High Dmg Mage Build Divinity 2

Register Log In Larian Studios Forums Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis Warrior build. High damage, you're better off picking mage, I reckon. Dmg to kill fast the imps. Jan 02, 2019  Divinity Original Sin 2 Build for the Blood Mage (Necromancer). The Blood Mage uses high Intelligence and Warfare to rain death upon its enemies. Dec 15, 2017  Divinity Original Sin 2 Wizard Class Guide to help you learn how to play as the class, how to build it, its Attributes, Talents, and Abilities. It has an extremely high disposition towards it. My Knight has 101% crit rate with 280% crit damage, hitting normal melee attacks for 14k anything with source is about 50k, but that's if u build it like mine =P, in 1 turn i get 10 ap and my aoe hits for 14k on every target. Everything gets 1 shot by me on tactian difficulty.

This page of the Divinity Original Sin 2 guide contains a detailed descrption of Witch. You'll get acquainted with the basic information on this class, recommended playstyle, as well as its biggest advantages and potential disadvantages.

Witch is one of the hybrid classes that combines features of an assassin (Scoundrel abilities) and a mage (Necromancer tree). Thanks to that, Witch can hurt enemies thanks to spells and, when a situation calls for it, they can get behind enemy's back and use a dagger to deal additional damage. This class can deal a lot of physical damage, curse enemies and summon monsters that will fight alongside your team.

Below, you can view starting parameters for this class.


In the case of Witch, there are two attributes that are buffed by default.

Attribute's name





A bonus to Finesse can be useful when you are using ranged weapons as well as daggers but it can also strengthen abilities from Scoundrel and Huntsman trees.



This bonus allows for a greater effectiveness of attacks and dealing more damage when using elements but also spells. Additional Intelligence also slightly increases magic armor.



A point of Constitution increases amount of health points which gives a character more vigor.

Abilities and Talent

In the case of Witch, there are four abilities.






A bonus to damage dealt by abilities from this school goes perfectly with additional Finesse point - most of Scoundrel's abilities require a use of daggers.



Additional percentage in stealing health, based on amount of dealt damage which has a direct influence on enemy's health, allows for a gradual regeneration. Thanks to that you can focus on dealing damage.



A bonus to Persuasion allows you to have a greater influence on NPCs.


Leech - allows you to regenerate your HP while you are standing in a puddle of blood.

Starting abilities




Raise Bloated Corpse

A very useful ability that allows you to summon a monster out of a corpse of another enemy. The monster has a lot of health points and it can explode, dealing area damage.


Destroys X points of magic armor (depends on character's Finesse attribute) and puts a target to sleep if it deosn't have magic armor.

Remember, that this ability doesn't deal any damage.

Mosquito Swarm

This ability allows you to deal physical damage (which are blocked by physical armor, not magic, unlike most of the spells) and heal your character by an amount of dealt damage.

Witch and Races






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Of course, the lack of default predispositions that provide bonuses to attribute does not mean that you cannot create a character with this class and of this race, but you should keep in mind that the effectiveness of such a character, in the battlefield, may be lower than in the case of other races.



In this case, parameters do not harmonize in 100%, but thanks to the base bonus to Wits, your initiative factor is much higher and it allows you to find a more convenient position in battle, or eliminate threats before they can do any damage.



Just like in the case of Elf, there are no racial attributes, nor abilities, which would support creating Witch of this race.



The additional two points to Intelligence and a passive bonus to Persuasion especially predestine Lizards to be Witches.

Which abilities are worth choosing?

A Witch has access to two schools (Necromancer and Scoundrel) which means that they can choose from 8 starting abilities. However, the default starting abilities are very useful and selected wisely - you shouldn't change them because this will only lower this character's effectiveness. Because of that you should use Raise Bloated Corpse, Chloroform and Mosquito Swarm.

The level of customization possible in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is staggering, whether you want to focus on a smooth-talking teleporter with a ton of skills, an undead soldier who knocks down all enemies, an archer who summons corpses, or nearly anything else you can imagine.

In this guide, we're going to go over four epic Original Sin 2 builds with vastly different focuses, from a stealth assassin to a masochistic necromancer who revels in taking damage. With any of these builds, you could either co-op or even potentially solo your way through the game.

Rogue Assassin Build

With this build, you always want to be positioned behind an enemy for backstabbing and generally avoiding detection. On the attribute side, Finesse is probably a better idea than Strength. Don't discount Wits though, as you get a bonus to initiative and critical chance. For your ability points, you want to put your points into Scoundrel for the critical bonus, and of course Stealth for the sneaking.

On the skills, Adrenaline is a must for getting enough action points to kill with a backstab in one turn. Throwing Knife and Backlash also lets you deal backstab damage, while Chloroform can knock out an enemy at the end of your turn without breaking stealth.


If you go for a secondary ability beyond Scoundrel, oddly enough Polymorphing can be helpful, since it lets you fly around and avoid terrain or remove all negative status effects quickly. The Polymorphing skill Chamelon Cloak gives you two turns of pure invisibility without breaking stealth. Warfare isn't nearly as useful as you'd think, since many of the associated attacks aren't helpful for backstabbing and Scoundrel already gives you a bonus to Finesse-based attacks.



