Dnd 3.5 Dmg Leather

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Dnd 3.5 Dmg Leather Case

Mar 30, 2012  I've tried reading around, and asking my group, but I'm still confused on how to determine magic weapon costs. For a straight example of what I want, I want to get a Deadly Precision(MIC, +1 bonus) kusari-gama(light exotic reach weapon). I thought it would just be base weapon cost + masterwork cost + enchantment bonus cost(in this case 2,000gp), but some people in my group said. Also known as 'DM Guide 3.5' From the publisher's website: Weave exciting tales of heroism filled with magic and monsters. Within these pages, you’ll discover the tools and options you need to create detailed worlds and dynamic adventures for your players to experience in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. The revised Dungeon Master's Guide is an essential rulebook for Dungeon Masters.

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Studded Leather [Light]
Maximum Dex Bonus:+5
Armor Check Penalty:−1
Arcane Spell Failure Chance:15%
Fine12 gp 5 sp25 gp+12 lb.1
Diminutive12 gp 5 sp25 gp+12 lb.1
Tiny12 gp 5 sp25 gp+12 lb.3
Small25 gp50 gp+310 lb.7
Medium25 gp50 gp+320 lb.15
Large50 gp100 gp+340 lb.30
Huge100 gp200 gp+3100 lb.60
Gargantuan200 gp400 gp+3160 lb.120
Colossal400 gp800 gp+3240 lb.240
Base20 ft.30 ft.40 ft.50 ft.60 ft.70 ft.80 ft.90 ft.100 ft.
Armored20 ft.30 ft.40 ft.50 ft.60 ft.70 ft.80 ft.90 ft.100 ft.


These are the prices for this item when made with specific materials or enhancements.

Studded Leather Material Enhancements
MaterialCost1HardnessHit PointsSpecial
Leather175 gp215
Adamantine5,025 gp2020Grants wearer DR 1/—
Crystal, Deep1,025 gp1090No rusting
Crystal, Mundane175 gp875No rusting
  1. The given costs include the masterwork component. The armor check penalties for masterwork armor and shields are lessened by 1.
Magical/Psionic Armor and Shield Enhancements
Bonus ValueAdditional CostHardness Increase1Additional hp1
+1+1,000 gp+2+10
+2+4,000 gp+4+20
+3+9,000 gp+6+30
+4+16,000 gp+8+40
+5+25,000 gp+10+50
+6+36,000 gp2+12+60
+7+49,000 gp2+14+70
+8+64,000 gp2+16+80
+9+81,000 gp2+18+90
+10+100,000 gp2+20+100
+11 or more+ bonus squared
× 10,000 gp
+ enhancement bonus × 2+ enhancement bonus × 10
  1. Unlike the additional cost, the increase to the armor or shield's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities.
  2. If the armor or shield has a magical bonus greater than +5 or a special ability worth more than +5, then it's epic. Multiply magic cost by 10.

Dnd 3.5 Dmg Leather Case

See Also


Dnd 3.5 Dmg Leather Bag

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Exotic Two-Handed Melee Weapon
WeaponCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)Dmg (L)CriticalRange IncrementWeight1Type
Garrote (cloth or leather)1 gp1d31d41d619–20/×2Bludgeoning (nonlethal)
Garrote (wire)3 gp1d41d61d818–20/×2Slashing (lethal)
  1. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.

The garrote is an exotic weapon. However, it is a bonus weapon proficiency of any class that has the sneak attack special ability, including rogue and assassin.

Using a garrote requires two hands. It is ineffective against a character with metal neck protection, such as comes with any form of heavyarmor. It can only be used against a target with a neck, no more than one size category larger than the attacker.

Using a garrote is a form of grapple attack. As such, it provokes an attack of opportunity, unless the attacker has the improved grapple feat. The attack chance ignores armor and shields, but not natural armor. If the target's condition is eligible for a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether or not he actually has one), the attack receives a -10 penalty.

DPS Champion SkillsIt is easy to get confused with all the Champion Skills available. If you are dual wielding then you should know that 2 same enchantments on both weapons DO NOT STACK. For dual wielding slot Weapon Damage Glyph on Primary Weapon and Glyph of Poison/Disease/Flame/Frost/Shock on Secondary. Eso does healing scale better with magicka or spell dmg 3 Consider using an Infused Trait on the weapon that uses this Glyph for best results.

If the attack succeeds, the target takes damage (with full Strength modifier, if any), and the attacker receives an immediate opportunity to pin the target, with a +2 bonus to the opposed grapple check. In later rounds, the attacker receives a +4 bonus to further attempts to do damage, but may not perform any of the other actions typically available to a pinning character, other than releasing the hold. The defender receives a -4 penalty to any attempts to escape the hold, and is unable to speak.

A leather garrote does nonlethal damage until the victim is unconscious, at which point the damage converts to lethal damage. A wire garrote always does lethal damage.

A garrote can be used in combination with a sneak attack, or with an assassin's death attack.

When does tristana do dmg go. Three consecutive attacks with a leather garrote, renders the subject unconscious; three consecutive attacks with a wire garrote kills the subject. This effect only works if the subject has an exposed neck and requires to breathe. Undead and other creatures that don't need to breathe aren't affected.

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