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This version of the Mapbox macOS SDK corresponds to version 3.4.0 of the Mapbox iOS SDK. Changes since macos-v0.2.1:

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Flt7 0v5 Mac X86 Release 64 Dmg
  • Fixed an issue causing code signing failures and bloating the framework. (#5850)
  • Xcode 7.3 or higher is now required for using this SDK. (#6059)
  • Fixed an issue with symbols not being properly stripped from the dynamic framework when built with make xpackage SYMBOLS=NO. (#6531)
  • The API reference has a sharper look. (#7422)
  • Added documentation for the Info.plist keys used by this SDK. (#6833)

Flt7 0v5 Mac X86 Release 64 Dmg Version

Styles and data

  • A new runtime styling API allows you to adjust the style and content of the base map dynamically. All the options available in Mapbox Studio are now exposed via MGLStyle and subclasses of MGLStyleLayer and MGLSource. (#5727)
  • MGLMapView’s styleURL property can now be set to an absolute file URL. (#6026)
  • When creating an MGLShapeSource, you can now specify options for clustering point features within the shape source. Similarly, GeoJSON sources specified by the stylesheet at design time can specify the cluster, clusterMaxZoom, and clusterRadius attributes. (#5724)
  • When creating an MGLTileSource, you can now specify that the tile URLs use TMS coordinates by setting MGLTileSourceOptionTileCoordinateSystem to MGLTileCoordinateSystemTMS. TileJSON files can specify 'scheme': 'tms'. (#2270)
  • Fixed an issue causing abstract MGLMultiPointFeature objects to be returned in feature query results. Now concrete MGLPointCollectionFeature objects are returned. MGLMultiPointFeature is now an alias of MGLPointCollectionFeature. (#6742)
  • Fixed rendering artifacts and missing glyphs that occurred after viewing a large number of CJK characters on the map. (#5908)
  • Fixed an issue where the style zoom levels were not respected when deciding when to render a layer. (#5811)
  • Fixed an issue where feature querying sometimes failed to return the expected features when the map was tilted. (#6773)
  • MGLFeature’s attributes and identifier properties are now writable. (#6728)
  • Attribution views now display the correct attribution for the current style. (#5999)
  • If MGLMapView is unable to obtain or parse a style, it now calls its delegate’s -mapViewDidFailLoadingMap:withError: method. (#6145)
  • Added the -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didFinishLoadingStyle:] delegate method, which offers the earliest opportunity to modify the layout or appearance of the current style before the map view is displayed to the user. (#6636)
  • Fixed an issue causing stepwise zoom functions to be misinterpreted. (#6328)
  • A source’s tiles are no longer rendered when the map is outside the source’s supported zoom levels. (#6345)
  • Fixed crashes that could occur when loading a malformed stylesheet. (#5736)
  • Improved style parsing performance. (#6170)
  • Improved feature querying performance. (#6514)
  • Fixed an issue where shapes that cannot currently be visually represented as annotations were still shown on the map as point annotations. (#6764)

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  • Added showAnnotations:animated: and showAnnotations:edgePadding:animated:, which moves the map viewport to show the specified annotations. (#5749)
  • Added new methods to MGLMultiPoint for changing the vertices along a polyline annotation or the exterior of a polygon annotation. (#6565)
  • Fixed an exception raised when adding a custom annotation model object to MGLMapView. (#7746)
  • Added new APIs to MGLMapView to query for visible annotations. (#6061)
  • Shape, feature, and annotation classes now conform to NSSecureCoding. (#6559)
  • Various method arguments that are represented as C arrays of CLLocationCoordinate2D instances have been marked const to streamline bridging to Swift. (#7215)
  • To make an MGLPolyline or MGLPolygon span the antimeridian, specify coordinates with longitudes greater than 180° or less than −180°. (#6088)
  • Fixed an issue where placing a point annotation on Null Island also placed a duplicate annotation on its antipode. (#3563)
  • Fixed an issue that caused an assertion failure if a MGLShapeCollection (a GeoJSON GeometryCollection) was created with an empty array of shapes. (#7632)
  • Improved the precision of annotations at zoom levels greater than 18. (#5517)

