Guardian Druid Can't Do Enough Dmg To Kill Kruul

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Guardian druid can

May 30, 2017  A guide to defeating Varis and Kruul for the tank Artifact Challenge. Completed with a Guardian Druid. Aug 30, 2017  Just moonfire the eyes once and the ticking damage should be enough to kill them. Kite infernals, once they reach 20% health they take bonus damage. Focus the small adds every time they spawn, use incapacitating roar once they start channelling to interrupt the cast. Once p2 starts use drums, old war and incarnation to do as much damage as you can.

Guardian Druid Can't Do Enough Dmg To Kill Kruul 3

  1. As of right now 10.7.16, Guardian is very strong and does the highest sustained damage of the tanks. Burst is decent but you have to specced for it. Having one for high end mythic progression is very desired. If your just playing for fun, any tank is viable.
  2. Some notable changes from WoD to Legion
  3. -Mastery has changed from WoD. Now our health and how much healing we receive is increased by mastery.
  4. -Savage Defense is gone and we have two new AM's in its place. Ironfur-Increases armor by X%, stacks amount and duration. Mark of Ursol-Reduces magic damage taken by 30%, amount does not stack, duration does.
  5. -Frenzied Regeneration now has charges and works similar to DK Death Strike. Heals based on amount of damage received in last 5 seconds.
  6. -Shapeshifting now gives a 1.5 second cooldown. So if your actively tanking, you cannot switch forms real quick to drop movement impairing effects.
  7. Stat Priority
  8. For Legion, the best survival stat by far besides armor, is considered vers since mastery was nerfed. After Legion came out, simcrafters for tanks were shocked to see that tank's cannot be reliably simmed. Anyone that tries to prove that a simmed priority is best is wrong. No sim's can ever provide the most optimal stats due to how things change during a fight. Most sims are patchwerk fights that let you stand still an in raids that is hardly the case. The general stat priority that an average player can safely take is:
  9. Armor>Vers=Mastery>Haste or Crit
  10. Haste or Crit depends if you want to focus on a little more dps, or survival. Crit converts to dodge but its so low a rate that its hardly worth for survival. It does provide a nice dps boost. Haste lowers gcd on mange, and thrash, which is faster rage gen and FR as well so access to faster self heals. The faster mangles/thrash also can mean more damage but crit still brings more dps since all your bleeds, and damaging attacks can crit.
  11. My stat priority is
  12. Armor>Mastery=Vers>Haste=Crit I try to get haste and crit relatively close but I like the faster gcds haste provides.
  13. Enchants:
  14. Enchants are going to be somewhat similar to WoD being on the Neck/Rings/Cloak. There are no weapon enchants for Legion and older one's do not work on items above 749 item lvl. Based on the stat priority you will want to use:
  15. Rings: Vers
  16. Neck: Mark of the Heavy Hide for survival, Mark of the Satyr for dps.
  17. Vers seems to be the go to enchant after the mastery nerf. Neck enchants, are more or less the weapon enchants of Legion. The best defensive one is by far is the Mark of the Heavy Hide which grants 3k armor. For dps, I use the Mark of the Satyr because most of the time we are doing single target damage.
  18. Gems:
  19. Following the same style as WoD, gear has a chance to proc prismatic sockets. JC's can make a gem that is boe that is a main stat of Str/Agi/Int, as well as the secondary stats we are accustomed to in WoD. The main stat gem we can only have 1 of, so we will take the Agi 1, and the rest Vers.
  20. Rotation
  21. Mangle>Thrash>Moonfire>Swipe Only difference when for aoe is when you reach 4+ targets if you don't need the rage, Thrash and Swipe are your friends. If you need rage, Mangle/Thrash/Moonfire procs.
  22. Disclaimer for Maul: We still have Maul, however its usefulness is pretty garbage. Its a 20 cost rage dump, but does so little damage, and that's an understatement. Use it if you want to dump excess rage into damage because damage is still damage.
  23. Artifact
  24. Claws of Ursoc grant us a new ability called Rage of the Sleeper. When first obtaining it, it servers as a Def CD, 25% damage reduction of all damage you take, and reflecting back X% of attack power as Nature damage back at your attackers. There are a couple different paths you can take in the artifact tree depending on if your wanting dps or survival. For dps, you want to take the right path up through the extra Thrash damage for Embrace the Nightmare. While Rage of the Sleeper is active, you deal 25% more damage and gain 25% increased Leech, and your immune to all effects that cause loss of control. Paired with the Lunar Beam talent, this makes for nice burst. If you want to go for survival, it is recommended to go more for Adaptive Fur.
  25. Talents:
