Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output
- Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output Pc
- Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output In Windows 10
- Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output System
Sep 25, 2015 Hecarim is a bruiser. His kit does amazingly well at procing sheen, so sheen is almost always in his build path. He also likes movement speed, so triforce really helps him there too. As a bruiser, he tends to be somewhat tanky. After triforce you usually build all tank. In the jungle, triforce into cinderhulk, or the reverse is the most common. Start the game with 80 armor and cloth 5; keep an eye on his rampage stacks as it increases his dmg output significantly. Just backoff when he turns on his W as it will allow him to heal back the dmg he will take from minion aggro during the lane phase. If he is too sticky then just wither him during trades.
I am struggling to find a champion that is not just viable but also a worthy pick in ranked solo queue. I have just started playing ranked for the first time ever on another freshly hit level 30 account but it's not going so well.
My record at the moment is like 3 wins 9 losses, but that is mainly due to people being idiots and selfish, people picking champions that THEY want to play even if they don't fit into the current team, then start purposely feeding if words are exchanged or they get mad because they start doing badly for example, that or just leave the game or go AFK, happening every game so far and bit sick of it tbh. Apprently its called 'ELO hell' or something, an apt name for it :P
Anyways, i play hecarim on a low(ish) level account which is like level 15, and im actually really good with him every game, usually always have a higher kills > deaths ratio with plenty of assists.
But I am wondering, when it comes to ranked games is Hecarim a good choice? or is he in a bad place right now? Have read some topics on different server forums and there's mixed views about him, some say he is a really good jungler and some say he's good solo top. Others say he's not a worth pick due to him getting outshined by the likes of udyr etc.
I also read its best to build him tanky as his damage output is still quite strong as a tank build and also gives him the survive ability and sustain rather than if you just build him as a full out AD champion and gets burst down relatively easy.
Anyone who plays ranked with hecarim please let me know how you get on with him. Or if anyone regular plays in a ranked team with a hecarim also please let me know if you think he belongs in your team..
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Hecarim usually builds tanky regardless of role, not to mention his very decent damage output and gamechanging ultimate. For you to be able to outlive your opponents on Nocturne, you'd have to have a lot of lifesteal/Armor/Mr/Health etc. Basically a tanky Nocturne, but you will not that much damage output if you go straight tank. Hecarim is a bruiser that doesn't really need much damage items to do tons of damage. He really sets up the fights too. Grabbing tanky items first is a must. Just grabbing assists would help his team out and him as well because you'll set the enemies back, buff your team up to do more damage and gives you gold. May 16, 2014 It is most likely that carry itself will kill Hecarim with a little bit of support aid. You misunderstand the concept of how Aggro Tanks work, they are very tanky members of the team that get their attention with massive damage output. Nasus is major example of.
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Jungle Role
Ability Order
Jungle Role
Ability Order
I apologize if these builds are simple and there aren't more the two although Hecarim is a jungler or solo top lane if you know how to play him well. He is incredibly tanky as well as still being able to output a fair bit of damage. His Q or rampage ability is excellent for pushing lanes or killing jungle creeps due to its low cooldown and mana cost. His W or spirit of dread allows him decent sustain off minions although it caps at about 180 health off of minions however against enemy champions it has no limit allowing him to be incredibly sustainable in teamfights so long as your team and you are outputing damage. His E or devastating charge allows for excellent early game ganks or can act as an escape should the need arise. Hecarims ultimate Onslaught of Shadows allows for some soft cc and an amazing engagement tool also allows him to pass over walls and can act as a flash should the need arise. Finally Hecarims passive allows him to gain AD for his Bonus MS also it allows him to pass over minions without being blocked.Runes
Hecarim is an AD champion so it is self explanatory that you take flat AD marks for the early game ganks. You can also take flat armor penetration marks for the early game damage.Hecarims seals are flat armor in order to be able to jungle more efficiently at earlier levels.
Hecarim To Tanky With His Dmg Output Pc
Hecarims glyphs are flat magic resist which are my personal preference although it is more efficient to have per level MR glyphs.
Finally Hecarims Quints are MS quints whixch allows hecarim greater MS and AD due to his passive.