Heroes Of The Storm Monk Dmg Build

Reddit community for Blizzard's MOBA game - Heroes of the Storm. Blizzard Kharazim Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm. Commiting to full dmg/healing build will. Malthael, the Aspect of Death, is a melee bruiser hero from the Diablo franchise. Once the Aspect of Wisdom, Malthael abandoned heaven after the Worldstone's destruction. In secret, he had resolved to end the Eternal Conflict by becoming a Reaper of Souls and eliminating everything affected by demonic corruption, including humanity. Aug 11, 2015  Today Brbteabreak checks out Kharazim the Monk on Heroes of the Storm PTR! He was playable at Gamescom along with Rexxar. He's a melee support who has multiple talent builds. The best site dedicated to analyzing Heroes of the Storm replay files. Our site contains tons of hero builds, a talent calculator, charts, statistics, and much more! We also cover patch notes, new heroes, and other HOTS news. The complete guide to playing Kharazim in Heroes of the Storm with the best Kharazim build, matchups, as well as stats on wins by map, by hero level, and overall Kharazim wins over time.

After many years of learning, failing, cheering and salt mining I have hit lvl 100 with my favorite character in the game Kharazim. This is the first and most likely only character I will see hit the triple digits, so to celebrate this fun to play character and this fun to play game I wanted to write a guide/ode to the Monk. This one goes out to all the fellow Gold/Silver lvl healers who want to namste their way through another ill advised 2v3 engages and try and carry their team with some clutch plays. So here is my build.

  • 1: Insight: While the pro pick is Iron Fists, I have been going Insight before the buff. No, not the speed buff they gave to all the passives, I was taking this talent back before it gave you CD reduction. I hear that soaking is pretty important in this game, so I figured Insight allows me to rarely leave lane to incrementally out soak the opponent. At low levels I find this talent key to winning the dragged out team fights you usually see, where the dmg build makes sense at higher levels of play where people know how to stun lock better.

  • 4: Earth Totem: I pick this 90% of the time. The other 9% is Healing Totem when not facing heavy AA or you have 2 fatties on your side. 1% Revealing Totem when I want to ruin a Nova's day. AOE constant Block is just insane and gives you a huge advantage early game against AA comps. Totems have also helped me escape many situations I should have died in. Hug the wall and dash over with the help of a safely placed totem to GTFO. Especially with the help of

  • 7: Blinding Speed: Take this always, no matter the build. You get another escape chance, 3 cleanses (@lvl 16) or 3 IF speed bag dashes. No Brainer.

  • 10: Divine Palm: Just got a fatty buff but I always took it. It is the self-castable Ancestral Heal we have missed for so long. And it also gives the over-zealous diver on your team the extra health bar they would need to realistically pull off the pipe dream 1v9 they're trying to execute after what I am guessing is a long drag of the finest Chinese opium an Illidan can buy. 7 Sided is good with lockdown play, but I think of every landed Palm as a psuedo-kill since I am usually -1 a kill from the other team. They burned their CDs to finish and usually can't answer the counter engage as they ooh and ahh your play. Such a satisfying payoff every time you hit one.

  • 13: Quicksilver/Sixth Sense: I default to QS because paired with cleanse at 16 turns your dash into 3 charges of a Get Out of Jail Free card. Giving someone mounted speed and later cleanse helps keep you dive buddies alive. QS is especially potent with an Arthas so they can't escape his E slow. Sixth Sense is not a bad pick if you are getting stunned or rooted on the reg and you want to survive their AA follow up.

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  • 16: Cleansing Touch: Sure you don't get Cleanse until 16, but when you do you get 3 of them with ~3x the range. With well utilized CD reduction from Insight you can keep your squishies on the right side of dead throughout the entire team fight. Palm plays are hard to miss, but often times a Dash Cleanse goes unnoticed. But you can rest your bald head knowing that you are the reason that KT was able to get his Living Bomb on the enemy Garrosh and get away without getting his 19 stacks tossed into the wrong back line.

  • 20: Storm Shield: Another AOE dmg mitigator, meaning not only can you effectively babysit the Blizzard mandated anchor on your team, but you can protect the rest of your team at the same time. I usually lead with Storm Shield and stagger the totem afterwards for max sustain and to get the totem in the most advanced position/best place to dash to give myself an escape. Don't need Palm upgrade because you land you're a God and you land your Palms. Epiphany only if you really need more dashes because mana is not a problem with Insight. Not the flashiest lvl 20, but our biggest late game power spike is at 16.

Heroes Of The Storm Download Free

So that is it. Other than the Fighting Irish skin is OP because you can't miss the shamrock underneath that helps you see if your team is in range for Circle of Healing.

Thanks to all the good teammates I have had as I have learned to love MOBAS and HotS in general. This game helped me take my mind (for better or worse) some serious medical trauma and overnight work schedules (wuddup early morning Pacific server homies). I am glad we are still trying to make it work sans a pro scene. Big ups to u/Unbiased_Bob for being the best example of a good, honest content creator. For u/Halorin for adding me on Super Smash Bros Ultimate even after I beat him with my Duck Hunt. For u/Tempo_Dreadnaught because I want to be his best friend and for u/Khaldor for his countless hours of casting and hosting tournaments to give me something interesting to watch while I hit the treadmill.

Enough with the gushing I have to go, this Illidan is passing me the opium pipe. And mods gimmie my flair yeeee

Heroes Of The Storm Tier List

See you in the Nexus

EZST #11939

Edit: formatting

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Heroes Of The Storm Monk Dmg Build
© Post 'An Ode to Monk to Celebrate lvl 100' for game Heroes of the Storm.

Heroes Of The Storm Monk Dmg Build

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