Does Starshards Benefit From Spell Dmg

  1. Does Starshards Benefit From Spell Dmg Download

Rains starshards down on the enemy target's head, causing 84 Arcane damage over 6sec. Starshards: 84 Arcane damage over 6sec. 6 seconds remaining: Details on spell. Rains starshards down on the enemy target's head, causing 84 Arcane damage over 6sec. Anything that boosts the damage of your spells by a% typically also increases the damage you gain from spellpower to that spell by the same percentage, so a fireball with +5% fire damage would gain 105% rather than 100% of your spelldamage, as the buff is applied after spelldamage is added to the base spell.

Galadria: Spell Review: Starshards

This is for all you NElf Priests out there! The new Starshards (as of Patch 2.3) rocks!!!!


  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Mana: 0
  • Duration:
  • Cooldown: 30 secs

Rains starshards down on the enemy target’s head, causing 785 Arcane damage over 15 sec.

How to make dmg file bootable dvd on windows. All you have to do is burn the image to a DVD, using Apple's Disk Utility (found in the /Applications/Utilities folder on any Mac OS X installation).If your.DMG file is illegally obtained, it may or may not include a proper boot sector, and in that case, you're on your own.

Mechanics – What does the tooltip mean?

This one is cool!!! No mana! For me (and I’ve heard others say this as well) it does about the same damage as SW:P. Here’s the fabulous part: it’s free (the only cost is the GCD) and it’s now a DOT (no more channeling!) It makes me wish I’d made Sidone a NElf (since she’s a Dranei my next review will probably be on Chastise), I use it on every mob while I’m soloing, and on bosses when I can spare the casting time.

Between the Lines – What the tooltip doesn’t say.

There’s just not much to say here. I think we can all understand the ramifications of the changes to this spell. With it costing no mana it allows some dancing of the 5-sec waltz, and there are no longer issues with loosing damage output because your channeling got interrupted. Both are fabulous things! The only comment I need to make here is if you are using this in an instance/raid (which I recommend on bosses, probably not very useful on trash) you may need to watch out for the additional threat. Since you are adding some damage threat to your normal healing threat you may pull aggro more often. The first runs you use it on keep a close eye on your threat meter to see if the extra threat makes a big enough difference to cause problems.

Does Starshards Benefit From Spell Dmg Download

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls

I always follow Clearcasting with an IF to allow a few secs OFSR. I’m going to add a Starshards to that (if I have the time available) so I’m using it in a place where it can give me some guaranteed mana regen benefits. I would definatley recommend making sure that the cooldown is up for Curator’s Evocation phase(oops, Curator is immune to Arcane but the theory applies, if a boss is going to take extra damage, save the Starshards for a time when it will be the most helpful). With the increased damage he takes during this phase Starshards could go for a lot and the quicker he goes down (like most bosses) the better!


The thought is that taking DMG as a supplement may further enhance oxygenation, which improves athletic performance (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary). According to an October 2009 review article on the use of complementary medicine in autism published in 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics,' the two clinical trials testing the use of DMG on children with autism showed no positive effect or improvement in behavior (see reference 2 under DMG). How ti make avelyns do most dmg. It is also thought to act as a neurological stimulator, which is why it has gained popularity in the autism community (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary). In the body, it acts as an antioxidant and improves oxygenation of the cells (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary).

If you wanted to use this while dancing the 5-sec waltz, you could chain this with a spell that you use Inner Focus with.

Super Cool Points

“I move around a lot: Colombia, Guatemala, the Philippines, Mexico, New Zealand, New Guinea… wherever there’s a volcano with an attitude.”

Explore posts in the same categories:Instance Tactics, Spells
I understand there are many types of totems as well as the totem support gems. I've seen many people upgrading Spell/Elemental Damage passives to increase the effect of spells used along side the Spell Totem support gem, which makes a lot sense.
Seeing this I have two questions:
1) Do Spell/Elemental Damage passives work for Flame, Shockwave and Searing Bond Totems like they do for Spell Totems?
2) Am I likely to get more DPS using Spell Totem or using the regular totem skills?
Posted by
on Jan 19, 2014, 3:40:24 PM
1) That doesn't depend on whether it's totem or not, it depends only on its effect having 'spell' damage type or not. All effects that do not involve weapon damage are technically spells, some also do 'spell' damage and some do not.
There are four base damage types in the game, any damage you did can be only one of those.
damage over time
Flame totem does spell damage.
Shockwave totem does not, it's secondary damage, just like bear trap and detonate dead.
Searing bond is damage over time.
2) Depends on the spell, some perform better, some perform worse. Shockwave totem doesn't have high damage and it's hard to scale it so most spell totems will do more, its value is in utility. Incinerate spell totem is stronger than flame totem and costs less mana. On the other hand firestorm totem is most likely worse for single targets and small groups than flame totem but has more area. Native totems are not too versatile, either, they're only fire damage as it's associated with STR stat.
Есть один путь - наверх!
Posted by
on Jan 19, 2014, 4:54:08 PM
Thank you very much for your reply, I searched ages for these sort of answers before. I've also done some tests myself and seen how the regular totems are affected by spell/elemental damage buffs. I think I am likely to use the regular native totems in my build as it will save gem sockets and all :D
Posted by
on Jan 19, 2014, 5:39:10 PM
Thank you for your detailed answer. Was wondering why all my +spell dmg gear and gems weren't doing anything to Searing Bond.
Thanks again
Posted by
on May 12, 2014, 6:25:53 AM
Thank you for your detailed answer. Was wondering why all my +spell dmg gear and gems weren't doing anything to Searing Bond.
Thanks again

Since raics post spell totem has been nerfed a bit in patch 1.1.0: With those changes i would say that spell totem - incinerate is no longer stronger than flame totem as the former now has a multiplicative cast speed penalty which is especially bad for incinerate as its damage scales over time.
Chars with easy access to eldritch battery or blood magic to compensate the high mana cost of flame totem are better off using that instead of incinerate.
Posted by
on May 12, 2014, 10:03:20 AM
Since raics post spell totem has been nerfed a bit in patch 1.1.0: With those changes i would say that spell totem - incinerate is no longer stronger than flame totem as the former now has a multiplicative cast speed penalty which is especially bad for incinerate as its damage scales over time.

Right, flame totem is stronger now, with the last nerf to spell totem support gem, incinerate not only does less DPS than before but also gains stacks slower.
Есть один путь - наверх!
Posted by
on May 12, 2014, 10:13:33 AM

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