Faf Base Dmg Angle Bkb Fkb Kbg

Faf base dmg angle bkb fkb kbg table

Faf Base Dmg Angle Bkb Fkb Kbg 4


Explanations and examples for FaF, IASA, and Auto Cancelling? Explanations for KBG, BKB/WBKB, and Windbox would be great as well. Create usb installer with install os.dmg. ZSS's D-smash has an angle of 45, and low KBG. This means that at most percents after hitting D-smash, I can predict that the opponent will fly away within a dash-able. Attacks Hitbox Active FAF Base Dmg. Angle BKB/FKB KBG Landing Lag Autocancel; Nair.

Faf Base Dmg Angle Bkb Fkb Kbg 10

  1. 4xM Beta v1.6 patch notes
  2. Overview:
  3. Patch v1.6 primarily addresses issues related to movement.
  4. Ground friction had a major overhaul. When wavedashing was first added to 4xM, the wavedash lengths for each character
  5. were much greater than in Melee. In order to combat this, a universal x1.5 multiplier was applied to character ground
  6. friction, resulting in characters having higher traction than they did in Melee. This multiplier was removed and replaced
  7. with the mechanic that doubles the character friction value when their velocity is greater than their max walk speed. In
  8. other words, wavedash length is now dependent on character friction and their max walk speed value, as it was in Melee.
  9. Movement in general will feel different compared to previous versions of 4xM. Acting out of wavedashes is more smooth
  10. and the movement from wavedashing is a bit less sporadic due to the changes to friction. Jump cancelled grabs will no
  11. longer have certain characters stop short before their grab even comes out (this affected characters like Kirby who have
  12. Legend:
  13. + Character Buff
  14. > Addition/Misc.
  15. (g) hitbox property affects grounded opponents only
  16. (a) hitbox property affects airborne opponents only
  17. Angle 361 = 0 at low knockback, 44(g)/45(a) at higher knockback
  18. SDI = Smash Directional Influence - Ability to shift character position in hitlag
  19. ASDI = Automatic SDI - Ability to shifts character position after the last frame of hitlag (ASDI distance = 1/2 SDI distance)
  20. DI = Directional Influence - Ability to alter launch angle
  21. FAF = First actionable frame
  22. * = Weight-dependent Throw FAF is calculated based on weight value of 100
  23. 10/9/8% = An attack with hitboxes that can deal 10%, 9%, or 8% damage depending on if it's sweetspotted or not
  24. KBG = Knockback Growth
  25. // = Developer comments
  26. General:
  27. > Previously, there was a universal x1.5 multiplier to character friction in order to shorten wavedash lengths
  28. > The x1.5 multiplier was changed to a x2 multiplier to character friction only when their velocity exceeds their max walk speed
  29. > Characters now have the same wavedash length and the same traction as they did in Melee
  30. > The control stick input is now read on the frame before the character leaves the ground
  31. > Landing on slopes no longer causes characters to slide downhill
  32. > Reduced momentum when successfully grabbing an opponent
  33. > Added new hitbox property: Shieldstun Multiplier
  34. > Standardized distance between fighters when escaping a grab on the ground
  35. > Removed max air speed cap when escaping a grab in the air
  36. # Fixed ground to air speed multiplier not being properly applied when jumping
  37. # Fixed characters having no friction during the startup of Up Smash
  38. # Fixed dead input when attempting to L-cancel on the frame right before landing
  39. > This was fixed in an earlier patch, but was inadvertently reintroduced in v1.5
  40. # Fixed initial air dodge speed being applied for more than one frame
  41. # Rapid jabs no longer automatically execute when jabbing a shield
  42. # Fixed SDI multiplier not being used to calculate shield DI distance
  43. -----------
  44. -----------
  45. Bayonetta:
  46. + Dash Attack shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 1.8
  47. + Ftilt 2 FAF 39 -> 35
  48. > Utilt early hit angle 70(g)/110(a) -> 90(g)/110(a)
  49. + Increased the window to input a second Side B after the first connects (30 frames -> 60 frames)
  50. // Increased recovery time for dropping shield to match other characters.
