Maplestory Is Boss Dmg Better Or Attack

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Check out the patch notes for the v20 Lovely Update here:

[Question] Stat Usefulness

I just want to see from all of these 47 bonus attributes, which ones are actually used at all.

Welcome to the new and improved page. Skype download for mac 10.6.8. This was before titled, “HP Required to Boss”. However, seeing as how Maplestory has now advanced to prioritising damage, HP is no longer a big issue but your damage range is. Note: You do still need HP to have better survivability. That’s a given. Each boss soul adds a certain amount of Attack, Magic Attack, and a stat to your weapon. How much it gives you is determined by the strength of the boss that the soul comes from. Weaker bosses will give fewer bonus stats than stronger bosses. The main benefit from adding a soul to your weapon is the unique skill that comes with it.

So please, can you guys help me out?

Oct 28, 2018  In terms of damage per attack, it's gunner. 740% multiplier x3. In terms of damage per hit, it's wizard. 1000% multiplier. In terms of dps, it's berserker. They have the most powerful passive buff in the game. Assassin is in a similar position because of their 100% crit rate self buff. Ultimately, it boils down to personal playstyle because a lot of these builds are very close in total damage output, with some better against mobile bosses, and some better when you can stand still without interruption – so pick the build that is the most EPS (enjoyments per second) for you, mate!

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You'll find below a list of the possible attributes you can roll on your equipments.
From that list, which ones are useful, must have, situational, etc.?
You can pretty much ignore all the useless ones.

Maplestory Is Boss Dmg Better Or Attack Full

List taken from the wiki:
Attack Speed
Bonus Attack
Bonus Boss Damage
Bonus Recovery from Allies
Critical Damage
Critical Evasion
Critical Rate
Damage Total Bonus
Dark Damage Bonus
Dark Damage Reduction
Debuff Duration
Electric Damage Bonus
Electric Damage Reduction
Fire Damage Bonus
Fire Damage Reduction
Heal from Beating Enemies
Health Regen
Holy Damage Bonus
Holy Damage Reduction
Ice Damage Bonus
Ice Damage Reduction
Knockback Resistance
Magic Attack
Magic Piercing
Magic Resistance
Melee Damage Bonus
Melee Reduction
Movement Speed
Physical Attack
Physical Piercing
Physical Resistance
Poison Damage Bonus
Poison Damage Reduction
Ranged Damage Bonus
Ranged Damage Reduction
Recovery Bonus
Skill Cooldown
Stun Recovery Bonus

Maplestory Is Boss Dmg Better Or Attack Download

Maplestory is boss dmg better or attack free


  • for pve
    useless: pretty much all defensive stats except evasion if youre a thief using retaliation/bd
    universal high priority:
    accuracy - all classes needs this, around 90-95 for hard dungeons 95-110 for raids
    piercing- caps at 30 but increase dmg by 42%ish at cap
    phys-magic piercing- caps differently for different bosses, decent increase
    bonus boss dmg- self explanatory
    preference stats
    skill recovery bonus- good for priest for increased healing
    skill cooldown- due to limited availability hard to really find use personally/ but can be fun for some
    attack speed- speeds up attack/ skill animations great for fun plays and increases dps but limited due to spirit consumption/ great for classes spamming when holy symbols active
    movement speed- fun stats no harm in it
    spec-dmg types:
    magic attack/physical attack: good when priority stats maxed out or for future patches with gear beyond legendaries or maxed legendaries
    Ranged dmg : ranged dps
    melee dmg: melee dps
    elemental dmg: mage/ priest for holy dmg
    dark dmg: assassin
    crit damage: useful for assassin/ char with high crit rate
    poison dmg: thief if using poison build
    str: knight/berserker/ runeblade
    luck: thief/ assassin
    dex: archer/heavy gunner
    int: mage/priests/ runeblader
    crit rate- caps at 40% rate
  • luck supposed to give crit rate but it aint giving none ..
  • luck supposed to give crit rate but it aint giving none ..

