Maplestory M Boss Dmg Vs Crit Dmg

With Kanna, it's just 165+10 = 175% Boss/Damage in total. But with Kinesis, you're not just getting 4% more damage, it also multiplies the existing%Boss/Damage so that it becomes 165.1.04 = 171.6%. So the total gain is equivalent to 10.6% Damage. Basically, the more%Boss/Damage you have the more%Crit Damage is worth, assuming max crit rate. Boss atk is the percentage increase you do towards BOSS enemies only. It is added after phy atk%, phy dmg% and before crit atk and crit dmg%. Ps: The extra 2.5x multiplier for boss atk has been proven valid, and you can test it by using a 30% phy atk or dmg buff compared to a 30% boss atk buff, the total damage output of using the boss atk buff.

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  1. Maplestory M Boss Dmg Vs Crit Dmg 2
  2. Maplestory M Boss Dmg Vs Crit Dmg 1
Check out the patch notes for the v20 Lovely Update here:

Overall Sin Damage low?

i thought assassin was meant to be like glass cannon kinda rogue high dmg high dodge low def low hp. feels like its just low def low hp and low-mediocre damage output.
i've put so much effort into my sin that i dont wanna just give up on him but i'm constantly the lowest dmg in raids. i have +15 weps, total of 17.8% piercing(with varr wings), 15% phys piercing. any other Assasins experiencing the same feeling of having a pretty much useless character?

Maplestory M Boss Dmg Vs Crit Dmg 2


Maplestory M Boss Dmg Vs Crit Dmg 1

  • total of 17.8% piercing(with varr wings),
    No bueno. Varr wings are more like 3% pierce average with the downtime. How much boss damage do you have total on your armor? Are you running all lapentiers? Are you using platinum whetstone? Are you grabbing the boss successfully? What level is your pet? What rarity is your pet? Do you have gems? How much bonus attack do you have? There is a lot more to damage than getting +15 weapons.
  • total of 17.8% piercing(with varr wings),
    No bueno. Varr wings are more like 3% pierce average with the downtime so you basically have 10.8% pierce which is kind of low but not horrible. How much boss damage do you have total on your armor? Are you running all lapentiers? Are you using platinum whetstone? Are you grabbing the boss successfully? What level is your pet? What rarity is your pet? There is a lot more to damage than getting +15 weapons.

  • Whats your crit damage? I see alot of top assasins with 180%+
  • I just did a test today given I have a bunch of gear with random stats on it because I am a horder. Here is what I found out by switching my gear around. The secondary stats are more or less negligible on the items.
    +200 crit damage = 99.5k dps on dummy
    +4% pierce = 93.5k dps on dummy
    Personally I value crit damage > pierce.
  • Crit dmg over pierce? lul
    I think you should do more tests.
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 620
  • Crit dmg over pierce? lul
    I think you should do more tests.

    My thoughts exactly, so I did my test agian this time with house buff on and got similar result. This time 103.5k with crit and 99k with pierce. Try it out for your own spec and builds obviously, but for me +200 crit damage > +4% (actually 3.8%) pierce.
    Attached are my 2 stat builds.
    P.S. I know I have too much phys pierce.
  • I just did a test today given I have a bunch of gear with random stats on it because I am a horder. Here is what I found out by switching my gear around. The secondary stats are more or less negligible on the items.
    +200 crit damage = 99.5k dps on dummy
    +4% pierce = 93.5k dps on dummy
    Personally I value crit damage > pierce.

    stupid question how can you test damage on a dummy?
    cause those in the guild house i allways hit 2 at least kinda sucks is there a solo dummy somewhere?
    edit : nevermind found one next to the chaos raid but so many people there hard to test with the buffs and all :P
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 620
    Attack speed is also pretty decent for Sins if you can manage SP
  • How do we know the chaos raid dummy has boss stats? I know for sure accuracy is 100% on the dummy even with low accuracy. What if pierce has nothing to pierce on the dummy making it seem like other stats are better?
  • i've decided since looking up the awakening results for sin, that its been absolutely trashed so i've switched over to zerker thanks for all the tips tho guys
  • Useless advice. Other classes can optimize their stats and attributes as well and still have higher damage output. Assassin is an underpowered class.
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