Enemy Takes 9 Increased Phys Dmg In Pob

Tera shera dmg meter guide. Apr 17, 2019  4- Craft two daggers with increased damages. I have normally 34% chance to Evade. If the enemy is blinded, it goes up to 67% (PoB numbers). Note that spells do not have an accuracy rating, so you cannot evade spells. We have gained 105% more phys dmg = more than double. This takes less than a second and it corresponds to the 6th stack. Feb 20, 2020. 2-3% increased maximum Life + 15-25 maximum Life (prefix, Pristine) Crafted mods:. 7–8% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage. (121–140)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focussed 9% damage increase is quite.

  1. Enemy Takes 9 Increased Phys Dmg In Poblano Peppers
Several questions about maim on mobs:
1) I assume if I have maim support on totem and mob becomes maimed (from totem hit), the phys % dmg taken from maim gem is also applied when I hit the mob with my main skill (which isn't supported by maim)
2) Now when mob is already maimed from other source (e.g. Tombfist gloves) and totem with maim support hits that mob so that it would become maimed. Does phys % dmg taken (from maim gem) apply from now on on the mob or not?
Last edited by Filousov on Jan 2, 2020, 12:38:12 PM
Posted by
on Jan 2, 2020, 12:36:52 PM
Someone recently posted on this and response was that the increased damage taken when maimed only applies to the supported skill itself. I'm not sure this is correct as Flesh and Stone uses the same language and that skill does no damage of its own. But I have nothing authoritative on Maim Support.
In your second case, I have to believe that the second maim from your totems would would refresh the timer on the original maim and add the attribute 'takes additional damage'.
Posted by
on Jan 2, 2020, 3:56:07 PM
Someone recently posted on this and response was that the increased damage taken when maimed only applies to the supported skill itself. I'm not sure this is correct as Flesh and Stone uses the same language and that skill does no damage of its own. But I have nothing authoritative on Maim Support.

But that would mean that even Path of building does account that wrong.
Posted by
on Jan 2, 2020, 4:43:19 PM
Someone recently posted on this and response was that the increased damage taken when maimed only applies to the supported skill itself. I'm not sure this is correct as Flesh and Stone uses the same language and that skill does no damage of its own. But I have nothing authoritative on Maim Support.
And in the reply right after that the poster said the increased damage taken debuff works for other skills.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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Posted by
on Jan 2, 2020, 5:42:31 PM
And that's pretty much how stuff works. Someone makes a claim, and someone else says the opposite, and once in a while there is actually some hard evidence. I happen to agree with the OP here, and I assume with you. But I have never seen hard evidence. I don't even count PoB as evidence at this point - there are enough things broken with it.
Posted by
on Jan 2, 2020, 6:05:02 PM
I think I'm the one who posted in the thread you're talking about. Maim Support has two damage-increasing effects: 'Supported Skills deal (15-30)% more Physical Damage' and 'Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take (10-14)% increased Physical Damage'. The former is just a straight damage boost for supported skills, much like Brutality or Melee Physical Damage Support. The second applies an effect along with the Maim, which applies increased Damage Taken. This Damage Taken mod applies to all Physical Damage the enemy takes. And an enemy can have any number of Maims on it at a time; they don't stack, but the game still tracks them so that Maim Support remains effective.
Posted by
on Jan 2, 2020, 7:22:23 PM
I think I'm the one who posted in the thread you're talking about. Maim Support has two damage-increasing effects: 'Supported Skills deal (15-30)% more Physical Damage' and 'Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take (10-14)% increased Physical Damage'. The former is just a straight damage boost for supported skills, much like Brutality or Melee Physical Damage Support. The second applies an effect along with the Maim, which applies increased Damage Taken. This Damage Taken mod applies to all Physical Damage the enemy takes. And an enemy can have any number of Maims on it at a time; they don't stack, but the game still tracks them so that Maim Support remains effective.