    it depends on your class and it doesn't show on Crit Rate.
  • Here is my ratings for each stat, rating each in alphabetical order:
    ***** 5 Star Category *****
    Bonus Boss Damage - 5 Stars, not the most mandatory stat for any character but it's the best DPS increase the armor pieces such as head, chest, legs, gloves can give. It's overall a damage increase for your character specifically against bosses which is not a bad thing considering you'll need to fight the bosses in order to get gear anyway.
    Critical Damage - 5 Stars, my #1 stat. I did some math and test on a dummy and apparently stacking piercing is not necessarily the way to go in terms of damage dealing. Maybe it's because i'm an assassin main but I also start to value Critical Damage on other characters also. The way Crit Damage works is that when your character crits, your character will deal at least 125% damage to the target assuming if you have no Critical Damage. If you reach towards the 200% range, you are essentially doing at least double damage. That's value. The value of this stat should not be scoffed at and it complements with crit rate pretty well. So get your Runeblades and Archers, I value them as good teammates as an Assassin a lot.
    Damage Total Bonus - 5 Stars, this is perhaps my lowest of the 5 stars category despite the fact it's basically Boss Damage but for all purposes. But you get Damage Total Bonus from WEAPONS. I would use this stat if you are a class with strong base damage such as a Wizard, Gunner or Zerker. It's a pretty useful stat but I think there are better. Only get this if you're unlucky with your weapon drops. This stat scales pretty well with your weapon base damage.
    Main Attributes (Str/Dex/Int/Luk) - 5 Stars, your class base damage. Use your Bonus Attributes to your main attribute, it will increase your overall damage. Do not prioritize on your gear though. Your main attribute is optimally gained from your Bonus Attribute points. The supplement stats (Such as Luk for wizards or Dex for Sin) might do similar thing for your main attribute, i rate them 3 stars but i might be wrong on this one. Use your mathematical experimentation on a dummy in Hall of Heroes to reprimand. My case for Bonus Attributes are: Main Attributes -> Crit Rate -> Whatever you wish to specialize in.
    luck supposed to give crit rate but it aint giving none ..