  51. Bowser Jr.:
  52. + Rapid Jab hits are harder to SDI
  53. + KBG 150 -> 170
  54. + Ftilt range increased (7.5 -> 9.5)
  55. + BKB 10 -> 20
  56. + Dtilt hitbox sizes increased (3/2.8 -> 3.8/3.6)
  57. > Angle 80 -> 100
  58. - BKB 35 -> 32
  59. + Fair hits 1 frame earlier (frame 9, down from 10)
  60. - BKB 30 -> 25
  61. > Angle 270 -> 265
  62. + Neutral B uncharged cannonball speed decreased (1.3 -> 1)
  63. + Up B landing lag 26 -> 3
  64. + Air dodge landing lag 33 -> 20
  65. + Down B Mechakoopa first hit links into the second hit more reliably
  66. // Forward Aerial now hits slightly below Bowser Jr., increasing the range of the move.
  67. Captain Falcon:
  68. - Uair FAF 29 -> 30
  69. + Aerial Down B decreased vertical drop during the ending animation
  70. // Made to be more consistent with his Melee counterpart.
  71. Charizard:
  72. # Fixed rounding error that resulted in Charizard's jumpsquat frames being 7 instead of 6
  73. // The rounding error was present in vanilla Smash 4 as well.
  74. Corrin:
  75. + Side B initial ground hop FAF 70 -> 30
  76. // Side B hop offstage no longer guarantees Corrin an SD.
  77. Dark Pit:
  78. + Side B no longer has RCO lag when landing after a successful hit
  79. Diddy Kong:
  80. + Dash attack second hit links into the final hit more reliably
  81. - Final hit damage 4% -> 3%
  82. - KBG 140 -> 128
  83. + Nair BKB 35 -> 40
  84. - Range slightly decreased
  85. + Dair comes out 2 frames faster (hits on frame 15, down from 17)
  86. + Side B grab range slightly increased
  87. Donkey Kong:
  88. + Shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 2
  89. + Side B shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 3
  90. // With proper spacing, Side Special is harder to punish on block.
  91. Ganondorf:
  92. - Neutral angled Ftilt no longer uses damage values of Up angled Ftilt (14/13/12% -> 13/12/11%)
  93. + FAF 36 -> 31
  94. + FAF 45 -> 41
  95. + FAF 42 -> 38
  96. + Bair landing lag decreased (25 -> 23)
  97. + Dair landing lag decreased (36 -> 33)
  98. # TurnRun now uses the proper animation
  99. # Fixed audio issue with Melee Ganon's Neutral B voice clip
  100. # Fixed issue where the incorrect damage animation was used on characters released from Ganon's Up B
  101. // Adjusted some parameters that made Ganon worse than his Melee counterpart.
  102. Giga Bowser:
  103. ---------
  104. + Weight 85 -> 91
  105. + Dash attack BKB 18 -> 32
  106. + Dtilt BKB 25 -> 35
  107. + Nair late hit damage 8% -> 9%
  108. + Bair final hit KBG 135 -> 140
  109. // The fall speed change reduces Greninja's susceptibility to combos at high percent.
  110. Although it also hinders his vertical survivability, his weight was increased
  111. -----------
  112. - Reduced air mobility when performing aerial jumps
  113. + Side B comes out 1 frame faster (frame 12, down from 13)
  114. > Gravity takes effect later in the animation
  115. + SDI multiplier 1.5 -> 1
  116. + Hitboxes now attached to arm, increasing the range of the initial hit
  117. > Down B changed the animation when facing left
  118. // Made to be more consistent with its Melee counterpart.
  119. King Dedede:
  120. + Late hit BKB 30 -> 40
  121. - Second hit now has damage scaling (Max damage 18%)
  122. > Fair changed the animation speed during the active frames (No change to frame data)
  123. + Up B landing hit now meteors grounded opponents
  124. + Landing lag 51 -> 46
  125. Kirby:
  126. + Dash attack shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 2
  127. + Dtilt FAF 21 -> 20
  128. + Nair damage 14/10/8/6% -> 14/12/10/8%
  129. + Fair first hit range increased (12 -> 13)
  130. + Down B ground version will now knockdown grounded opponents
  131. // Increased the recovery time on Rapid Jab finisher to be more in line with other Rapid Jabs.
