install VNC: sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

  • Start VNC: tightvncserver

  • Ethernet Port: 5900

  • WLAN Port: 5901

File Sharing

Install file sharing: sudo apt-get install netatalk

Connect to Server (via ⌘K): afp://



Disable Power Management

  • Check the power management flag using: cat /sys/module/8192cu/parameters/rtw_power_mgnt (this will report a value of 1)

  • To set it to zero you can use: sudo touch /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf

  • Add this line to the created file: options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0

  • Reboot: sudo reboot

Midnight Commander

Install: sudo apt-get install mc

Start: sudo mc

A new version of the Raspberry PI 3 model B+ has released, and it is incredible update over the older model. Just over two years ago, I got Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. It was my first 64-bit ARM board. It came with 64-bit CPU. Here are the complete specs for updated 64-bit credit card size computer.

From the blog post:

Dual-band wireless LAN and Bluetooth are provided by the Cypress CYW43455 “combo” chip, connected to a Proant PCB antenna similar to the one used on Raspberry Pi Zero W. Compared to its predecessor, Raspberry Pi 3B+ delivers somewhat better performance in the 2.4GHz band, and far better performance in the 5GHz band

Previous Raspberry Pi devices have used the LAN951x family of chips, which combine a USB hub and 10/100 Ethernet controller. For Raspberry Pi 3B+, Microchip have supported us with an upgraded version, LAN7515, which supports Gigabit Ethernet. While the USB 2.0 connection to the application processor limits the available bandwidth, we still see roughly a threefold increase in throughput compared to Raspberry Pi 3B.

The Raspberry Pi model 3 B+ Specs

  1. SOC: Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC
  2. CPU: 1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU
  4. WIFI: Dual-band 802.11ac wireless LAN (2.4GHz and 5GHz ) and Bluetooth 4.2
  5. Ethernet: Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0 (max 300 Mbps). Power-over-Ethernet support (with separate PoE HAT). Improved PXE network and USB mass-storage booting.
  6. Thermal management: Yes
  7. Video: Yes – VideoCore IV 3D. Full-size HDMI
  8. Audio: Yes
  9. USB 2.0: 4 ports
  10. GPIO: 40-pin
  11. Power: 5V/2.5A DC power input
  12. Operating system support: Linux and Unix

Key Improvements from Pi 3 Model B to Pi 3 Model B+

  • Improved compatibility for network booting
  • New support for Power over Ethernet
  • Processor speed has increased from 1.2Ghz on Pi 3 to 1.4Ghz
  • New dual band wireless LAN chip, 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz with embedded antenna
  • Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy
  • Faster onboard Ethernet, up to 300mbps speed

The only downside

The Gigabit Ethernet is a nice upgrade. However, the storage and network share the same bus. So you will not get full Gigabit speed. In other words Gigabit connectivity at a theoretical maximum throughput of 300Mb/s. But, you can’t get everything for $35.

Raspberry PI 3 model B+ pricing

The price is same as the existing Raspberry Pi 3 Model B:

  1. USD – $35

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Manual

For more info see this page.


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