    I think it does for other classes. :L
    Weapon Damage - 5 Stars, I put this here after Physical/Magical Attack because this is where your damage comes from after sucking off Ophelia for +15. The weapon enchantment only increases your Weapon Attack and having an abundant of it is the reason why people enchant in the first place. MSL Onyx, Varrekant's Horns as well as any other % modifiers takes account to this stat which make this stat a pretty important one.
    Melee/Ranged Damage Bonus - 5 Stars, you do increased damage if you're a melee/ranged class like Total Damage. Get the stat appropriately and it's going to be good. Get the stat inappropriately and it's not the stat that's useless.. it's you as a player. ONLY do it inappropriately if there is a second stat that is actually worth pursuing and after that, change the inappropriate stat. You don't need melee damage as a Wizard or ranged damage as a Zerker.
    Piercing - 5 Stars, my #2 stat. Piercing increases your overall damage done by 1 / (1 - piercing) which is why on 30% piercing cap, it increases your damage done by 42.8% which is pretty nuts. This is the only stat i've ever seen in an MMO that increases your overall damage done by messing with a denominator. That by itself what makes piercing a very valuable stat. Couple this stat well with other stats and you will do some mad DPS. Piercing is VERY beneficial for your overall damage.
    **** 4 Star Category ****
    Accuracy - 4 Stars, even though it is mandatory for all classes to reach a certain accuracy to never miss, anything more than the threshold is a dead stat. Accuracy is optimally gained from upgrading gems. Anything from gear could have been better such as one of the 5 stars. The only reason why it's 4 star right here is that missing an attack can be detrimental for your DPS so it's just as important.
    Bonus Attack - 4 Stars, Bonus Attack is a unique stat that later on MSL Onyx scales which is why MSL is better all around in the longrun. Much like Accuracy, Bonus Attack is optimally gained from upgrading gems but unlike Accuracy, it doesn't have a threshold, you can get a lot from it which is very expensive. :L
    Crit Rate - 4 Stars, and it's the highest of the 4 stars category considering it contributes to my #1 stat. Crit Rate allows your character to have crits more often. Assassins theoretically have infinite crit rate for 17 seconds but that 43 second downtime wouldn't hurt. In a nutshell, crit rate is good.. just don't put it in your character attribute. Put your main stat based on your class first then put points in crit rating.
    Physical/Magical Piercing - 4 Stars, enemies have defenses.. even bosses. This stat will counteract that defenses and like Accuracy, it also has a cap depending on your content, I heard that Hard Dungeon cap is around 9% and 16% for Chaos Raids. So accommodating this stat for those bosses will increase your overall damage immensely. Anything beyond the boss' defenses is a dead stat.
    *** 3 Star Category ***
    Attack Speed - 3 Stars, it's a situational offensive stat that not only makes your character attack faster but also make your spirit consumed faster. Good for character who attacks consistently such as my Runeblade who oscillates between Whirling Blades and Flurry, also occasionally Impact with faster animation. May be good for Heavy Gunner also.
    Defense - 3 Stars, a lot of players will take Defense for granted but there are certain content in MS2 that you will definitely need some defenses such as the Dark Descent. This would overall mitigate the damage taken in Hard Dungeon bosses which is always a good thing and it is unlikely for this stat prevents you from being one shotted in chaos raids. This stat overall reduces your likelihood of your death which is not a bad thing.
    Health - 3 Stars, similar thing to Defense. Couple it with Defense, your character will be harder to kill. It's not a bad stat but worthless for something like Chaos Raids when you're gonna get one shotted anyway. This stat is also situational and useful such as the Dark Descent.
    Magic/Physical Attack - 3 Stars, there is a fundamental difference between increased Magical/Physical Attack and increase Magical/Physical Damage. You get Magical/Physical Attack from your main attribute as well as occasionally armor/weapon pieces that you should not prioritize. This does not mean the Magical/Physical Attack is worthless per say but anything that has to modify their base attack is a considerably a good stat. This is why I think Murphagoth Warrior and Katvan's Horns are inferior to MSL and Varrekant's Horns because there are other things that the other two takes account for. In a nutshell, while Magic/Physical Attack is good in itself. The number is too small for things like 'Increased Physical/Magical Attack Increased by x%' to be good since they're effectively increasing effectiveness of your main stat when you can deal more damage by a % anyway. There is a balance between the scaling aspect of damage and the base aspect of the damage. You only mess with the Magic/Physical Attack by putting attribute points into your main stat as well as usage of gems will increase your base damage as well. Don't take 'increased Physical/Magical Attack Increased by x%' buffs however as there are better stats out there to increase your damage overall.
