How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack

  1. How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack 2
  2. How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack Download
  3. How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack 2016
  4. How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack 2

Sep 18, 2017  The Super armor means that if you’re firing a kinetic weapon at, say, a Dawnblade Warlock using their Daybreak Super, you’ll be doing approximately 40 percent less base damage than you’d do.

Health points

14 × 7



Attack strength

Easy: 5
Normal: 9
Hard: 13 × 6.5
Peaceful: 0 ‌[BE only]


Height: 0.8 Blocks
Width: 0.4 Blocks


Summoned by evokers

Natural equipment
Internal ID*

JE: 35
BE: 105

Namespaced ID*


Vexes are flying hostile mobs summoned in small groups by the spell-casting evoker.


Vexes spawn as part of an evoker's summoning attack; the evoker signals this attack by producing off-white smoke and a high-pitched horn-like sound. When summoned, exactly three vexes appear near the evoker. An evoker can summon additional vexes even if some still remain alive from the last summoning.


The vex's iron sword has a 0% chance of dropping, because its main hand's HandDropChances is 0. This chance increases by 1 percentage point per level of Looting.5 is also dropped on player kills.


A vex attacking.

How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack 2

We started talking about making more hostile mobs, so we started drawing a lot of doodles on paper and then I kind of liked just having a small humanoid shape with wings. It essentially looked like a little nasty angel or devil.

Jeb about the Vex,[1] July 17, 2017

Vexes attack players, villagers‌[JE only] or adult villagers‌[BE only], iron golems, wandering traders, snow golems,‌[BE only] if an evoker summoned them, and any other target as commanded by their summoning evoker. They are capable of flying through the air, and can freely pass through any block, including water and lava, without taking damage. While attacking, they glow red and lunge at their target.

Vexes summoned by an evoker start taking damage after 30 to 119 seconds and eventually die. This does not apply if the vex is summoned by a spawner, spawn egg or by the /summon command.

When idle, vexes wander within a 15×11×15 cuboid range centered on their evoker's position, unless summoned by a spawn egg or by the /summon command.


SoundSubtitleNamespaced IDSubtitle IDSourcePitchVolumeAttenuation distance vexesentity.vex.ambientsubtitles.entity.vex.ambient???16 shrieksentity.vex.chargesubtitles.entity.vex.charge???16 diesentity.vex.deathsubtitles.entity.vex.death???16 hurtsentity.vex.hurtsubtitles.entity.vex.hurt???16

Data values[edit]

See also: Chunk format

Vexes have entity data associated with them that contains the various properties of the mob.

  • Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities see Template:Nbt inherit/entity/template
    • Tags common to all mobs see Template:Nbt inherit/mob/template
    • BoundX: When a vex is idle, it wanders, selecting air blocks from within a 15×11×15 cuboid range centered at X,Y,Z = BoundX, BoundY, BoundZ. This central spot is the location of the evoker when it summoned the vex, or if an evoker was not involved, it is the location the vex first attempted to idly wander.
    • BoundY: See BoundX
    • BoundZ: See BoundX
    • LifeTicks: Ticks of life remaining, decreasing by 1 per tick. When it reaches zero, the vex starts taking damage and LifeTicks is set to 20.


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The specific instructions are: Attacking vexes before 18w43a.

How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack Download

Java Edition
1.1116w39a Added vexes.
16w42aVexes have been buffed - their attack damage has now been increased from 3 to 5 on Easy, from 4 to 9 on Normal, and from 6 to 13 × 6.5 on Hard.
16w43aVexes can now cross Nether and End portals and move in water.
Vexes are now able to draw from their own loot tables.
1.1418w43a The textures of vexes have now been changed.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha Added vexes.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta The textures of vexes have now been changed.
Vexes are now hostile toward wandering traders.
1.11.0beta are no longer hostile toward baby villagers.
Legacy Console Edition
TU54CU441.52Patch 241.0.4 Added vexes.
1.90 The textures of vexes have now been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.9.19 Added vexes.


Issues relating to 'Vex' are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack 2016

  • An evoker summoning vexes.

    Where in dmg is lava damage

  • Two angry vexes flying toward their target, as their master looks on.

  • Two vexes attack while their master summons fangs. A wing of a third vex can be seen on the left.


  • A dying vex.


