Does Sheen Dmg Become Magic Corki
- have kalista in it
- skip lw
- i have the game stats being recorded
- literally the most armor uve ever seen
- kepe in mind
- reducing all your dmg 20%
- which is a good 200 additional resistance in stats
- [5:16] OFG Saiph: like even now
- even with lw you'll still kill yourself before he kills you because of thornmail doing magic dmg
- maybe it was the maokai ult throwing me off
- [5:18] C9 Sneaky: cause i was blasting him and not really doing anything
- you should have gottan maw
- [5:18] OFG Saiph: instead of w/e you build cowl into
- hurricnae bt maw
- you coudl get banshees after or before bork
- but maw is severely underboughten for being the highest ad item in teh game
- yeah that would be pretty good tho
- against that super tanky ass team u still think i should go maw 3rd?
- [5:20] OFG Saiph: taht team did 100% magic dmg so maw 3rd item
- since by the time they get 3 items
- and thats an ap carry
- maokai only gets 1 dmg item
- so by the time he works on his 3rd item you should be completing yours
- you were doing 80 dmg on hit
- 95 dmg on hit
- at that point you should only use those targets for manipulation
- [5:24] C9 Sneaky: what made u realize that theres better items than lw
- i seen pray playing twitch
- he was going against a full bruiser comp with ad j4 dunking him in 2 hits
- [5:25] OFG Saiph: he just bought bork instead and relied on stacking his heals + nami heal
- then was able to use bt bork sustain to counter play j4
- j4 has 150 armor at the point where twitch 1v1'd him
- i did some math on it
- [5:26] C9 Sneaky: interesting
- when bork gives you more dps at all points
- pray back in season 3 was the reason i started designing spreadsheets
- and spreadsheets are the reason why i got challenger playing twitch top/jungle/adc
- the early homeguards cutlass twitch increased my win rates so much
- who do u think best ad's are atm
- [5:28] OFG Saiph: cait only worht getting lw if you want to ult harder
- after that its corki kalista
- [5:29] OFG Saiph: sivir is
- like
- [5:29] C9 Sneaky: sivir into graves is kinda sad for graves
- sivir can beat graevs but only sivirs i see abusing the range on ricochet is korean players
- sivir W is 300 range and doesntt bounce on same target
- so it does the most dmg
- so there is no pointin using it on a 6 minion wave
- [5:31] OFG Saiph: when you should kill the 1st 2 creeps
- [5:31] OFG Saiph: sivir gets 3 autos k
- so
- k
- its 275 range
- [5:33] C9 Sneaky: yeah its hard as fuck to hit ur w
- they gotta be halfass paying attention
- total ad scaling
- she's really that useless
- with a janna in lane
- [5:41] : wahts going on with hai btw
- you dont go from faker level to vulcan level for no reason
- u mean hai from faker level?
- [5:42] OFG Saiph: hai played at a similar level to faker
- now he's making mistakes and i aint liking it
- [5:43] C9 Sneaky: our scrims have been pretty retarded
- and im pretty sure something like 30-40% of hai's soloq games arent on his role
- [5:44] C9 Sneaky: yeah
- [5:44] OFG Saiph: sounds like you guys should be scrimming more since he not getting mid
- he likes playing other roles he says
- [5:46] C9 Sneaky: well i mean, he needs to be playing the good champs in mid
- literally 0 games of azir
- 2 games of nidalee
- [5:47] C9 Sneaky: 0 games of ahri
- [5:47] C9 Sneaky: probably
- with frost queens instead of morello
- which are both super high banned champs
- [5:48] OFG Saiph: liss shoudl be permabanned tho tbh
- [5:48] C9 Sneaky: yeah i dont know why she would ever get through
- then have him do hybrid pen marks
- ap glyphs
- [5:50] C9 Sneaky: on who
- 57 is the highest base ad on a ranged champ in the entire game
- after that its morgana and leblanc
- [5:51] OFG Saiph: morgana has too long of cd's
- making sheen one of her best items
- its already 150 dmg when you 1st buy it
- making nomicon lichbane
- after dfg is removed
- to the point where qr +aa will kill anyone
- [5:52] C9 Sneaky: sounds pretty decent, although her auto is a little slow
- an attack that doenst cancel
- makes sheen op
- making them blow flashes
- when ignite would usually leave them with 1 tick of hp
- trust the god saiph
- [5:54] C9 Sneaky: annie mid?
- [5:54] C9 Sneaky: shit is so gay in soloq
- the same way
- but 100 more range
- is 180gold in ad difference
Does Sheen Dmg Become Magic Corki Youtube
Does Sheen Dmg Become Magic Corki 2017
So for the past several months, corki has been my favorite champ, and I want to become godly with him. My 'godly' games happen like 2or3 out of 10 games. I want to learn any tips, play styles, tricks, builds, etc. Any input is greatly appreciated. How much dmg to give dog to lose. Please be serious, I want to become a great player. Oct 29, 2015 Corki lobs a bomb, dealing 80/130/180/230/280 (+.5 bonus AD)(+.5 AP) magic damage to enemies in the target area. In addition, the blast reveals the area and champions hit by the blast for 6 seconds (does not reveal stealth). About Us I/OMagic Corporation is a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics products, including High-Definition Multimedia Interface, or HDMI, devices, components, Bluetooth devices and other non-electronic accessories for laptops, netbooks, slates, tablets and smartphones.
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