    Movement Speed - 3 Stars, you can never go wrong with Movement Speed but sometimes there are better stats when it comes to evading things and dealing damage. Overall an averagely good stat.
    Skill Cooldown - 3 Stars, if I see more of this stat that actually affects Fatal Strikes significantly, I would rate this higher. For now, I placed it 3 stars because Cooldown Reduction is always good.
    ** 2 Star Category **
    Bonus Recovery Bonus (Recovery Bonus) - 2 Stars, a niche stat but some classes can gain spirit better than others. Can be useful for some classes such as Assassin's Shadow Chaser, Berserker's Dark Aura. Completely useless for some classes such as Heavy Gunner who can just reload anyway.
    Dark Damage Bonus - 2 Stars, Zerkers and Assassins can only effectively use this stat and even this it's still not a great stat.. not for Assassins anyway considering the meta build for Sins right now is Lucky Seven, Star Flurry, Star Chaser, Shadow Cutter and Shadow Burst anyway. This will only increase two of our abilities out of five. Zerkers however, may find this stat more valuable considering their abilities do mostly dark damage. If you have an item that has a lot of dark damage, it's likely it's a Zerker item. Worthless for every other class that doesn't utilize this type of damage.
    Debuff Duration - 2 Stars, can be useful but not really impactful enough against certain bosses like Kandura. I don't really know if this will actually affect Kandura's curses but some mechanics you don't want some debuffs to wear off such as the red buff. The purple buff from Kandura is a b!tch so if you want to mitigate his effects go ahead. In PvP, i can see this would mitigate Thieves DoT damage but DoTs don't crit so.. yea.. Not so useful and impactful stat if you ask me.
    Electric Damage Bonus - 2 Stars, Wizards, Runeblades and Gunners use this but to be honest Runeblades will use this the most if they're electric build. Wizard electric is lackluster (heard Thunderbolt is pretty strong tho) and Gunner's Blast Charge Kit is lackluster as well considering Gunner's can't really max the ability unless they're Lv. 60+. Until then, this is a niche stat that Mono-elemental that specializes Electric Runeblades will use this. Worthless for every other class that doesn't utilize this type of damage.
    Evasion - 2 Stars, evasion is a dodge change and you are mostly unlikely will dodge boss attacks. I can see this as a frustrating stat for PvP. I am going to keep an eye out for this defensive stat. This Evasion is not the same as the one in Path of Exile so there might be a scenario that you will miss all of your attacks while your enemies dodge them like Perfect Cell from Dragon Ball. But I don't think that's likely.
    Fire Damage Bonus - 2 Stars, once again Wizards, Runeblades, Archers and Gunners use this. Only this time, Wizards get the most benefit considering Flame Wave and Flame Tornado has a strong base damage. Archer will get Fire Damage to improve their Rapid Fire Shot. This would more or less benefit the other two tho since fire is their supplemental element. So yea, Wizards that use fire will mostly use this. Worthless for every other class that doesn't utilize this type of damage.
    Holy Damage Bonus - 2 Stars, Knights and Priests use this. Priests will more likely use this stat far more than Knights however. As Knights and Priests bring some unique utilities to the group, they still need to do damage to be even relevant to the group. This will help Priests far more than Knights. Worthless for every other class that doesn't utilize this type of damage.
    Ice Damage Bonus - 2 Stars, Wizards, Runeblades and Archers use this. I've seen some ice builds for Runeblades and if they're committed on using this element, they will use this stat. Wizards have Cryomancy as well as Archers have ice arrow build. Overall Ice builds lack base damage for the crowd controll they bring which is not worth it imo. It's a nice supplemental stat. I think Ice Damage Bonus is arguably the worst of the specific damage increase stat. Like other specific damage increase stat, worthless for every other class that doesn't utilize this type of damage.
    Physical/Magic Resistance - 2 Stars, Physical/Magic Resistance is one of the useful defensive stat because these stats are basically the general damage reduction of whatever the attacks you'll receive. For instance, Physical Resistance will resist Physical Attacks while Magic Resistance will resist Magical Attacks that does a specific elemental damage.. it doesn't really matter. Resistance stat overall reduces your damage taken by attacks by a good amount and is pale comparison with a specific damage reduction. Unless you take damage that isn't an attack then yea.. that's on you.
    Melee/Ranged Reduction - 2 stars, so this damage reduction is not limited unlike any other specific damage reduction which is why i rate this 2 stars. This alongside of Physical/Magic Resistance will boost character's survivability by a decent amount.
