Highest Attack Dmg Yu Go Oh Card

Not Yu-Gi-Oh GX! The original series. It doesn't matter if it's magic, monster, or trap. Just the best Yu-Gi-Oh cards in general.

Feb 21, 2017 here's my 5 favorite effect damage cards. Here's my 5 favorite effect damage cards. Skip navigation Sign in. Ra Over 15 Million Attack (Highest Attack Ever!) - Duration: 3:40.

The Top Ten

1Exodia the Forbidden One

Amazing card! You win a duel if you have all the forbidden parts and exodia! Its only level 3!

But it's so easy to disrupt the strategy by seeing their hand and using card destruction

Exodia! OBLITERATE! When this card comes out, you're dead meat!

Exodia what more can I say the sickest card can not be killed infinity stats absolute beast try ti lock it up in a chain to strong gonna obliterate you to the shadow realm.

I don't know why people keep voting for this card. It SUCKS. Do you realize just how long it takes to get Exodia on the field? My Beatdown Deck would obliterate ANY Exodia Deck. Exodia Decks mostly have cards just to draw so you can get all five pieces in your Hand. Because your Deck is mostly getting cards into your Hand instead of the field, making Exodia Decks almost defenseless. Beatdown Decks consist of monsters with high attack, and effects like Battle Mania which forces your opponent's monsters into attack position and makes them attack, dealing high burn damage. The rest of the card effects are dedicated to taking out your opponent's field. This deck also runs quickly, bringing demolition in a few turns compared to the painstakingly long wait to get all of Exodia in your Hand.

2Slifer the Sky Dragon

The best of the three god cards by far. Its always ben my favorite god card, IT GAINS 1000 ATK FOR EVERY CARD IN YOUR HAND! Vote for it!

Slifer is the best Egyptian God as he gets stronger with each standby phase and can stop opponents from summoning monsters with 2000 OR LESS meaning there can't be much sacrificing for tribute monsters.

I love for mainly 3 reason #1 He looks sick like all the cards ran to the graveyard #2 he gains 1000 attack for each card in your hand #3 its yugi and yami yugi or the spirit of the millennium puzzle first EGYPTIAN GOD CARD EVER!

If Slifer The Sky Dragon only has 2000 attack points all you need to do is get a few more cards in your hand to make him have 6000 attack points.

3The Winged Dragon of Ra

Best monster card! It saved me when I thought I was about to lose in a tournament with my friends! It's one of the best monster cards I've ever gotten!

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Give one thousand life points and wipe out your opponent's cards for good

I got the tournament legal version and it totally rocks I need the other two cards though to make an ultimate deck

In the episodes IT CLEARLY SAID IT WAS THE STRONGEST CARD plus egyptian god cards are stronger than exodia.

4Obelisk the Tormentor

Obelisk is the best guys. He can totally kick some butt. I mean with 4000 attack points your set. I have one it's a king of my deck. My blue eyes ultimate and white dragon are second but obelisk is my big powerhouse of my deck

Man, this card is just epic, the picture is amazing, and the attack is beast, I mean, its just superior to the other two Egyptian god cards, I wish I had the tournament legal version, but I only have the legal version of Ra, regardless, I would trade Ra for Obelisk any day.

This card is the best! It can kill every monster your opponent controls!

Obelisk is the most powerful Egyptian gods because of his abilitys. Obelisk can easily defeat slifer and ra because he has abilites that will not backfire at all.

5Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

No effect but it has a very strong monster combination spell cards is great

Can you get 3 of these on the field?
( Yu-Gi-Oh! Isn't boring. It's just a children's card game )

Its awesome I absolutely love this card I want it now so anyone with it give me the card

Kaiba's signature card. Go Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Use Neutron Blast attack!

6Five Headed Dragon

Amazing card, 5000 attack the highest in the game and 5000 defense! And can't be destroyed by battle by Earth, Water, Fire, Wind or Dark monsters! Plus if you have Royal decree out it can't be mirror forced or sakuretsu armored or anything, AND if you have you have a lord of D on the field it's safe from card effects too! BOOM

It is a very strong card and I have it.
You can BARLEY destroy it

It's the more powerful card in the game and its almost impossible to destroy

Even though it needs so much dragon type monsters, it is so strong atk-5000 definitely-5000, its stats is almost the same as elite master knight, I always defeat my classmate with this card.

