Dmg Reduction Due To Level Maplestory Reboot

How to dmg mobs and get exp minecraft. Feb 20, 2020  Mobs killed by TNT activated by a player using flint and steel drop XP as usual; however, mobs killed by TNT that was activated by fire, redstone, or an explosion that wasn't player activated don't drop any experience. Mobs drop a random number of orbs, and the orbs can have different values. However, the total value always remains within the values given below, regardless of difficulty setting.

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Jul 17, 2016  This post turned into a bit of a rant, but I'm just wondering if Reboot is like Old Maple in the sense that you can journey through content at an appropriate level, or if Reboot is more like current Maple where nothing really matters until you hit 150 because you're just. We're testing a new feature that gives the option to view discussion comments in chronological order. Some testers have pointed out situations in which they feel a linear view could be helpful, so we'd like see how you guys make use of it.

Reboot or non-reboot

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Dmg Reduction Due To Level Maplestory RebootMember, Private Tester

Dmg Reduction Due To Level Maplestory Reboot List

edited February 2017 in General Chat
Hi. I'm wondering what server I should really play at. There are pros and cons to each, but I don't really know all of them. If you could help me make a decision that would be amazing, and if it is a non reboot server what server should I play in?
  1. Reboot vs Non-Reboot50 votes
    1. 52% (26 votes)
    2. Non-Reboot
      48% (24 votes)

Dmg Reduction Due To Level Maplestory Reboot Time


Dmg Reduction Due To Level Maplestory Reboot Free

  • Reboot server is no P2W (everything but cosmetics will only cost you meso) and higher exp rates but no trading with players, no moving of equipment through the account and Not able to use the class Zero.
    Reboot is made to give a more 'classical' RPG type play style for the game
    non- reboot has P2W aspects (like the best cubes cost NX) but has trading, moving of equipment through the account, and access to the Zero class when it is made available for creation.
    one of the more populated non reboot servers is Scania (where I play) I can help you out if you ever decide to play in Scania.
    I suggest you try both, get a character to lvl 70~100 (wont take very long) on each and then from there see which is more appealing to you.
    some people may tell you 'Reboot is the best' or 'Reboot is the 'real' server' both of which are just personal opinions for them and don't accurately reflect what you may enjoy in an MMO.
  • Reactions: 38,140
    Volunteer Forum Moderator, Private Tester
    Just a minor correction: Reboot is not pay2win but it is pretty much pay2play. The only way you have of getting anything is by looting - and you have to have a pet to do that effectively - and pets cost NX, their skills cost NX, and reviving them every 3 months costs NX.
    You can, theoretically, get by with just the free pet from the boss Hilla (you'll need to get to level 170 and find someone to carry you through Hard mode Hilla for a realistic chance at getting the pet, at least at first) every 3 months, but that means no pet skills and no multi-pet, all of which will slow you down.
  • Reactions: 200
    Member, Private Tester
    Reboot server is no P2W (everything but cosmetics will only cost you meso) and higher exp rates but no trading with players, no moving of equipment through the account and Not able to use the class Zero.
    Reboot is made to give a more 'classical' RPG type play style for the game
    non- reboot has P2W aspects (like the best cubes cost NX) but has trading, moving of equipment through the account, and access to the Zero class when it is made available for creation.
    one of the more populated non reboot servers is Scania (where I play) I can help you out if you ever decide to play in Scania.
    I suggest you try both, get a character to lvl 70~100 (wont take very long) on each and then from there see which is more appealing to you.
    some people may tell you 'Reboot is the best' or 'Reboot is the 'real' server' both of which are just personal opinions for them and don't accurately reflect what you may enjoy in an MMO.

    I was planning to play in Scania, but I've been looking around some, and they were saying how even though the community in Scania was good, the server itself is pretty laggy. Like in SmartBored's unfunded videos. Do you have that problem?
  • Reactions: 38,140
    Volunteer Forum Moderator, Private Tester
    I would not base a long-term decision of which server to play on lag.
    Lag is temporary, as Nexon tries to make modifications to their servers to deal with it when the players complain enough.
    Reboot has been the laggiest server by far for the past 3-4 months at least, becoming completely unplayable during 2x events (which we haven't had this month, mercifully). Other servers, even 'empty' ones, lagged during 2x as well, though not as badly. I believe (from what I hear) that Reboot has been getting better. Though it's hard to tell whether that's due to anything Nexon did or due to fewer people playing.
    The Scania issue is relatively new and will hopefully be resolved soon.
  • Reactions: 200
    Member, Private Tester
    I would not base a long-term decision of which server to play on lag.
    Lag is temporary, as Nexon tries to make modifications to their servers to deal with it when the players complain enough.
    Reboot has been the laggiest server by far for the past 3-4 months at least, becoming completely unplayable during 2x events (which we haven't had this month, mercifully). Other servers, even 'empty' ones, lagged during 2x as well, though not as badly. I believe (from what I hear) that Reboot has been getting better. Though it's hard to tell whether that's due to anything Nexon did or due to fewer people playing.
    The Scania issue is relatively new and will hopefully be resolved soon.

    Point made. Thaaanks!
  • Id say Reboot..because I play there and can help you get boss carries and stuff =w=
  • all depends on whether or not your ok with micro transactions affecting gameplay or not.
    if you care, I'd recommend reboot, otherwise pick a normal server.
  • I have a lvl 220 NL on reboot.
    Reboot is boring.
    All you do is farm meso and do daily bosses that are the same thing.
    Go non-reboot if you don't want to meso farm.
    Meso farm = power on reboot
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