How To Deal Dmg With Riven Season 8

There are ways of trading with Riven which are 100% safe and offers Tryndamere no way to damage you back.
Here are a couple of the main ones:
When he goes for a last hit W then auto him then back off.
Another more 'all in' sort of option would be: Q, AA, W, AA, then back off using Q E then Q. (You could also get rid of the AA after the first Q if the enemy laner has a high damage attack they could use during your Q -> AA so you don't have to deal with getting hit at all).
Q, AA, W, AA, Q, AA, Q, AA is more of an option when you're doing a straight 1v1 battle to the death but overall isn't as good for laning as you will lose health which just opens you up to being ganked (it also pushes the lane more which can be good for achieving a level advantage but also bad as it makes you more prone to ganks and allows the enemy to freeze the lane potentially).
Q, AA, Q, AA, Q, AA is a great option at lvl 1 against the matchups which you crush such as Vladimir and Nasus and will leave them at 40% hp before the lane even begins.
This applies to other top lane matchups with Riven and it's extremely important to make your play less one dimensional, more dynamic, and overall be a much better lane bully (never pick Riven unless it's a matchup in which you can be a lane bully - it defeats the entire purpose of picking Riven).
EDIT: When being a lane bully Riven be sure to keep in mind the creep wave. Minions will hurt you like hell, particularly levels 1-3 if you do a prolonged fight. This is something which is often hugely overlooked. Do your damage then gtfo! Be sure to always lose minion aggro ASAP or it WILL add up!

  1. How To Deal Dmg With Riven Season 8 Download
How To Deal Dmg With Riven Season 8

How To Deal Dmg With Riven Season 8 Download

For beginners: practice the basic animation canceling combos, understand them, then learn basic combos. After that, you can learn advanced animation canceling/combos (i'll make it obvious which is basic and which is advanced, E-easy, N-normal, H-hard, M-master). Is adobe flash player inst dmg safe for free. I'd associate easy combos with basic knowledge, normal combos with plat 5 and below players, hard ones with plat and mid diamond. Dmg mori seiki nlx 3000.

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