Epic 7 Aoe Dps For Crit Dmg

MonoFramework-MDK-2.10.61.macos10.xamarin.x86.pkg is 119,979,719 bytes (120 MB on disk)A savings of 737,658 bytes, or 0.6% of the original file size.Is there a reason not to just distribute the pkg? Is the 0.6% compression savings that important? Or is it just the way things have always been done on the Mac?(Yes, I realize that 737,658 bytes times all the millions of downloads that dmg gets does add up, but it just always seems annoying to have that extra steps in there to mount a dmg, run the installer and then unmount the dmg. Maybe a better question is 'why doesn't Mac OS X recognize a dmg with a single pkg inside it as just a pkg and simply install it without requiring all that mounting and unmounting?' Do you open pkg first or dmg. Is one example, as is JavaForMacOSX10.7.pkg (although Apple still has it as a.dmg when it is ready for download).


Thanks for reading my first guide.
This is guide is for who want to play Udyr with DPS build.
Greatly defends on summoner's capacity.
Setting before play
You will need to get small crit chance or attack speed rune + crit dmg quintessence rune.
(I'm LVL 28 summoner and I gained 14% crit chance with smaller runes and 10% crit dmg with quintessence runes. If keep this setting until LVL 30, I'll gain about 15% crit chance and 15% crit dmg. Epic.)
Masteries aren't important with Udyr except Lethality, but I set them 21/0/9 :
Deadliness 3 (2% crit chance. with this, you gain total 17% crit chance.)
Archmage's Savvy 1 (For next tier masteries.)
Alacrity 4 (Attack speed 4%. Better than Sorcery.)
Sunder 3 (Small bonus. But better than nothing.)
Offensive Mastery 2 (Essential with Brute Force for early laning.)
Brute Force 3
Improved Rally 1 (Your core summoner spell is rally.)
Havoc 1 (5% to dmg. Essential.)
Perseverence 3
Good hands 1(It's free to get perseverence 1 and good hands 3, but you don't need to die. So perseverence is way better.)
Awareness 4(You don't need mana since LVL 5 stances cost 35 mana. So gaining more exp is better.)
Greed 1(This greed won't kill you. Enough reason to get this.)
Summoner Spells
Rally is essential for early kills and late battles.
You can not possibly die with rally.
Another spell is free, but my personal recommend is ignite.
Wanna get kills? then get ignite.
Skill. Stance Order
1. Bear stance
2. Tiger stance
3. Tiger stance
4. Bear stance
5. Tiger stance
6. Bear stance
7. Tiger stance
8. Bear stance
9. Tiger stance
10. Bear stance
11~18. Free
Someone I know called this order stupid.
But believe me. Tiger and Bear is best skill ever.
I'll justify this stance order in item build.
Item Build
At start
I'm STRONGLY recommend Vampiric Scepter.
It guarantees your early survivality.
You also can get Meki Pendant and health potion at start.
But you should sell Meki later anyway.
Item Order
Get Berserker's Greaves first. You should get this before 7min mark.
If you got a kill or kills, you can get this on 5min mark.
Unless you get Boots of Swiftness, you should get 5 LVL Bear Stance.
You will need that for gank.
And get Phage. You can gank someone with this and Tiger stance's attack speed bonus.
10~13min mark.
Trinity Force claims you more 2455g so it's waste of money for DPSer Udyr.
Get Malady after you got Phage.
Its attack speed and poison effect is perfectly fit with Udyr.
Tiger stance has also poison effect defends on your dmg.
So it's double poison effect. Epic. Again.
If you got Ignite, it's triple. Super Epic.
Get Cloak of Agility(If your gank going very well, get BFS.).
Then Pickaxe.
Then BFS.
Ta-da! You got Infinity Edge now.
You're core items are Shoes, Phage, Malady, Infinity Edge. Thats all.
Rest 2 slots can filled with Phantom dancer, another Infinity Edge, Stark's Fervor, Bloodthirster.
I recommend Stark and Bloodthirster.
If you get 2 more lifesteals as I wrote, Turrets will heal you. Believe me. You can drain life from turrets.
And finally you can get Trinity Force or Frozen Mallet.
I recommend you Frozen Mallet, but it's your call.
How To Play
Early game(LVL 1~12)
Go top or bot and hide in bush.
If they come in bush, kill them with your lanemate and rally, et cetera.
Keep your farming and killing until you get Phage.
After you got Phage, start to gank every single enemy.
If you're doing not very well, you're good to go jungle or kill dragon.
Mid Game(LVL 13~18)
If you got Cloak and Pickaxe(or BFS), nobody could kill you on 1v1 situation.
Kill soloing enemy over and over.
DPSer Udyr is not a pushing champ, so you can do nothing else but killing enemy champ.
Late Game(After LVL 18)
I can't advise you much about late game.
But don't worry. You will know what to do.
Just keep in mind that you're not a tank.
1. Bear Stance is one of the best stun skills.
You can stun multiple target through hitting each of enemies you want.
2. Tiger Stance hits target three times.
But percentage item effect like Phage's slowing will consider that three hits as single attack.
3. As I wrote above, way above, you can drain life from turret with 50% lifesteal.
If your team is all noobs or got a leaver or leavers, you can consider backdoor.
4. I think I really don't need to write this, but Bear Stance can disturb channeling skills like Nunu's Absolute Zero or Kat's Death Lotus.
Make sure stun them before too late.
Add windkun to your friend list
And thx again for read this poor guide!

Epic 7 Aoe Dps For Crit Dmg Pc

Stacking Crit Dmg 200+%, 3k dps, 130+ spd shouldn't be hard with the lvl 70 set. (Buy S2 Glad Token armor to complete atk set, 2-5 labyrinth gold chest at bottom right/10-3 Normal top section of the map sticking out is boots with base spd and crit set to complete the crit bonus set for lvl 70 Crit. Dmg neck and boots).

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