7Blue Eyes White Dragon

Honestly, I think master dragon knight should be here because it has ATK/5000 and DEF/5000

I love this card it rocks! Although I did a mistake of trading both of my only Blue Eyes. It will always be my favorite card. I like it because you can fuse it to make 2 really awesome cards(blue eyes ultimate dragon and dragon master knight)

One I the most iconic and powerful cards in the game. On their own they aren't exactly an unstoppable force but that's not why they are so good. They are the key to some of the three most powerful cards in the game. If you fuse three together you get the mighty blue eyes ultimate dragon then if you fuse that with black luster soldier you get the dragon master knight. However slightly more experienced players will want a card than can raise its attack every turn and is immune to effects so tribute the blue eyes ultimate dragon to special summon the blue eyes shining dragon. I have used this card many times and not once has it been destroyed. It takes a real strategy to bring it down so if you can spring it on your opponent Theseus is yours.

Not only is it the most beautiful dragon ever, but it's also the basic foundation for the most powerful cards of all time. Blue Eyes alone has 3,000 ATK. Combined three of those bad boys together you get the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon with 4,500 ATK. Combine the Ultimate Dragon with a Black Luster Solider, you get the Dragon Master Night with 5,000 ATK. Spare one of your Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons to send out a Blue Eyes Shining Dragon. A super powerful card right there. Anyways, you can't get any of those powerful monsters without starting off with a Blue Eyes White Dragon.

8Rainbow Dragon

Rainbow dragon paired with some spell cards is more powerful than even blue eyes ultimate dragon.

I use crystal beast and if rainbow dragon is out, I dominate

This card is awesome super strong and beautiful. I have many cards gem beast so if I get it I'm the king.

The turn after rainbow dragon is summoned you can boost his attack points to 11000 but only if you still have all crystal beasts out

9Pot of Greed

One card in hand that replaces itself with 2 cards from your deck. Great after searching a bunch of cards especially because then you're more likely to draw those cards you can't search. Also thins out your deck in the process. - CocoBird

It is an old good classic card without any true costs and it can indeed be a so called lifesaver

Highest attack dmg yu go oh cardds

This is by far the STRONGEST card ever. This card has no disadvantages. Not even the imaginary disadvantage that if you draw this card you might not draw an other card. Its good that its banned. If not I would put it in every deck as much as I am allowed to. It would only be logical.
And there shouldn't be a card that every deck MUST have, no matter what.

This card definitely is one of the best, it almost always gets me out of tough situations when I duel. Too bad it's banned from tournament duels or I'd be able to enter with my dragon deck.


LOL I took control of my friends best cards and destroyed him LOOL

I have never used this card but have seen it in the show it is really powerful.

Well, what can I say this card. Wow. Got a ritual raven to summon it and when it is out it will not be stopped, even if they manage to kill it after the killing pain and agony trying to take it down, I quickly activate a monster reborn or call of the haunted. carnage begins once more.

Relinquished is easily a valuable card to have in your deck. When I used to play, I always hated ritual summoning, but this card isn't much of a problem to deal with. You can sacrafise a low level monster to summon it and relinquished's effects are probably at the top of the game. He takes control of a monster and takes that monster's attack and defense. If your opponent attacks and successfully destroys it, then you don't loose any life points; instead the damage is delt to them. I don't know of any monster that can beat this card, only spell and trap cards.

The Newcomers

?Infernal Incinerator

The Contenders


He is cool looking cause he is a marshmallow and each time your opponent tries to attack it face-down, your opponent takes 1000 pts. of damage! And he cannot be destroyed by battle so I keep switching him to DEF mode. - dmagicatk24

This card is better than every card on this list the picture is cute and if an Egyptian god card attacks it it will not even make a scratch on the marshnmaloon

I have 3 of these in my deck. He can't be destroyed by battle, so put him in defense position and your life points will always be safe. Plus you should get mashmallon eyes with him; it's a magic card that makes your opponent only attack marshmallon. Stack up your deck with this guy and you'll be sure to win.