Flt7 0v5 Mac X86 Release 64 Dmg Download

Networking and offline maps

  • Fixed an issue preventing an MGLMapView from loading tiles while an offline pack is downloading. (#6446)
  • Fixed an issue causing an MGLOfflinePack’s progress to continue to update after calling -suspend. (#6186)
  • Fixed an issue preventing cached annotation images from displaying while the device is offline. (#6358)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the device is disconnected while downloading an offline pack. (#6293)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when encountering a rate-limit error in response to a network request. (#6223)
  • Added support for an MGLMapboxAPIBaseURL key in an app's Info.plist in order to customize the base URL used for retrieving map data, styles, and other resources. (#6709)
  • Query parameters are no longer stripped from mapbox: URLs used as resource URLs. (#6182, #6432)
  • Database errors are now logged to the console. (#6291)

Flt7 0v5 Mac X86 Release 64 Dmg Download

Other changes

  • Raster tiles such as those from Mapbox Satellite are now cached, eliminating flashing while panning back and forth. (#7091)
  • Fixed an issue where the map view’s center would always be calculated as if the view occupied the entire window. (#6102)
  • Notification names and user info keys are now string enumeration values for ease of use in Swift. (#6794)
  • Fixed a typo in the documentation for the MGLCompassDirectionFormatter class. (#5879)
  • The NSClickGestureRecognizer on MGLMapView that is used for selecting annotations now fails if a click does not select an annotation. (#7246)

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.

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Flt7 0v5 Mac X86 Release 64 Dmg 2017

Desktop Central helps administrators to automate patch deployment of both Microsoft and Non-Microsoft Applications from a central point.

Java Runtime Environment 1.7 for Mac OS X Patch DetailsJava Runtime Environment 1.7 for Mac OS X Patches

Patch Name :jre-7u67-macosx-x64.dmg
Patch Description :Update for Java Runtime Environment for Mac (1.7.67)
Bulletin Id :MAC-011
Bulletin Title :Java for Mac OS X 10.7 Updates
Severity :Unrated
Location Path :jre-7u67-macosx-x64.dmg
Bulletin Summary:Java for Mac OS X 10.7 Updates
Superceding Bulletin Id :MAC-011
Patch Release Date :Aug 5, 2014
Product NameService Pack Name
Mac OS X - LionMac OS X - Lion 10.7.3
Mac OS X - LionMac OS X - Lion 10.7.4
Mac OS X - LionMac OS X - Lion 10.7.5
Mac OS X - Mountain LionMac OS X - Mountain Lion 10.8
Mac OS X - Mountain LionMac OS X - Mountain Lion 10.8.1
Mac OS X - Mountain LionMac OS X - Mountain Lion 10.8.2
Mac OS X - Mountain LionMac OS X - Mountain Lion 10.8.3
Mac OS X - Mountain LionMac OS X - Mountain Lion 10.8.4
Mac OS X - Mountain LionMac OS X - Mountain Lion 10.8.5
Java Runtime Environment 1.7 for Mac OS XJava Runtime Environment 1.7 for Mac OS X
Mac OS X - MavericksMac OS X - Mavericks 10.9
Mac OS X - MavericksMac OS X - Mavericks 10.9.1
Mac OS X - MavericksMac OS X - Mavericks 10.9.2
Mac OS X - MavericksMac OS X - Mavericks 10.9.3
Mac OS X - MavericksMac OS X - Mavericks 10.9.4

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Disclaimer: This webpage is intended to provide you information about patch announcements for certain specific software products. The information is provided 'As Is' without warranty of any kind. The links provided point to pages on the vendors' websites. You can get more information by clicking the links to visit the relevant pages on the vendors' websites. Desktop Central is NOT endorsed by the vendors of the software products.
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