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When You Must Disable Oracle Database Vault

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You may need to disable Oracle Database Vault to perform upgrade tasks or correct erroneous configurations. You can reenable Oracle Database Vault after you complete the corrective tasks.


Be aware that if you disable Oracle Database Vault, the privileges that were revoked from existing users and roles during installation remain in effect. See 'Privileges That Are Revoked from Existing Users and Roles' for a listing of the revoked privileges.

The following situations require you to disable Oracle Database Vault:

  • The Oracle Database Vault user accounts have been inadvertently locked or their passwords forgotten. (See the tip under 'Oracle Database Vault Accounts' for a guideline for avoiding this problem in the future.)

  • A rule set associated with the CONNECT role has been configured incorrectly. This is resulting in failed database logins for all accounts, including those with the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role, who could correct this problem.

  • You must perform maintenance tasks on Oracle Database Vault.

  • You must install any of the Oracle Database optional products or features, such as Oracle Spatial Data Option, or Oracle interMedia, by using Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).

  • You are about to install a third-party product, install an Oracle product, or perform an Oracle patch update whose installation may be prevented if Oracle Database Vault is running.

  • You must archive the Oracle Database Vault audit trail.

Checking if Oracle Database Vault Is Enabled or Disabled

You can check if Oracle Database Vault is enabled or disabled by querying the V$OPTION data dictionary view. Any user can query this view. If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, the query returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

Remember that the PARAMETER column value is case sensitive. For example:

If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, the following output appears:

Step 1: Disable Oracle Database Vault

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To disable Oracle Database Vault:

  1. Stop the database, Database Control console process, and listener.

    • UNIX: Ensure that the environment variables, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH are correctly set. Log in to SQL*Plus as user SYS with the SYSOPER privilege and shut down the database. Then from the command line, stop the Database Control console process and listener.

      For example:

      For Oracle RAC installations, shut down each database instance as follows:

    • Windows: Stop the database, Database Control console process, and listener from the Services tool in the Control Panel. The names of Oracle Database services begin with Oracle.

  2. Disable the Oracle Database Vault option.

    • UNIX: Run the following commands:

      For Oracle RAC installations, run these commands on all nodes.

    • Windows: In the ORACLE_HOMEbin directory, rename the oradvll.dll file to another name, such as oradvll.dll.dbl.

  3. Restart the database, Database Control console process, and listener.

    • UNIX: Log in to SQL*Plus as user SYS with the SYSOPER privilege and restart the database. Then from the command line, restart the Database Control console process and listener.

      For example:

      For Oracle RAC installations, restart each database instance as follows:

    • Windows: Restart the database, Database Control console process, and listener from the Services tool in the Control Panel. The names of Oracle Database services begin with Oracle.

  4. If the reason you needed to disable Oracle Database Vault was because of forgotten passwords, then connect as SYS or SYSTEMMacos_sierra_10 12.3 _ mas dmg 4. and reset the password.

    For example:

  5. At a command prompt, run Oracle Database Vault Configuration Assistant (DVCA) by using the dvca -action disable option.

    The syntax for dvca -action disable is as follows:

    In this specification:

    • -action is the action to perform. In this case the action is disable.

    • -oh is the path to the Oracle home directory. Enter the absolute path.

      For example:

      • UNIX:-oh /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1

      • Windows:-oh c:oracleproductdb_1

    • -service is the name of the database specifier. The specifier can be a connect descriptor or net service name. For more information about database specifiers, see Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference.

    • -instance is the name of the database instance.

    • -dbname is the database name.

    • -sys_passwd is the SYS password. If you use a cleartext password on the command line, you must include the nodecrypt option. If you omit the password, DVCA prompts you for it. Preferably, omit the password and then enter it interactively when prompted.

    • -owner_account is the Oracle Database Vault Owner account name.

    • -owner_passwd is the Oracle Database Vault Owner account password. If you use a cleartext password on the command line, you must include the nodecrypt option. If you omit the password, DVCA prompts you for it. Preferably, omit the password and then enter it interactively when prompted.

    • -logfile is an optional flag to specify a log file name and location. You can enter an absolute path, or enter a path that is relative to the location of the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

    • -silent is the option to run in command line mode. This option is required if you are not running DVCA in an xterm window.

    • -nodecrypt is the option to read plaintext passwords.

    • -lockout is the flag to use to disable SYSDBA operating system authentication.

    For example:

  6. Connect to SQL*Plus as SYS using the SYSDBA privilege, and then run the following ALTER TRIGGER statement:

Step 2: Perform the Required Tasks

At this stage Oracle Database Vault is disabled. You can perform the following types of activities:

  • Use the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages and functions. For example, to correct a login or CONNECT rule set error, use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package or the Oracle Database Vault Administrator interface.

  • Use the SYSTEM or SYS accounts to perform tasks such as creating or changing passwords, or locking and unlocking accounts. In addition to modifying regular database and administrative user accounts, you can modify passwords and the lock status of any of the Oracle Database Vault-specific accounts, such as users who have been granted the DV_ADMIN or DV_ACCTMGR roles. (See the tip under 'Oracle Database Vault Accounts' for a guideline for avoiding this problem in the future.)

  • Perform the installation, upgrade, or other tasks that require security protections to be disabled. If you must run Oracle Database Vault Configuration Assistant (DVCA), ensure that the Oracle Database listener is running. To start the listener, run the following command from the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory:

Step 3: Enable Oracle Database Vault

To enable Oracle Database Vault:

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  1. At a command prompt, use DVCA to reenable Oracle Database Vault.

    For example:

    See Step 5 under 'Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault' for detailed information about the DVCA syntax.

  2. Stop the database, Database Control console process, and listener.

    • UNIX: Ensure that the environment variables, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH are correctly set. Log in to SQL*Plus as user SYS with the SYSOPER privilege and shut down the database. Then from the command line, stop the Database Control console process and listener.

      For example:

      For Oracle RAC installations, shut down each database instance as follows:

    • Windows: Stop the database, Database Control console process, and listener from the Services tool in the Control Panel. The names of Oracle Database services begin with Oracle.

  3. Enable the Oracle Database Vault option as follows:

    • UNIX: Run the following commands. The make command enables both Oracle Database Vault (dv_on) and Oracle Label Security (lbac_on). You must enable Oracle Label Security before you can use Database Vault.

    • Windows: In the ORACLE_HOMEbin directory, rename the backed up copy of the oradvll.dll file (for example, oradv11.dll.dbl) to oradvll.dll. Ensure that the name of the Oracle Label Security executable is oralbacll.dll (and not oralbacll.dll.dbl or some other backup name). You must enable Oracle Label Security before you can use Database Vault.

  4. Restart the database, Database Control console process, and listener.

    • UNIX: Ensure that the environment variables, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH are correctly set. Log in to SQL*Plus as user SYS with the SYSOPER privilege and restart the database. Then from the command line, restart the Database Control console process and listener.

      For example:

      For Oracle RAC installations, restart each database instance as follows:

    • Windows: Restart the database, Database Control Console process, and listener from the Services tool in the Control Panel. The names of Oracle Database services begin with Oracle.

  5. For Oracle RAC installations, repeat these steps for each node on which the database is installed.

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