Thanks, that's very good news!
I assume the phys dmg % taken is always applied only once?
E.g. maim support both on ancestral protector and warchief totems and both maimed some mob.
Last edited by Filousov on Jan 3, 2020, 10:48:55 AM
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2020, 10:48:30 AM
Maim is a debuff that applies 30% reduced movement speed on the affected target for 4 seconds.
Multiple maims do not stack. Maim is applied by attacks, just like hinder is by spells. Since maim and hinder are different debuffs, an enemy can be affected by both simultaneously.By itself, Maim does not apply any damage effects; however, the maimed status does provide a damage bonus for Maim Support and Blood In the Eyes passive nodes
Straight from the wiki.
You only have the strongest Maim active on a mob at all time.
Maim applied by either Maim Support or Flesh and Stone provide the highest possbile buff of the used skills.
Apparently you can link Maim to Flesh and Stone to increase the Maim-effect, but I doub that works, because Flesh and Stone is an aura and not an attack and the wiki may be outdated on that.
Last edited by Arandur on Jan 3, 2020, 10:58:31 AM
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2020, 10:57:53 AM
Maim is a debuff that applies 30% reduced movement speed on the affected target for 4 seconds.
Multiple maims do not stack. Maim is applied by attacks, just like hinder is by spells. Since maim and hinder are different debuffs, an enemy can be affected by both simultaneously.By itself, Maim does not apply any damage effects; however, the maimed status does provide a damage bonus for Maim Support and Blood In the Eyes passive nodes
Straight from the wiki.
You only have the strongest Maim active on a mob at all time.
Maim applied by either Maim Support or Flesh and Stone provide the highest possbile buff of the used skills.
Apparently you can link Maim to Flesh and Stone to increase the Maim-effect, but I doub that works, because Flesh and Stone is an aura and not an attack and the wiki may be outdated on that.

Maim linked to flesh and stone works ok - it highlights the maim support when hovering mouse cursor over flesh and stone. So this way you get phys % dmg taken from maim also effective when mob in range of flesh and stone.
However not all setups can/want to run that - I for example now run pride instead of flesh and stone. Therefore moved maim support to both of my totems.
Last edited by Filousov on Jan 3, 2020, 11:45:04 AM
Posted by
on Jan 3, 2020, 11:23:19 AM
  • Because the Maim debuff is 'enemy takes 14% increased physical damage' and not 'ally deals 14% increased physical damage,' and my minions aren't doing any physical damage, they just get the 30% more damage from Maim. Whereas WED gives 54% and Melee Phys gives 49%. Either that, or it's a bug in POB?
  • Registration on Odealo is free and takes only about 30 seconds. Blade Flurry Gladiator Duelist Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide. Soul of Lunaris 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%; 1% increased Movement Speed for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%.
  • The single target on my bladestorm was insane and I usually killed metamorphs in 1-4 seconds. The problem was that the survivability was terrible. With the blade flurry build I get an insane amount leech so I almost never die but it takes a lot longer for me to do metamorphs and overall the damage is somewhat lower. Need some help.
Beat me to it, I planned out an ignite brand build for a second or third character. I was going to check out the new and improved Martyr of Innocence. The damage should be about the same as a +3 staff, possibly more budget, and has dope 3d art. New flask looks great too. Nice write up!
going for Mark of the Shaper + elder ring with warlord on hit will make the build much greater, good dmg push and leech. I'm working on a similar build but with crit +staff.

If the goal is to scale ignite, Spell Damage doesn't do anything with ignite damage. It's a good idea for a hit based build though!
For ignite builds i would recommend droping note with 2 brands on 1 target since u wont need that and use 3 scorching ray totems for single target.i think even with hybrid build that would be better

Ignite always takes the most recent highest rolled damage. For single target, having two brands on them is nice because it helps with re-rolling to get the most damage. It essentially makes your ignite lucky in single target situations. I agree with working Scorching Ray into the build.

I had trouble sleeping the day before new league and just stumbled into the new skillgems and started writing and thinking:D
Im currently thinking about if going for Xoph's blood was a mistake. Maybe it could be better to loose 1 of the support gems to Armageddon brand and get Hpothermia and somehow work with all the 3 elements. Not sure. What are your thoughts?
Posted by
on Dec 11, 2018, 7:52:30 PM
What did you do for bandits and which pantheon do you prefer? Sorry if I missed it but I didn't see it noted anywhere.
Posted by
on Dec 11, 2018, 10:50:59 PM
What did you do for bandits and which pantheon do you prefer? Sorry if I missed it but I didn't see it noted anywhere.

Bandits = Kill all
Major god = Soul of Lunaris. phys dmg reduction for each nearby enemy. we are almost in the middle of packs using brand recall
Minor god Soul of Gruthkul Phys dmg reduction for each hit we have taken recently.
Hope you are having a good time with the build:)
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 12:03:55 AM

I had trouble sleeping the day before new league and just stumbled into the new skillgems and started writing and thinking:D
Im currently thinking about if going for Xoph's blood was a mistake. Maybe it could be better to loose 1 of the support gems to Armageddon brand and get Hpothermia and somehow work with all the 3 elements. Not sure. What are your thoughts?

