Heroes Dmg With Zen Orb

Orb of Venom
Envenoms your veapon with the venom of a venomous viper.
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PassivePoison Attack

Moira's right hand is ghoulish and damaged, and her right eye is red, referencing evil creatures depicted with red eyes. Moira is the second hero after D.Va who can perform the 'Quick Melee' attack with both her hands, chosen randomly. Moira has two different eye colors, the right one being red and the left blue. Though not fully a member of the New Praetorians, he identifies readily with their aims and is willing to join them from time to time if called upon to serve, but generally he works on behalf of the people of Primal Earth. Jab Melee, Moderate DMG (Smashing), Chance for Stun (Foe) You strike your target with a quick jab. Welcome to Hero Damage, the website where you can see the latest World of Warcraft simulations results for every class. Please select your class below. Best builds with Orb of Annihilation artifact combining Heroes, Positions, Artifacts and Stones for Idle Heroes. From Heroes 3 wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search This list contains all the artifacts in Restoration of Erathia, Armageddon's Blade and Shadow of Death.

Heroes dmg with zen orb free

The Orb of Venom is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Equipment.

Getaway Artist. Exotic Gauntlets. Review Rating. Keep the engine running. He stands up in the open-roof cockpit and whoops, and the little devil on his shoulder, a crackling ball of Arc energy, spits bullets behind him. Mows down the idiots as they run straight into the line of fire, like lemmings. And Ayrin doesn't need to shoot. Kills with Getaway Artist's Super Arc Soul counts as grenade kills. Bobby Vanilla. 5 months ago. Kills with Getaway Artist's Super Arc Soul counts as grenade kills. Just a neat little thing. If you need grenade kills for anything or are going for the grenade Triumphs, Getaway Artist can speed up the. Dmg Dec 07, 2019  The primary component of this build is the Getaway Artist exotic gauntlets. The Getaway Artist exotic gauntlets have the Exotic Intrinsic armor perk called Dynamic Duo. Dynamic Duo allows a player to continue to hold their grenade button to convert their Arc Grenade into a supercharged Arc Soul, which functions as an autonomous turret. The super charged arc soul from Getaway Artist triggers taken armaments nearly every kill. Posted by 11 months ago. The super charged arc soul from Getaway Artist triggers taken armaments nearly every kill. It’s pretty crazy. Just got these to drop while farming strikes. It does have a delay though after each.

Mar 28, 2019  It’s probably not too hard to understand that you can damage boost it, especially considering Ana’s Nano Boost Genjis — but it’s also a smart move if you’re Mercy. Basically, if you damage boost your Genji during his Ultimate, his sword attacks can kill most enemy heroes in one swipe plus a Swift Strike — and that means he can efficiently kill more targets. Does reins dmg get boosted if mercy boosts him. If you're about to start the fight, the first thing your rein will do is firestrike to build ult charge. Boost him, boost his ult gain = quicker shatters. Snipers are a good one as it allows them the freedom of bodyshots. Ulting Soldiers / bastions / pharahs are always a good one. You need to read the situation and make.

Heroes Dmg With Zen Orb Free


Poison Attack
Poisons the target, dealing 5 magical damage per second and slowing movement by 12% if the equipped hero is melee, or 3 magical damage per second and slowing movement by 4% if they are ranged. Lasts for 3 seconds.
Move Speed Slow (Ranged): 4%
Damage per Second (Ranged): 3
Item Orb Of Venom Slow: Dispellable with any dispel.


  • The damage from Poison Attack is flagged as HP Removal, so it does not trigger any on-damage effects.
  • Successive attacks with Orb of Venom do not stack, but refresh the duration instead.
  • The attacks first apply the debuff, then their own damage.
  • When a melee and a ranged hero with Orb of Venoms attack one target, the slow of the first applied debuff is used and refreshed.
  • Deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting 1 second after the debuff is applied, resulting in 3 instances.
  • Can deal up to 15 damage when applied by melee heroes and 9 damage when applied by ranged heroes (before reductions).
  • Does not work against wards and buildings. Works against couriers.
  • The damage over time is lethal.


Recommended heroes[edit]

  • Orb of Venom is generally picked up by melee heroes who intend to harass in lane.
  • can also poison enemies through
  • Melee heroes without reliable lockdowns can also opt for an Orb of Venom.

Heroes Dmg With Zen Orb 2


  • Orb of Venom's lore Envenoms your veapon with the venom of a venomous viper. is a reference to the quote of V for Vendetta. 'Weapon' was intentionally written wrong, with a V, for the reference's sake.

Heroes Dmg With Zen Orb For Sale


  • Affected by Orb of Venom

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