    Poison Damage Bonus - 2 Stars, only Thieves use this. At first I was like LOL THIEF LOL, but then when I actually play thief on my alt and do some damage dealing on a dummy and look closely at abilities I start to respect them a lot. Thief is not an easy class whatsoever. I scoffed the concept of thieves because I doubt the skill cap of it isn't really worth the payoff but as soon as i've heard that they do a lot of single target damage.. well what do you know? They're actually pretty good after all. Poison Damage will boost their effectiveness essentially and as poison DoTs don't do crits (Sadly), this would make a pretty good stat exclusively for thieves as if thieves are already the most selfish class in the game. Worthless for every other class that doesn't utilize this type of damage.
    Poison Damage Reduction - 2 Stars, this will be the ONLY specific type of damage reduction that isn't range or melee reduction. Because in Hard Mode Dungeons as well as some areas will deal poison damage to you and it hurts.. it actually hurts. YOu might be saying 'Don't stand on them' but sometimes you have to considering how impatient people are to the point they want +15 on hard dungeons.. My point is, it's the best of the specific damage reducing stat as well as thieves will do less poison damage to you. AT the moment that is..
    Stun Recovery Bonus - 2 Stars, grants more control of your character. Overall not a bad defensive stat though. This has my highest of the 2 stars as nobody likes their character to be stripped from control.
    * 1 Star Category *
    Critical Evasion - 1 Star, for a moment I don't really see the value of this defensive stat atm considering I don't really know how likely a boss crit let alone in a pvp stat. I might be wrong rating this here but I think this would be a pvp stat. Getting crit from a boss is not really likely anyway so this stat only reduces your likeliness of getting crit from there. You're either gonna get hit or get critted from a boss at some point of time anyway like Kandura's Rock Lee add.
    Dark Damage Reduction - 1 Star, in PvE I don't really remember any bosses that deals Dark Damage aside of Kandura's Purple Debuff. In PvP, if you hate Zerkers this would be a stat but still not really a useful stat. You can get this stat in Cdev but cmon.. you're trying to mitigate a Chaos Raid boss.. Like I said, I don't remember much dark damage mechanics for PvE out there.
    Electric Damage Reduction - 1 Star, if you don't like Magnus and Nutaman's shocking shenanigans, get this stat. If you don't like Lightning Wizards, Runeblades and Blast Charge Kit Gunners, get this stat. If you want some electrical resistance, get this stat. But you really should ground yourself with your proper positioning when it comes to bosses with high voltage anyway. Overall a useless stat otherwise.
    Fire Damage Reduction - 1 Star, do you hate FD's shenanigans? Do you hate Kabo's furnace? Do you not like fire? I mean it's warm. If you don't want to get roasted, get this stat. But now that we're going to move on from FD and Kabo, this has become a less valuable stat. This stat also mitigates Nutaman's burning shenanigans. In a nutshell, this stat has been burned out.
    Ice Damage Reduction - 1 Star, if you're farming in Aurora Laboratory and if you're taking a lot of Ice Damage. You're not doing enough damage. There aren't many mobs that does ice damage. This stat also mitigates Nutaman's chilling shenanigans. Second to worst of the specific damage reduction stat.
    Heal from Beating Enemies - 1 Star, I briefly read this again until I realize that you gain health for killing enemies. This stat is extremely minuscule and has my lowest of the 1 star. Come on.. I get 3 health for defeating an enemy? I mean it could be useful when farming potion solvents but still it's a useless stat.
    Health Regen - 1 Star, too slow. Just use a potion or an herb instead. This would be more valuable if you regen like Dr. Mundo from League of Legends then I would still rate this 2 stars honestly.
    Holy Damage Reduction - 1 Star, I can't think of any mob that does holy damage. If you hate fighting against a priest, get this stat. Overall the worst of the specific damage reduction stat.
    Knockback Resistance - 1 Star, i think its only usage is the fact that you're less likely be thrown off the edge when fighting adds in Kandura at the beginning. Just don't get knocked around and you should be just fine. Not worth a stat.
    *** OVERALL ***
    Overall, I wrote this whole thing because I enjoy messing with these numbers. It's what kept me going in this game without being burned out. I can experiment a lot of things across classes and make some numerical observation from it. Feel free to make a reprimand about some things I might be wrong about as these are just my opinions and from my own observations.
  • So, pretty much defensive stats aren't that useful.
    Figures, since there is no tank class, no aggro and you can either avoid damage or heal quickly with potions and/or healer.
  • Even if more traditional tanking existed the defensive stats would be completely useless. They serve no purpose other than to reduce your chances of getting an offense-based stat roll.
  • Even if more traditional tanking existed the defensive stats would be completely useless. They serve no purpose other than to reduce your chances of getting an offense-based stat roll.

    That is the sole reason these extra attributes exist in the first place
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