  132. Little Mac:
  133. - Rapid Jab finisher FAF 26 -> 29
  134. + Dtilt added hitbox covering blind spot close to Mac's body
  135. + Pummel standardized damage (2.1% -> 3%)
  136. // Increased the recovery time on Rapid Jab finisher to be more in line with other Rapid Jabs.
  137. Lucario:
  138. > Reduced visual aura effect duration on opponents
  139. Lucas:
  140. + Dtilt KBG 50/45 -> 60/50
  141. -------
  142. > Added two new voice clips to the random voice SFX roll
  143. + Jab 1 comes out 1 frame faster (frame 4, down from 5)
  144. - Jab 2 comes out 1 frame slower (frame 4, up from 3)
  145. + Dash attack comes out 1 frame faster (frame 12, down from 13)
  146. + Ftilt comes out 1 frame faster (frame 7, down from 8)
  147. - Usmash first hit damage 4% -> 2%
  148. + Dair comes out 2 frames faster (frame 6, down from 8)
  149. > Now consistently meteors if the sword hitboxes connect (Angle 280)
  150. + Sword hit damage 12% -> 14%
  151. - KBG 85 -> 80
  152. + Autocancel frame 50 -> 48
  153. - KBG 100 -> 70
  154. > Uthrow shifted release point slightly forward
  155. + Neutral B FAF 40 -> 34
  156. + Swing 1 FAF 42 -> 30
  157. + Swing 2Lw FAF 39 -> 36
  158. + Swing 3S FAF 44 -> 41
  159. + Swing 4Lw FAF 72 -> 61
  160. > Reduced gravity when airborne
  161. // Lucina received the same treatment as Marth, albeit a few differences.
  162. Luigi:
  163. # Fixed crash when attempting to play Luigi online
  164. Marth:
  165. > Now vocalizes when jumping from the ground
  166. + Jab 1 comes out 1 frame faster (frame 4, down from 5)
  167. - Jab 2 comes out 1 frame slower (frame 4, up from 3)
  168. + Dash attack comes out 1 frame faster (frame 12, down from 13)
  169. + Ftilt comes out 1 frame faster (frame 7, down from 8)
  170. + Usmash FAF 47 -> 46
  171. + Floor hitboxes can now hit airborne opponents
  172. + Dsmash comes out 1 frame faster (frame 5, down from 6)
  173. + Uair sweetspot now takes priority over the sourspot
  174. > Neutral B changed ground animation to more closely match the aerial animation
  175. + Swing 1 FAF 34 -> 30
  176. + Swing 2Lw FAF 43 -> 41
  177. + Swing 3S FAF 47 -> 46
  178. + Swing 4Hi FAF 53 -> 51
  179. + Swing 4S FAF 60 -> 51
  180. - Final Smash shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 0.7
  181. // Made to be more consistent with his Melee counterpart.
  182. Mewtwo:
  183. > Up angled Ftilt hits slightly higher
  184. + Bair BKB 0/5/12 -> 8/12/15
  185. > Sweetspot is now on the tip of Mewtwo's tail, sourspot at the base
  186. Ness:
  187. + Forward Roll FAF 35 -> 33
  188. + Utilt comes out 1 frame earlier (hits on frame 5, down from 6)
  189. + Dash grab FAF 43 -> 41
  190. + Nair damage 11% -> 12%
  191. + Bair sweetspot range increased (4.3 -> 5.3)
  192. > Increased Ness's gravity during Up B
  193. // Adjusted some parameters that made Ness worse than his Melee counterpart.