Marshmallon is perfect for stalling so I can get the right cards from my monarch deck. Add Marshmallon Glasses for the perfect combo.

12Delinquent Duo

Forget Pot of Greed even, this card is INSANE. Pay 1000 lp to make your opponent discard 1 random card, then they choose 1 other card and discard that as well. This means if you activate it turn 1, not only do you potentially knock a hand trap out of your opponent's hand before you start to make your board, your opponent also starts the duel with less cards than you did despite drawing first. Play this with Forceful Sentry and Confiscation, and with the right cards, you can make your opponent discard their entire hand before they even get to play a single card. - CocoBird

13Dark Magician Girl

Dark Magician Girl is just simply awesome and her effect makes her stronger too. She is practically a Dark Magician but the opposite gender. So in turn, she deserves second place. Maybe even first.

She is cute, powerful, with much energy, and, the most important, she is yugi moto card! - ivansu95

Of course She is very strong.
Theoretically her attack power is limitless.
And she have a very good balance between her attack power and her defense power.
Many monsters have a good attack or a defense, but a very bad defense or attack.
Dark magician girl is very strong and have much power, doesn't matter attack or defense.

She's cute, and has good attack for a monster that requires one sacrifice, and her effect allows her to get stronger if you have some dark magicians up your sleeve, or more specifically in your graveyard or your opponents graveyard. Put here in a good dark magician deck and you're set to power her up.

14Harpie's Feather Duster

Destroying all of your opponent's traps and spells can disrupt their plans and end duels if used

Its super good

IS the best card of mai Valentine.

It's band

15Forceful Sentry

Look at your opponent's hand, choose 1 card in their hand; shuffle it into the deck. Oh my goodness, that effect is absurd, and here's why. Not only do you get to see every card in your opponent's hand and therefore know what your best opening plays will most likely be, you get to spin any of the cards in their hand into the deck, which also prevents them from getting any potential Graveyard effects off. It lets you knock a hand trap out of their hand, often leaving them unable to stop your combo. - CocoBird

16Dark Magician

It's an old card, but also a card that was one of the first cards ever realeased. It also has strong attack points and ok defense points and it looks pretty cool. Plus it is one of the most famous cards in the world, and its stronger than Red Eyes B. Dragon! They even named more cards after Dark Magician; Dark magian girl, Dark Magician of Chaos, Dark Magician of Arkana and more! So I'm here to say, 'Vote for Dark Magician! ' - fallenfannumber1

Let's face it, no card is more iconic to the series or has as many backup cards as the Dark Magician. It practically defines the Spellcaster type. - jessicaclaytor

Came with my first deck, I loved the heck out of it.
It was probably my favorite card 8 years ago.
I always played with my cousin, and beat him with it.

If you build a deck based to this card. you'll have one of the best and coolest decks you ever had! Trust me


Essential in most decks. One of the best effects for a level 6 monster. Before acquiring this card, I was always losing against my friends.. with my Jinzo deck, I really frustrate them.

This needs to be in the top 10. All the other cards up there are overpowered or famous (dark magician girl), and needs more cards like this.

It is because they are iconic, for many fans. You must respect opinions. - AXl

Someone stole my Jinzo once and I was so mad I lost my deck that I quit. My deck will never be the same without another Jinzo in it. You hate it because you don't have it and you'll love it when you do. You need it. Get one.

I love jinzo. I always love using it on my opponent when I know they have a trap waiting for me. Hee Hee. It seems to really make them made. If you equip it with mist body, then it is even more amazing.

18Card of Safe Return

If a monster is Special Summoned from your Graveyard, draw 1 card. Combine this with Level Eater, Premature Burial + Giant Trunade, or a deck that can Special Summon from Graveyard like crazy, then you can potentially draw your entire deck in 1 turn. - CocoBird

19Penguin Soldier

This cards saved me in lots of tough situations PENGUIN SOLDIER ROCKS!

Penguin soldier is the toughest card in my deck. With an immense 8000 atk and unlimited defense, and an effect that wipes out the entire field, penguin soldier is one to keep. He can even beat exodia.




