How Much Dmg Does Melee Do In Overwatch

  • For Overwatch on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How much dps does Torbjorn's turret do?'
  • Melee attacks All heroes can do a melee attack that does 30 damage. The only exception to this is Reinhardt and Torbjorn's Forge Hammer. Reinhardt's melee attack works completely different than everyone else. Reinhardt does 75 damage in a wide ark in front of him that also knocks back enemies.
Armor 0


Can we increase overall dps by alternating with melee attack. In Overwatch we have a melee attack. The kill and it would be much faster to do melee damage than. Apr 07, 2016  Overwatch obviously has an extremely pretty exterior in terms of maps and character, but there are all kinds of numbers furiously chugging away in the game's backgound. Every Hero in the game has their own set of critical stats powering their assortment of abilities: Ammo clip sizes, Fire Rates, Cooldowns, Damage, Range - you name it, they all.


Real Name: Jesse McCree
Age: 37
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Base of Operations: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Affiliation: Formerly Overwatch

Damage: 20 – 70
Ammo: 6 per clip
Falloff: 20 – 40 meters
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Fire Rate: 2 shots per second
Can Headshot

McCree fires off a round from his trusty six-shooter.

Damage: 25 – 50 (300 max)
Ammo: 6
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Falloff: 20 – 40 meters
Fire Rate: Each bullet is 0.11 second (0.67 max)
Charge: .3 seconds
Cannot Headshot

  • If McCree has less than 4 bullets, it is better to double headshot

McCree can fan the Peacekeeper’s hammer to swiftly unload the entire cylinder.

Range: 6 meters
Movement Speed: 15 m/s
Duration: .5 seconds
Cooldown: 6 seconds

  • Combat roll replenishes ammo
  • McCree rolls in the direction of whichever directional button you’re pressing

McCree dives in the direction he’s moving, effortlessly reloading his Peacekeeper in the process.

Damage: 25 AoE
Radius: 3 meters
Range: 7 meters
Cast Time: 0.35 seconds
Duration: 0.8 second CC
Cooldown: 10-second

  • Flashbang cancels reload animation
  • Melee can act as a fake stun
  • Try to always throw flashbang at a surface unless
    • Flashbang the floor if a Genji dashes into you
    • Flashbang to the side if a Genji is deflecting
    • Flashbang above Reinhardt’s shield

McCree heaves a blinding grenade that explodes shortly after it leaves his hand. The blast staggers enemies in a small radius.

Damage: 100 (.2-1 second channel); 275 (1-1.5 seconds channel); 550 (1.5-6.2 seconds channel)
Cast Time: 0.2 sec
Duration: 6 seconds
Movement Speed: 2 m/s

  • Deadeye replenishes ammo – this can be useful in 1:1’s
  • Don’t get greedy waiting for Deadeye to kill tank characters

Focus. Mark. Draw. McCree takes a few precious moments to aim; when he’s ready to fire, he shoots every enemy in his line of sight. The weaker his targets are, the faster he’ll line up a killshot.

Flashbang Guide

McCree Guide

How much damage does a melee hit do in overwatch

Strong Against

Armor 0



Real Name: Gabriel Reyes
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Base of Operations: Unknown
Affiliation: Unknown

Reaper steals health from his enemies as he damages them.

Damage: 42 – 140 (20 pellets that each do 2.1-7 dmg)
Falloff Range: 10 – 20 meters
Ammo: 8
Reload Time: 1.5 seconds
Fire Rate: 2 shots per second

Can headshot

  • Reaper can animation cancel his reload with a melee attack
  • Because Hellfire shotgun projects 20 pellets, headshots are unreliable beyond 5 meters
  • Instead, aim for the neck

Reaper steals health from his enemies as he damages them.

Ability: Reloads Primary fire ammo
Movement Speed: 7.1 m/s (+50%)
Duration: 3 seconds or until canceled
Cooldown: 8 seconds


Reaper becomes a shadow for a short period of time. While in this form, he takes no damage and is able to pass through enemies, but cannot fire his weapons or use other abilities.

This update requires Logic Pro version 9.0 or higher.Wow, this is getting frustrating ðŸ˜x9DPS - For anyone using a Apogee Duet like me, Apogee says on their website that the drivers should be available in August 2011. Thx, but i had already read the folder location and name trick: did not work.Got it fixed now by reinstalling Logic Studio 9 from DVD.That indeed creates the Logic Pro folder in Applications - something I had tried earlier by simply moving my existing Logic folder. Update logic pro x 10.4.15 update dmg download. This means the Logic 9.1.5 update does not simply check a folder name: there must be another entry/registry entry it checks.

Range: 35 m range
Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Duration: 2 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Reaper is invisible while exiting Shadow Step
  • Disabled by Zarya’s Graviton Surge and Junkrat’s Steel Trap

After marking a destination, Reaper disappears and reappears at that location.

How Much Dmg Does Melee Do In Overwatch 1

Damage Rate: 170 AoE damage per second (510 Max)
Radius: 8 m
Movement Speed: 3 m/s
Duration: 3 seconds

Cannot headshot

How Much Damage Does Melee Do In Overwatch

  • Primary attack ammo is automatically reloaded on completion

In a blur of motion, Reaper empties both Hellfire Shotguns at breakneck speed, dealing massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Strong Against

How Much Dmg Does Melee Do In Overwatch 4

Weak Against

How Much Damage Does Melee Do In Overwatch

Synergizes With

Teleport Locations

How Much Dmg Does Melee Do In Overwatch 2017

Tip For Every Hero

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