Heroes And Generals Weapon Dmg

1. Decide what you want to do. However trivial it may sound, it's one of your most important concerns, because the Infantry is the most versatile character class available in the game. He has the widest range of options when it comes to equipment and he can specialize in fighting against infantry (SMGs and machineguns, as well as sniper rifles) or he can devote himself to combat enemy tanks (rocket launchers, as well as anti-tank mines). You should decide about your purpose beforehand and focus on that single thing - you can't be effective at everything at the same time.

  1. Heroes And Generals Weapon Dmg Free

While playing the game, a lot of questions came up in my head. For example, why does it take two to three hits to kill someone with a M1 Garand? Even worse, when shooting at someone with a M3 Grease Gun at not even a range of 50 meter, it felt really weird to hit them because the bullets traveled at a way too low speed (about 280m/s according to Wikipedia, but it felt more like 25m/s in this.

Heroes and generals weapon dmg download

2. Capture control points. As the class, which isn't directly connected to any function (like controlling tanks and / or fighter planes), your main task will be to capture key control points, so that your teammates with other character classes can focus primarily on their roles, instead of wasting their time doing completing unnecessary tasks.

3. Use your large equipment points pool. As the only class in the game, the Infantryman has access to 10 equipment points. It will allow you to carry a lot of additional stuff, which are unavailable to the rest of character classes (as, for instance, most of light machine guns). You can either load your character up to the limit, making you a walking fortress, or decide to take slightly less equipment, becoming a lot faster than other character classes on the battlefield - there's a whole bunch of options to choose from.

4. Defend control points. Due to the fact, that there's a higher chance, that while playing as the Infantryman you will spend a lot of time inside of buildings (radios, which are connected with control points, are mostly located there), you are perfectly suited for the role of control points' defender. Your teammates won't be able to drive their tanks, or fly their planes inside of buildings, and a sniper won't be as effective at close range - you have to take care of the defenses.

5. Use transportation. While playing as the Infantryman, you won't have to get everywhere on foot. You can either use vehicles, which are controlled by your teammates (even tanks), or a vide spectrum of various types equipment available to the Infantryman, like terrain vehicles, or even bicycles.

6. Take your time to aim. If you managed to locate an enemy, who is lurking behind a cover, and you are certain that he didn't see you, don't just fire a volley at him, because there's always a chance that you will miss and the enemy will kill you in return. Instead, try to approach your target from a convenient position and fire a single, well-aimed shot at his head (if you are using an accurate weapon, like semi-automatic rifle or a sniper rifle), or get closer to him and fire at his back (if you, for instance, have an SMG).

7. Use sidearm and close-combat weapons. Pistols aren't the most effective weapons in the game, but they can (and certainly will) save your life - instead of wasting several precious seconds to reload your main gun, you can just flip your weapons, select the pistol and get rid of the enemy. The same goes with melee weapons (like a shovel or a wrench) - a single, well-aimed hit can send your enemy to the other side.

8. Try to eliminate silently. If you managed to get behind enemy lines, try to eliminate your foes silently, so that you won't give them your position away. You can use a shovel, or a wrench to kill your enemies silently - but remember to change your position after you've killed someone, as you can be sure that he is coming back for revenge.

9. Use terrain for cover. Shooting while standing in the middle of an open field will end up with you dying before you can even manage to harm, yet kill anyone - additionally, you are perfectly visible, meaning that every enemy can mark you. Hiding behind terrain obstacles, in buildings, in tall grass, or in places making you less exposed will make you harder to hit, and will increase your chances of survival exponentially.

10. Use grenades. This is an extremely effective weapon to flush out (or blow out) enemies hiding behind cover, sitting inside buildings, or using a HMG to shoot at you. Contrary to other similar games, there's no indication in Heroes & Generals that informs you, that a grenade just landed near your position - if the enemy didn't hear it, he won't even try to escape, and even if he tried, he still won't be able to deduce which direction is the safe one.

11. Fill up your ammo and restore health. There are chests (marked with an appropriate icon) scattered around the map, as well as some of the vehicles (if the user decided to buy the appropriate upgrade), which allows you to restore any type of ammo. An immense amount of people are oblivious to the second 'application' of the said chests - they can restore missing health. It's true, that you will regenerate your health after you've sustained some injuries, but it will regenerate to a maximum of 1/3 of your total health - the only way to get it back to full is to use those chests.

This section contains information about pieces of equipment available to the America. Below you will find a description of every weapon, coupled with the purchase price, clip size, class entitled to use it, as well as suggested methods of usage.

Heroes And Generals Weapon Dmg Free





M1 Garand

Class: Infantryman, Recon

Price: 10650 Credits/ 139 Gold

Clip Size: 8 bullets

Usage: perfect for combat on medium and long range, slightly less effective in close range.