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How Does Vex Hit For 40 Dmg Per Attack 2

  1. (12:20:23 PM) Vex: you enter an open area in the sunken temple's outer cloister, the stairs lead down into the pit, with 3 ledges around you, north, east, and south, each ledge has stairs leading up to it, but they do not connect to each other
  2. (12:20:57 PM) Vex: in the center of the pit is a huge ancient hydra banished, semi transparent with 3 beams being channeled to him, 1 from each ledge
  3. (12:21:17 PM) Vex: at the top of each ledge is an orb on an pillar and a murlock channeling
  4. (12:22:02 PM) Vex: when you start the fight, each murlock cries out for help, and tons of little murlocks spawn at key points and run at you, they are just common adds, tank n spank
  5. (12:22:34 PM) Vex: you need to attack/pull and kill each of the 3 main murlocks (when you attack one, the beam breaks, and 3 all will come down to attack you, ending the channeling on the hydra)
  6. (12:22:52 PM) Vex: Warrior Murlock - bladestorm, charge (with a knockback), and shield slam (stuns main target)
  7. (12:24:52 PM) Vex: Healer Murloc - Heals random allies, holy nova which heals/dmgs all people in range, and holy bolt which strikes all enemies and places a 50% move speed debuff for 6s
  8. (12:25:40 PM) Vex: Caster Murloc - chain lightning gains 25% more dmg per bounce, cannot hit a player more than once, Elemental Storm, summons a moving blizzard and Rain of Fire
  9. (12:26:11 PM) Vex: you have X seconds (most like 2 min) to kill these 3 and clean up the adds, the adds stop spawning when one of the 3 murlocks die
  10. (12:27:29 PM) Vex: during this 2 min,the ancient hydra phases back into this plane of existance and upon reaching that 2 min mark (or 10s after the last murloc dies) the hydra will break back into this world
  11. (12:27:46 PM) Vex: if the murlocks are still alive, you now have the hydra + the murlocks to deal with
  12. (12:28:38 PM) Vex: the hydra is back into this world, but still chained up, he cannot move, and he has Otherworldly Power - adds +500 damage
  13. (12:28:53 PM) Vex: basically, dont stand next to him unless you wanna die
  14. (12:29:19 PM) Vex: when the hydra phases back in, it leaves a dimensional riff at his origin point and the big explosion from him phasing in, knocks the 3 orbs to the floor from the pillars
  15. (12:29:43 PM) Vex: during this phase, the hydra basically stands there, immune to all damage, spits random poison balls that just hit and leave a dot, not too much dmg
  16. (12:30:06 PM) Vex: the riff he left, bleds spirits that fly up and arc down at random locations, when they hit the ground, they explode for AoE dmg and become an actual mob
  17. (12:30:29 PM) Vex: when the mob dies, it blows up for more AoE dmg and gives you a debuff: Otherworldly Charge
  18. (12:30:45 PM) Vex: players are to pick up the orbs that fell to the ground, and hold onto them in their inventory
  19. (12:31:08 PM) Vex: when a spirit dies, if you have the orb, the orb absorbs the Otherworldly Charge instead of you getting the debuff, and gains +1 power, you still take the AoE dmg
  20. (12:31:26 PM) Vex: when an Orb has 5 charges, it becomes empowered and you can place it back on the pillar
  21. (12:31:39 PM) Vex: when all 3 powered orbs are placed onto the pillar, the beams channel the hydra and weaken him so you can attack him
  22. (12:31:49 PM) Vex: at this point, you burn eveything you got on the hydra
  23. (12:31:59 PM) Vex: the weakened phase lasts maybe 15 seconds
  24. (12:32:09 PM) Vex: will prob take 3 of these phases to bring him to 50%
  25. (12:32:26 PM) Vex: at 50% hp, he breaks the chains and becomes free,but looses his Otherworldly Power and is now tankable
  26. (12:32:50 PM) Vex: he still hits like a freaking truck (slow attack speed but for a ton of damage) and he alternates 3 abilities
  27. (12:33:20 PM) Vex: Poison Spit Volley - lasts 25s, does damage every 3s, stacks, this ability is casted every 15s (soft enrage)
  28. (12:33:47 PM) Vex: Firespit - lobs a fireball at anybody that isnt the current tank, leaves a fire voidzone for 45s (limits your fighting area)
  29. (12:34:16 PM) Vex: Hunger - pulls a random player to him, and devours him (basically 5s stun) then spits that player out at another player
  30. (12:34:27 PM) Vex: the eaten player lands and is now free, but the player that got spit at is now stunned for 5s
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