20Mirror Force

Have 4 copies of the card really useful to whipe your oponets field

Mirror force in my opinion is like the best trap card we will ever know. Basically if your opponent attacks when this is set there screwed. There monsters are destroyed and you can attack directly next turn. It's a handy dandy trap.

Mirror force works out whenever I am in a tough situation like if blue eyes white dragon attacks me then I could just counteract the attack

The dark mirror force is better then light mirror force is it not or is it better?

21Painful Choice

Choose 5 cards in your deck, your opponent chooses 1 of them. Add that card to your hand, then send the rest to the Graveyard. Aside from the fact these cards can include Spells and Traps, you can choose multiple copies of the same card, so your opponent is forced to send at least 1 copy of a card you want in your Graveyard. On top of that, not only are you thinning out your deck and setting up your Graveyard, you also get a card in your hand, meaning you break even in card economy. Play this before Pot of Greed if you have both in hand. - CocoBird

22Cyber Jar

Do you know what cyber jar does it's flip effect destroys all monsters on the field that includes five headed dragon, dark magician, dark magician girl, jinzo, any blue eyes dragon, etc.. and you (and your opponent) then pick up five cards from the top of your deck show them to each other and summon any level 4 or below monsters.

23Gene Warped Warwolf

It's a awesome card if you don't know about this card Google it

No effect _(-_-)_/

24Cyber End Dragon

This is the best card for it can deal a piercing damage when it attacks a defense position monster. You can also make a combo with this card to kill your opponent in a single turn. For example, 3 cyber dragons, 1 power bond, 1 heavy storm, and 1 dark hole can kill your opponent in a single turn. First, activate dark hole and heavy storm to clear the opponents field and then activate power bond to summon cyber end dragon and use it to direct your opponents life points, so to reduce the life points to 0 and win the game. There are also other combination of cyber end dragon cards to make a one turn kill to your opponents life points.

This card is the best card ever. You can use this card in so many yugioh stragisties that can obliterate your opponent Best card ever

CED is the way to go if you want a complete powerhouse that's easy to summon. With 4000 ATK, piercing damage and easy summoning requirements (there's so many cards that can take Cyber Dragons place) this is truly a card without equal.
I find it funny that Exodia and Ultimate Blue Eyes are in the top 2, since Exodia needs all its limbs to be any help and Ultimate Blue Eyes is easy to counter with traps and spells.

He is really strong. I have a cyber end deck. It dominates all of my friends. It is super amazing and powerful.

25Graceful Charity

While it's not a +1 in card advantage like Pot of Greed, this card not only fixes bad hands, but lets you rip through your deck and setup your Graveyard in the process. - CocoBird

26Blue Eyes Shining Dragon

This card is not one that I would pit against gods or exodia but this card has many great affect and would not be a bad card as you have to scarifies blue eyes ultimate dragon

This card may have a base 3000 attack but because of the fact that you need to tribute ultimate that puts ultimate and 3 white dragons in the grave so if those are the only dragons in the graveyard shining dragon has 4200 attack

When you summon this card, you straight away get 4200 attack, stronger than obelisk the tormentor, and it can also negate cards effects whenever you like.

Really? This guy is hard core. He deserves to be in the top 10 more than his predecessors.

27Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy Of The End

I have seen people kick my butt the moment they get out this card. I totally wish I had it, as it is an amazingly powerful card- and that's why it is banned.. Unless I get my hands on one, it should definitely stay that way.

Game Breaker of Awesomeness. This card should definitely be up on the list. Nuking the field for a small price? Yes please! 300 damage per destroyed card? Great idea! Rumors that it's coming back? Awesome!

Strongest most deadliest card ever released, why it's still banned and will always be. This is a legendary card people!

All the cards on this list just have high attack. This card has high attack AND an OP effect. Probably why it's banned.

28Armityle the Chaos Phantom

Armityle the chaos phantom is the most powerful card ever! It can't be destroyed and gets a whopping 10,000 attack points.