Ele Equilibrium is basically required for ele DoT builds as far as I can tell. I like the idea of using the un-upgraded Xoph amulet for the covered in ash, and then you can use the Malachai ring for free EE. The hypothermia idea is actually a pretty neat one, when I threw it into PoB it did slightly worse than what I made, but you might be on to something. The issue is since it isn't a crit build the chilling will be very unreliable.
Here's what I've been playing around with https://pastebin.com/eKwagrUk EE on the tree is just there for mechanics, I wouldn't actually take it, that's what the ring is for. There is a ultra budget and super gear version. It's getting about 200k on shaper while being mostly naked and without scorching ray (which is decent in my experience for those fights) . I think with good gear and scorching ray stacks it will crush end game.
I'm still having fun with my completely unoriginal arc totems, and with exams and traveling for Christmas, I probably won't get to try it until January, but I'm excited for Armageddon ignite.
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 12:12:28 AM

I had trouble sleeping the day before new league and just stumbled into the new skillgems and started writing and thinking:D
Im currently thinking about if going for Xoph's blood was a mistake. Maybe it could be better to loose 1 of the support gems to Armageddon brand and get Hpothermia and somehow work with all the 3 elements. Not sure. What are your thoughts?

Ele Equilibrium is basically required for ele DoT builds as far as I can tell. I like the idea of using the un-upgraded Xoph amulet for the covered in ash, and then you can use the Malachai ring for free EE. The hypothermia idea is actually a pretty neat one, when I threw it into PoB it did slightly worse than what I made, but you might be on to something. The issue is since it isn't a crit build the chilling will be very unreliable.
Here's what I've been playing around with https://pastebin.com/eKwagrUk EE on the tree is just there for mechanics, I wouldn't actually take it, that's what the ring is for. There is a ultra budget and super gear version. It's getting about 200k on shaper while being mostly naked and without scorching ray (which is decent in my experience for those fights) . I think with good gear and scorching ray stacks it will crush end game.
I'm still having fun with my completely unoriginal arc totems, and with exams and traveling for Christmas, I probably won't get to try it until January, but I'm excited for Armageddon ignite.

You seem nowledgeable. Ill look at your ideaa 2morrow after work. Having some internet problems. And The company that does it says it wont be fixed intill thursday. So played a few hours tonight using my phones internet but No stream'(
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 12:47:08 AM
For those of you wondering why most are taking hypothermia as the 6th link.
39% increased damage is a huge increase. Clip of me explaining why Hypothermia is such a big pick up early for it.
While only time will tell what scales better for bossing. Clearing maps and leveling/shaping your atlas and delving. Hypothermia is hard to compete with while gearing. So definitely recommend trying it.
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 10:28:54 AM
For those of you wondering why most are taking hypothermia as the 6th link.
39% increased damage is a huge increase. Clip of me explaining why Hypothermia is such a big pick up early for it.
While only time will tell what scales better for bossing. Clearing maps and leveling/shaping your atlas and delving. Hypothermia is hard to compete with while gearing. So definitely recommend trying it.

Thanks for the clip. @ work atm so I cant check PoB. But does adding a Hypothermia show the dps increase in pob if you have Beacon of Ruin specced. Or is that something you would have to calculate on the side?
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 12:53:28 PM
I like the idea of using the un-upgraded Xoph amulet for the covered in ash, and then you can use the Malachai ring for free EE.

Maybe Xoph's neck is a mistake all together. I just read and it covers enemies in Ash when they hit me. I was under The impression that my spells added it on hit. Maybe it's not up very much then.
Last edited by seabazz on Dec 12, 2018, 1:47:32 PM
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 1:08:52 PM
For those of you wondering why most are taking hypothermia as the 6th link.
39% increased damage is a huge increase. Clip of me explaining why Hypothermia is such a big pick up early for it.
While only time will tell what scales better for bossing. Clearing maps and leveling/shaping your atlas and delving. Hypothermia is hard to compete with while gearing. So definitely recommend trying it.

Im not a big fan of Hypothermia.
Why did you ditch out Deadly Aliment for Hypo?
DA gives you 62% More ( lvl 18) with hit and Hypo gives you %37 more VS ONLY chilled enemies.
You can only chill enemy when chilling conflux procs and it is on 10s CRD roration.
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 1:32:31 PM
I have a question, is this sceptre that i just crafted any good to use with this build? and what could i socket on it?
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2018, 7:29:16 PM

Enemy Takes 9 Increased Phys Dmg In Poblano Peppers

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