M1 Carbine

Class: Paratrooper

Price: 42600 Credits/ 469 Gold

Clip Size: 30 bullets

Usage: an extremely powerful weapon, although restricted to the Paratrooper class. Fairly effective at any range. Unfortunately, it's probably the most expensive one as well.

M3 Grease Gun

Class: any

Price: 11200 Credits/ 179 Gold

Clip Size: 30 bullets

Usage: this weapon is effective only at close range - if the enemy is more than several dozen meters away from you, it becomes completely useless.

M1A1 Thompson

Class: any

Price: 142000 Credits/ 1399 Gold

Clip Size: 30 bullets

Usage: a very expensive weapon. Basically, it's an improved version of M3 Grease Gun - stronger, more accurate, but still not very effective at medium and long range.

Springfield M1903

Class: Infantryman, Recon

Price: 56800 Credits/ 599 Gold

Clip Size: 5 bullets

Usage: a weapon perfectly suited for medium and long range combat, because it deals huge amounts of damage (able to kill in a single shot) and has high accuracy. Unfortunately, it's not very effective at close range.

Springfield M1903 scoped

Class: Infantryman, Recon

Price: 220100 Credits/ 2049 Gold

Clip Size: 5 bullets

Usage: the scope makes this weapon even more deadly at medium and long range, but because of the zoomed-in view it's completely useless at close range, unless you decide to use it without the zoom.


Class: Infantryman

Price: 127800 Credits/ 1299 Gold

Clip Size: 20 bullets

Usage: an almost ideal weapon. It deals extremely high damage (equivalent to M1 Garand, but faster), has high rate of fire and is effective at almost any distance. The only flaw is the huge amount of equipment points required to use it (7), making it available only to the Infantryman.

M1919 Browning

Class: Infantryman

Price: 177500 Credits/ 1699 Gold

Clip Size: 50 bullets

Usage: it's basically an empowered version of the previously described one. The clip size is almost tripled, while the rate of fire is the same as of BAR's. Yet again, it's a weapon restricted to the Infantryman.

Mac os x mavericks dmg. M1911A1

Class: any

Price: 71000 Credits/ 729 Gold

Clip Size: 8 bullets

Usage: a weapon useful only when you suddenly run out of bullets in your primary gun, and there's an enemy nearby. Not effective if the enemy is further than 50-60 meters away from you.


Class: any

Price: 106500 Credits/ 1099 Gold

Clip Size: 6 bullets

Usage: an improved version of M1911A1. It deals a lot higher amount of damage, coupled with longer range, but it's still only a sidearm, effective only as a last resort. Unfortunately, it's a rather expensive piece of equipment.

M1A1 Bazooka

Class: Infantryman

Price: 35500 Credits/ 399 Gold

Clip Size: 1

Usage: the only rocket launcher available to the American side. It's effective at dealing with any target, but it's less effective when used against heavy tanks. The only downside of this weapon is the astronomical renewal price - if you empty the ammo, refilling it will cost you as much as a new rocket launcher!

M1A1 mine

Class: any

Price: 2130 Credits/ 31 Gold

Clip Size: 2

Usage: an extremely cheap way of dealing with enemy vehicles. The mine deals extreme damage - it's able to blow up every single vehicle in the game with a single strike. Not effective when used against infantry - it simply won't detonate.

No. 74

Class: any

Price: 18460 Credits/ 229 Gold

Clip Size: 3

Usage: an effective weapon to use against enemy vehicles, because it can be thrown at a certain distance, eliminating the risk of being ran over by the enemy vehicle. It deals less damage than the M1A1, which makes it less effective against heavy tanks.

MK II Grenade

Class: any

Price: 8520 Credits/ 119 Gold

Clip Size: 4

Usage: your primary means of fighting the enemy infantry, as well as unarmored vehicles. Ineffective against tanks.


Class: Recon

Price: 21300 Credits/ 259 Gold

Clip Size: 2

Usage: the equivalent of the M1A1 mine, but this time to be used against enemy infantry. Extremely effective - a single one will kill every soldier in the range, be it foe or an ally.

Combat Knife

Class: any

Price: 7100 Credits/ 90 Gold

Clip Size: -

Usage: a hand-to-hand weapon. A single, well-aimed strike can kill an enemy soldier. Ineffective against other targets.


Class: any

Price: 3550 Credits/ 49 Gold

Clip Size: -

Usage: cheaper and sooner available melee weapon. The equivalent of the Combat Knife, with the same flaws: effective only against infantry.


Class: any

Price: 28401 Credits/ 330 Gold

Clip Size: -

Usage: this piece of equipment is used mainly to repair vehicles. Additionally, it can be used as a makeshift melee weapon. In combat, ineffective against anything that's not infantry.

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