Armityle the chaos phantom is insane. It may be hard to summon and also it may start off with 0 attatck and defense but after just one turn it will have 10,000 attack points and gains 10,000 each turn. By far the best card in the whole of yugioh. Ikum

It can't be destroyed by battle it has 10,000 attack during your turn and is the highlight of my collection
(I got it in a small pack of cards I was really depressed that day and it made my day much better sorry to put a story in here but I thought I should)

Armityle is the best.. Assuming you can summon it.

29Dark Hole

Dark hole may be negated by white hole but you only have a white hole to negate your own dark hole a dark hole will still ruin the other fields of play and block every other dark hole played during the game as it is a permanent trap card

Kills all monsters on the battlefield.awesome.this card is a must have.

Completely obliterates all monsters, great card for getting out of tight situations, plus you can just use it, normal summon, and direct attack.

I think I know a card to negate it or something the cards called 'White Hole' so yeh

30Monster Reborn

Best spell card, a deck without it unimaginavle

No card is better than this I mean steal monster from your opponents grave is CRAZY O.P.!


31Firewall Dragon

Would you like a monster that allows you to infinitely Special Summon from your hand, can add cards from your Graveyard to your hand, which lets you recycle your Extra Deck monsters, and send your opponent's monster to their hand during their turn? This card enables First Turn Kills, unbreakable boards, and all sorts of other loopy interactions. - CocoBird

32Yata Garasu

Owns if in good position like when your opponent has useless spells an traps so it is an automatic win.

This card is one of the main reasons for the creation of the forbidden and limited list. The card is game-breaking and can guarantee a win in the right position. It defined one of the most broken formats ever in Yugioh.

If your lucky, you can get use this card to get an instant win - Flyingcobra

Is is one of the best cards ever made

33The Wicked Dreadroot

I have this card very powerful and a force to be reckoned with

The most deadly card I've ever come upon

This makes your opponents monster cards almost useless - temproa

Better than exodia top 3 for sure

35Red Eyes Black Dragon

I never played that much, but this was the sickest card out there.

Since the red-eyes represents potential, it comes with a wide variety of combinations. The idea of the red-eyes being to get its stronger forms on the field allows for multiple card effects essential for any kind of dragon deck

Just look at this card and tell me it isn't sick. Plus with so many possibilities to make it even more powerful it's the coolest non uber card out there

I play red eyes and not only is it great fun its also pretty powerful so don't underestimate red eyes or will face his fury

36Royal Oppression

Continuous Trap, if a monster(s) would be Special Summoned, either player can pay 800 lp to negate that Special Summon, and destroy that card(s). The idea of this is you make a giant board full of negation effects, then set this so your opponent can't play the game. - CocoBird

37Change Of Heart

It totally lets you control your opponents monster and let's you destroy there own monster with it, what could be better.


I play a Kuriboh deck and I win like almost all the time. And it's cute! XD

Cute little puffball that saves you. Of course it's amazing

He is awesome, and he has the multiply spell card to go with him, and his effect is AWESOME 😎

Just amazing I have seen many cards and it has one of the best effects so vote for it

39The Creator God of Light, Horakhty

This card may not always be legal, but if it was, it would be just as powerful as armityle the chaos phantom and is an instant win. It is even better than exodia!

Yes but this card can be easily stopped by the winged dragon of ra so this card should be under the God cards. so this should be in 4th place because all the good cards could hold up against it winged dragon of ra would destroy it. Obelisk would use his effect and since this card is so strong it will most likely be in attack mode so then the controller of obelisk would be able to reduce your life points to zero. Then slifer could go into wildfire mode and be able to survive for ten turns without being destroyed and would have ten thousand attack for those ten turns and by that time you should have gotten something to destroy it with so that is y it should be in fourth place and not first. First place should belong to the winged dragon of ra if you wanna know how to get the winged dragon of ra' s attack 20,000 or higher visit my list fatkideatingpie1234567890 is my user name. - fatkideatingpie1234567890

This card should be #1! How this isn't in at least the top 10, I don't know. There isn't a card stronger than Horakhty. The moment this monster is summoned, you automatically win! I sure hope you consider puting this in at least top 10. The fact that is below #10 makes list idiotic. I hope to see better results in the future.