  194. Pac-Man:
  195. + Dash attack final hit BKB 40 -> 60
  196. + Shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 2
  197. + Dtilt range increased behind Pac-Man (less likely to whiff at point-blank range)
  198. - KBG 105 -> 100
  199. + Shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 1.5
  200. + Fair damage 7% -> 8%
  201. + Bair range increased (4.5 -> 5.4)
  202. + Uair BKB 13 -> 26
  203. + Standing grab FAF 76 -> 60
  204. + Dash grab FAF 76 -> 67
  205. + Side B bouncing off wall FAF normalized to frame 30
  206. > Angle 60 -> 70
  207. + Shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 1.8
  208. // Pac-Man had an issue where he would sometimes have 80 frames of lag after crashing
  209. ---------
  210. + Fair FAF 36 -> 33
  211. ------
  212. + Nair hits 2 frames earlier (frame 3, down from 5)
  213. Pit:
  214. + Utilt final hit active frames 15-16 -> 15-18
  215. + Fsmash first hit shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 2
  216. + Uair late hit damage 6/7% -> 7/8%
  217. + Side B no longer has RCO lag when landing after a successful hit
  218. ------
  219. + Dash attack BKB 35 -> 50
  220. - KBG 110 -> 100
  221. + Fsmash Levin Sword shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 1.39
  222. # Down B fixed crash when grabbed character is damaged by another character
  223. Roy:
  224. > Now vocalizes when air dodging and spot dodging
  225. + Dash attack comes out 1 frame faster (frame 12, down from 13)
  226. > Adjusted shoulder hitbox position
  227. > Neutral B changed ground animation to more closely match the aerial animation
  228. + Swing 1 FAF 34 -> 30
  229. - Swing 2Lw FAF 36 -> 41
  230. - Swing 3Lw FAF 44 -> 46
  231. + Swing 4Lw FAF 64 -> 61
  232. > Reduced gravity when airborne
  233. // Jab can now hit prone opponents. No changes to Jab's frame data.
  234. Dash Attack and Side B received the same treatment as Marth.
  235. Ryu:
  236. + Close Heavy Jab (Axe Kick) comes out 1 frame faster (hits on frame 7, down from 8)
  237. + Second hit shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 1.5
  238. + Close Light Ftilt (Knee Bash) shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 1.25
  239. + Heavy Ftilt (Collarbone Breaker) second hit shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 1.5
  240. + Fthrow *FAF 42 -> 36
  241. > Bthrow angle 52 -> 45
  242. + Down B level 1 Focus Attack shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 2
  243. + Level 2 Focus Attack shieldstun multiplier 1 -> 3
  244. // Ryu's Axe Kick is harder to interrupt before the second hit connects.
  245. Samus:
  246. - Final Smash aerial version now leaves Samus vulnerable
  247. // Before this patch, Samus was vulnerable on the ground but not in the air during the end lag.
  248. Sheik:
  249. > Air dodge added voice SFX
  250. - Jab 2/Rapid Jab transition frame 8 -> 10
  251. > Bthrow now leaves the opponent facing towards Sheik
  252. // The adjusted animation speed does not affect the FAF.
  253. Shulk:
  254. > Added new voice clip to the random voice SFX roll
  255. Sonic:
  256. + Dtilt added hitbox covering blindspot close to Sonic's body
  257. + Fair meteor hitbox now takes priority over the sourspot
  258. ------
  259. > Fsmash adjusted animation speed
  260. > Usmash adjusted animation speed
  261. + Bair damage 13.5% -> 14%
  262. // The adjusted animation speed does not affect the FAF.
  263. Warioman:
  264. # Fixed issue that caused Warioman to freeze up when attempting to use Neutral B
  265. Wii Fit Trainer:
  266. # Neutral B fixed projectile sometimes failing to come out
  267. Zelda:
  268. // Improved Down Aerial's shield pressuring ability.
  269. Zero Suit Samus:
  270. > Dash attack adjusted endlag animation speed
  271. // The adjusted animation speed of Dash attack does not affect the FAF.
  272. ------------
  273. ------------
  274. # Unpacked version: Fixed issues when attempting to disassemble .mscsb files
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