Does Darius Deal Ap Dmg

LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Darius when played Top. Statistics include Darius's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Counters include who Darius Top is Strong or Weak Against. First, there's the fact that best case scenario a DFG only hits 60% (700 AP would grant 35% on top of the 25% it has by default), and if your opponent has 200 Mres, it's cut to 20% unless you've got a void staff (unlikely if you're going for 700 AP). That's a total of 1600 damage on an 8,000 HP Volibear. Oct 04, 2012  no matter how hard you are, the neck is usually your weak spot. For darius it dont matter if its chicken neck or bull neck, he will deal same dmg for both. I hate darius so much i never played him, so fuking op. But still i dont think true damage on him is out of his flavor. I only dislike that so many champs like now have true damage. ↑ Darius's profile page at Wait the dummy's can die? Is that a setting in practice mode or how do I do that?

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They should have image installations going back to OS Leopard and earlier. You can also ask their assistance to create a bootable USB drive with the installation file. Os x 10.9 mavericks download dmg.


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Ability Order



You max your Q first because it is a safe, somewhat accurate poke that you can use to get farm, so you can get more stacks of Phenomenal Evil, because if you do that, you will get way more AP. You max W second, because it will deal huge damage in the mid to late game. You max your E last because you don't need to constantly cast your stun cage. Remember to use your R as an execution, but late game, it will pretty much just be a one-shot.


All you really need to know about items is to buy Rod of the Ages first, so you can quickly get stacks, get your CDR boots, and then get Rabadon's to give your AP a super big boost.

Does Darius Deal Ap Dmg 3

Well, i'm not here to complain about 'DAT OP DARIUS RIOT NERF PLEASE', but I find his passive a little broken, since it does magic damage over time, but scales off with AD, while many AD champions have to deal with abilities that scale off with AP like Caitlyn's '90 Caliber net' or Fiora's 'Riposte'. I think Darius's passive should scale off with AP, like many other AD champ's abilities. Just a few examples:
Hemorrhage, which scales off with AD:
90 Caliber Net, which scales off with AP (Caitlyn is a full AD Champ):
Fiora's Riposte, which scales off with AP. Like Caitlyn, she's full AD:
That's why i think Darius's passive should scale off with AP. If an ability does magic damage, it should scale off with AP, if it deals physical damage, it should scale off with AD, UNLESS, you're a hibrid champ like Jax, in that case you have an example like Leap Strike ( which scales with both AD and AP, also another example is Akali's Crescent Slash (
So i find unfair that Darius can just build Full AD and his passive (which does Magic Damage) scales off anyways.
Another examples are:
Warwick's Infinite Duress (scales off with AD, but deals Magic Damage):
Elise Spiderlings (They deal physical damage but their damage scales off with your AP)
Jayce's Thundering Blow (Deals magic damage and scales off with AD):
I guess that's all, sorry for my bad english.

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