Whoever just posted the comment saying'Yes but this card can be easily stopped by the winged dragon of ra so this card should be under the God cards. So this should be in 4th place because all the good cards could hold up against it winged dragon of ra would destroy it. Obelisk would use his..' Has obviously not ever read The Creator God of Light because she requires the three God Cards to Summon from your Hand, and once you get her on the field, you automatically WIN. So there's not even a SMALL chance of the God Cards deafening her, I mean she is created from the Egyptian God Cards, meaning she must be a lot stronger, so there's no way they can defeat her.

41Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning

It only take one light and dark monster to summon him as long as their in the graveyard. Plus his attack his 3000 and his defense is 2500 plus he can attack twice and he be fused with a number of monsters. What more can you ask for?

Pretty much the LIGHT, but more stronger and better, version of Chaos Sorcerer. Can easily get rid of cards that annoy you like Stardust Dragon.

Two attacks with 3000 attack points and an ability to remove any monster from play. Why isn't this at the top!

Sick card best in the game

High attack and defense plus his effects are insanely good.

43Tyrant Dragon

Look it up and you'll see why it should be higher. - JXJ

2900 attack, it's unaffected by Trap Cards, and it's sometimes able to attack twice, one of the best of the old Dragon cards.

By far my favorite card when I had an old school Dragon deck.

Really useful during tight duels

44Theinen the Great Sphinx

Can one shot your opponent

Awesome card pay 500 life points to make this card gain 3000 atk points best card ever

Absolutely amazing if you have the right situation 6500 atk plus a big bang atk n megamophe since you would b short 1500 if not more anyway then uve owned plain n simple

45Wicked Avatar

The wicked avatar should be number 1 I mean it's the strongest card in the game!

What can you do to it on the first two turns no trap or spell can touch it and it is stronger than any monster by 100 points unless you can get The Forbidden One Exodia or The Creator God of Light, Horakhty

It can even have 1,000,000 ATK. This is the best card ever dude. Do you feel me boys and girls? If you agree vote to move it up the list!

Wicked Avatar is powerful however Your Copying another monsters attack your committing suicide to your monster You must be in a tight spot if your using wicked avatar I use him as a last resort. Unless your using Ax of Despair or something leveling up your monsters attack what difference would it make?


All Yu-gi-oh Card List

Summoned Skull

It only needs 1 sacrifice, has the same ATK as Dark Magician, he saved my butt a lot of times plus he is my key to winning so many of my duels! The only time he fails me, is when I switch him to DEF mode. But no worrys! I bring him back with Call Of The Haunted! - dmagicatk24

2500 attack for only 1 tribute is quite good. And it fuses into Black Skull Dragon.

Only one summon I don't get y everyone liked dark magician so much it needs to summon for the same amount atk points and definitely points

Absolutely amazing card w/ 2,500 ATK, which only requires a single tribute.

47Dark Ruler Ha Des

I run a fiend deck and I bought my ha des out and my opponent had marsh, dark rulers effect negates it and I destroyed his penguin soldier, marshmallon, annoying jinzo, man eater bug, basically death to all hated flip effects, except my shiny penguin soldier it rocks!

48Dimension Fusion

Special summon up to 5 monsters off 1 card for 2000 lifepoints, then probably Link Summon a bunch. Yeah, that's fair, if you ignore the part where it isn't. - CocoBird

49Demise King Of Armageddon

You can get an awesome OTK with this card and it can go into almost any deck, insect, fiend, pyschic, ritual, chaos, plants quickdraw, and many others

HOW IS THIS CARD NOT NUMBER 1! In a one v one match this card could beat every single one (except maybe yata garasu) on this list!

Dude seriously.this card has saved my ass so many times.nothing lights up my face quite like having end of the world in your hand and then drawing demise.EPIC

It completely wipes out everything on the field but itself, for 2000 life points!

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List Stats

Top Remixes (49)

1. Cracking Dragon
2. Slifer the Sky Dragon
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
1. Delinquent Duo
2. Forceful Sentry
3. Card of Safe Return
1. The Winged Dragon of Ra
2. Relinquish
3. Obelisk the Tormentor

View All 49

Yu-gi-oh Card Starter Decks

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