So long as you pick skills that don't break stealth and you have a weapon that benefits from the high Finesse, you can essentially cheese your way through any combat by staying hidden and then quickly backstabbing or knocking an enemy unconscious before they react. Getting items early that provide teleportation abilities will be a must so you have maximum mobility.


You will generally have lower armour ratings, since you are focused on staying hidden, meaning that status effects will hit you more often. The game is also a good deal slower and more tense if you are always sneaking and having to pay attention to line-of-sight cones.

Rogue Assassin Build

Solo Masochist Necromancer Build

Put either two points into the Necromancer skill, or one in Necromancer and one in Warfare for the bonus damage. When you level up, place your combat points into Retribution. For your weapon, you probably want a big two-handed weapon that does the most base damage possible with devastating criticals.

From the Necromancer side, you absolutely want the Bloodsucker ability, which lets you heal from the ever-present pools of blood on the ground. You may also want to invest in the Leech talent to automatically heal from blood sources if you aren't going the solo route. Mosquito Swarm is another one that both deals damage and heals. If you are mixing Necromancer and Warfare instead of straight necro, either Crippling Blow or Battle Stomp is the way to go.


Your idea here is to always be healing yourself while reflecting damage back to the enemy. Every point in Necromancer means you automatically heal damage when you deal it, and each point in Reflection increases the amount of damage you automatically deal back to anyone who hits you. In other words, just walking around getting damaged in combat lets you both kill and heal.


With the Necromancer skill, your vitality only heals when dealing damage directly to enemy vitality, so any enemy with high physical / magical armour will prevent you from healing.

It also takes several levels for the bonuses from Necromancer and Retribution to actually hit useful levels (starting at a measly 10% and 5% with only one point each at first level). However, this can be overcome by taking the Lone Wolf talent instead of Leech.

With Lone Wolf, each skill point is effectively doubled, which halves the amount of time for those skills to reach useful levels. Despite the name, Lone Wolf actually lets you bring along one companion in addition to your main character while still retaining all the benefits of the talent.

Mage Build Rohan

Necromancer Skills

Paladin Build

Your archetypal holy knight, this build revolves around battlefield control. You should be dealing out decent damage, knocking down opponents for control frequently, and then healing your party when necessary.

Hydrosophist and Warfare should be your ability picks, giving access to healing and armor boosting spells, in addition to the bonus to straight damage. For skills, your starting picks should be Restoration and Armour Of Frost (which removes negative status effects) -- and your Warfare pick should probably be Battle Stomp, since it gives battlefield control and doesn't affect allies like most area effect spells.

On the weapon front, either sword and shield combo or a two handed weapon focus compliment the build.


The Paladin build is excellent for your main character because it overcomes a lot of the weaknesses of the five other origin companions. While you won't be flinging fireballs and creating poison clouds, you can gain easy battlefield control and ensure the rest of the party doesn't go down in flames. There are a lot of combos you can do with other party members as well by first creating wet conditions using your Hydrosophist abilities and then creating electrified areas.


Outside of combat the build isn't nearly as useful, since a simple bedroll you can grab directly at the beginning of game in the ship prevents the need for healing items outside of battle. You also won't be the stealthiest.

Building a Custom Paladin

Elemental Mage / Summoner

Taking the Lizard class for this fire build is a decent idea, since you get the Dragon's Blaze bonus ability to breathe fire. However, you may want to go with Undead instead, since they heal damage from poison, and you will frequently be creating poison clouds.

High Dmg Mage Build Divinity 2 Free

Your attributes should be focused on Intelligence for bonus spell damage and Memory so you have a broad range of spells to use and are never in a situation with all your skills in cool down. For abilities, of course you want Pyrokinetic and Geomancer.

On the skills, Ignition is less useful than you'd think because it does damage around you, which can hit allies and of course set off oil puddles and end up hurting yourself or other friendlies. Fossil Strike pairs well with Searing Daggers to create a fiery battlefield -- and for maximum map controlling damage, don't forget Poison Dart creates a poison cloud.

For a twist, instead of Pyrokinetic, switch over to Summoning but keep Geomancer. Now pick Conjure Incarnate instead of Searing Daggers. If you summon your Incarnate in a poison cloud, he will deal tons of poison damage to your enemies for you, essentially acting as a bonus free companion.


AoE is the name of the game here, as you set large swathes of the battlefield on fire or fill it with poisonous vapors. Dual-wielding elemental wands is a great idea so you can deal bonus damage to fleeing enemies who are on fire or poisoned. Even when you aren't hitting, you will still be dealing damage due to everything being on fire.


It's incredibly easy to end up damaging your own team here with all the area fire and poison effects, and you don't have much of anything in the way of healing or physical armour.

Undead Wizard

These are the four best Divinity: Original Sin 2 builds we've had the most luck with playing through the campaign and dominating in combat. What's your favorite build, and what combos would you recommend for getting through different acts of the game?

Divinity 2 Blood Mage Build

If you're looking for more tips on this huge fantasy game, be sure to checl out our full list of Divinity: Original Sin 2 guides to get the most out of your roleplay.

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