  26. For talents I am not going to explain what they do, since this information is easily accessible in game or via Wowhead. I will give a brief rundown on what they tend to be used for.
  27. Level 15:
  28. -Brambles: Good Survival talent and moderate dps talent. Default for survival.
  29. -Bristling Fur: Good for building quick rage when you know damage intake is high.
  30. -Blood Frenzy: Good rage gen for when its extended cleave/aoe fights.
  31. All three talents have there usage and Brambles will probably see most use. Pick and choose based on what you need.
  32. Level 30:
  33. -Guttural Roars: Nice for Stampeding Roar. Some utility.
  34. -Displacer Beast: Good movement speed, but puts you in catform.
  35. All have there uses. Pick and choose based on the fight.
  36. Level 45:
  37. -Balance Affinity: Extra range good for aoe pickup.
  38. -Feral Affinity: Movement speed boost. Best dps talent because of bearcat.
  39. -Restoration Affinity: Best survival talent, adds healing abilities that can help out when not tanking anything.
  40. Pick what you think is best for the fight. Me personally, Feral Affinity for the static movement speed and because bearcat is extremely good dps if you can pull it off.
  41. Level 60
  42. -Might Bash: Our standard stun. Will probably see most use.
  43. -Mass Entanglement: Mass root, probably won't see much use in raids. Very niche.
  44. -Typhoon: Good knockback, may see use on niche fights.
  45. Same as usual, pick and choose based on fight. Typhoon is great for Ill'gynoth adds.
  46. Level 75:
  47. -Soul of the Forest: Extra rage generation for Mangle and more damage. Weak compared to other two talents.
  48. -Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc: Great burst damage cooldown.
  49. -Galactic Guardian: Best rage generation talent out of the three, and spreads Moonfire like a plague. Disco bear baby.
  50. Galactic Guardian (GG) is the best rage regeneration talent and provides great sustain dps. Incarnation is great for extra burst damage.
  51. Level 90:
  52. -Earthwarden: Good for single target and bosses that melee real fast, ideally 1.5 seconds and under.
  53. -Guardian of Elune: Probably most used talent, makes AM's last longer and more healing on FR.
  54. -Survival of the Fittest: Take if you find yourself needing defensive's faster. Which you probably won't.
  55. As of now, Guardian of Elune outshines the other two.
  56. Level 100:
  57. -Rend and Tear: Good for fights with extended AoE. Paired with one of the Legendaries makes this talent very strong.
  58. -Lunar Beam: Burst AoE and healing. Great when paired with Rage of the Sleeper with EotN Artifact Talent. Same cooldown length as well.
  59. I tend to use Rend and Tear due to the 6% more dmg done and 6% less damage taken. Lunar Beam is good as well for burst damage and healing when paired with RotS if you have the Embrace of the Nightmare artifact talent.
  60. Common questions (Will add more as I get them or see them)
  61. Does Ironfur/Mark of Ursol stack?
  62. Yes and No. Ironfur does stack and keeping up 1 stack of it is very easy to do and using excess rage for another stack is recommened if your taking more damage to help smooth it out. If you don't need the extra mitigation, you can maul. Mark of Ursol's effect does not stack. You can only get 30% magic reduction peroid. Something to also note is that both AM's durations will not exceed 10 seconds. That means you can't have a 1 min+ of the buffs.
  63. What trinkets should I use?
  64. Trinkets for Legion are all over the place. There is no two set and forget trinkets. Best advice I can give is try to get your hands on as many as you can and then determine whats best for survival or dps.
  65. -Playing a Guardian Druid:
  66. For Legion, bear is quite strong and for the 'class fantasy' crap they were going for, they hit it pretty dead on with Bear. They are a literal meat-shield. They have way more Hp than the other tanks. Their damage is great on aoe and single target is decent. Their toolkit to handle damage is really really good, and they are overall very well balanced gameplay wise. They are also forgiving if you mess up, whereas most other tanks can risk you dying. Rage gen is really good and even without the talents that maximize it, its more than enough to keep AM's up and see 2 and sometimes 3 stacks of Ironfur. They are kinda simple to play, keep Ironfur up for physical attacks and Mark of Ursol for magic. Use Frenzied Regeneration as needed to heal up damage. Keep in mine for FR, its heal amount is based on the amount of damage you take in the last 5 seconds.
  67. -Healing a Guardian Druid:
  68. Guardian Druid's mastery makes up for their huge health pool's so its easier to heal them up. Since they have so much hp this also makes them not as spiky. They have good defensive cooldowns and their AM's makes many mechanics a joke.
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