Mercy Dmg Boost

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Damage amplification increases the damage dealt or taken by a hero.

Boosting heroes like Soldier 76 and Roadhog during their ultimate abilities is usually a smart choice, as their already significant damage will be that much better. Caduceus Blaster: Mercy's secondary weapon. It shoots a stream of fast-moving projectiles, similar to D.Va's Light Gun.

  • 4Calculation

Abilities that amplify damage dealt[editedit source]

AnaNano Boost+50%
BaptisteAmplification Matrix+100%
MercyCaduceus Staff+30%
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Caduceus Staff, Nano Boost, and Supercharger are considered damage boosts. Projectiles are only amplified by them if the hero was being damage boosted when they were released.

Abilities that amplify damage taken[editedit source]

ZenyattaOrb of Discord+25%

Abilities that cannot be damage boosted[editedit source]

The following abilities cannot have their damage dealt amplified by damage boosting the hero.

Most of these are also applicable with Amplification Matrix, except B.O.B.'s charge attack, which can be amplified via damage boosts but not with Amplification Matrix, and Torbjörn's turret, which cannot be amplified via damage boosts but can with Amplification Matrix.

  • Ashe:B.O.B.
    • B.O.B.'s own damage can be amplified, but amplifying Ashe's damage does not affect B.O.B.
  • D.Va:Self-Destruct
  • Hanzo:Dragonstrike
    • The arrow can be amplified, but the dragons cannot.
  • Junkrat:Steel Trap, RIP-Tire
  • Sigma:Gravitic Flux
    • The lift can be amplified, but the slam cannot.
  • Symmetra:Sentry Turret
  • Torbjörn:Deploy Turret, Molten Core
    • The turret's own damage can be amplified with Amplification Matrix, but amplifying Torbjörn's damage does not affect the turret.
    • The impact damage from Molten Core can be amplified, but the damage over time cannot.
  • Widowmaker:Venom Mine
  • Wrecking Ball:Minefield
  • Zarya:Graviton Surge
    • The impact damage from Graviton Surge can be amplified, but the damage over time cannot.
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Calculation[editedit source]

The equation used to calculate damage in general is as follows:

Damage = base damage × (100% + damage dealt modifiers) × (100% + damage taken modifiers) × headshot multiplier (if applicable) − armor(if applicable)

Damage dealt modifiers and damage taken modifiers are applied separately. This means that if Zenyatta's Orb of Discord (+25% damage taken) is on a target and an attack boosted by Mercy's damage boost (+30% damage dealt) hits that target, the damage would be 162.5% of the base damage.

Multiple amplification effects of the same category—damage dealt or damage taken—are added together. For example, if Ana uses Nano Boost (+50% damage dealt) on a target who then shoots through Baptiste's Amplification Matrix (+100% damage dealt), the damage would be 250% of the base damage.

Jun 06, 2017  I acquired a dmg file for the install of El Capitan and obviously when I run it on the Mac I got it to from my google drive it says I should make a bootable one using Mac OS Extended format. My question is how do I make this dmg file with the El Capitan install bootable? I really only have the file on my windows computer right now. How to build a dmg Mac OS X file (on a non-Mac platform)? Ask Question Asked 11 years ago. But is there a tool in Windows to make this possible? Like something in Cygwin or something? How can I generate a DMG file from a folder in Linux?-1. Make Mac OS X. How does one create a DMG of the smallest size for the given folder? I'm referring both to the size of the.dmg file, and to the size of the filesystem when it's later mounted. If I'm compressing a 73MB folder, I'd like both of these to be 73MB + the minimal filesystem overhead. I'd also like the.dmg to be compressed, so that it takes up less. How to make elcapitain folder to dmg on windows.

Nov 25, 2017  Originally these gloves were 2 line crit damage and 13% INT (3 prime lines) which took around 10b. I did not like the%INT line so I decided to buy 20 black cubes and on the 4th cube I ended up with this luckily haha. I didn't invest much on these gloves so regardless of it being abso or not it's still a great damage boost for me. SS to 3L Crit Dmg Gloves? A few months ago I saw a post of someone's Gloves that had 3L Critical Damage main pot. I think it was from TMS or SEA idk. The glove was Smegad and someone took a SS of it. Would anyone happen to have that SS or be able to help me find the Reddit post? How to get crit dmg on gloves amazon. While it's not impossible to get it with reds the reason you want to use blacks is because crit damage is a prime line. Ex if you rolled 12% stat and 9%stat the 12 is the prime and 9 is the regular. With enough data it has been proven that black cubes have a higher chance than reds to get multiple prime lines.

Interaction with damage reduction[editedit source]

Damage reduction from abilities such as Fortify, Ironclad, Nano Boost, and Take a Breather modify damage taken, just like damage taken amplifiers. This means they add together when combined, and apply separately from damage dealt modifiers. If Orb of Discord (+25% damage taken) is on Bastion with Ironclad (−20% damage taken), Bastion takes 105% of all incoming damage.

The lowest the damage taken value can go is 50%. If a Bastion with Ironclad (−20% damage taken) gets Nano Boosted (−50% damage taken), Bastion's damage taken is 50% because it cannot be lower than that. However, if that Bastion is then affected by Orb of Discord (+25% damage taken), Bastion's damage taken would be 55% because it is only the overall damage taken value that is limited to 50%, not damage reduction effects.

Trivia[editedit source]

Mercy Dmg Boost 2

  • Mercy gains ultimate charge equal to 130% of the damage she amplified, as a rule of thumb.
  • Hypothetically, the highest damage dealt value is 330% and the highest damage taken value is 125%. Combined, the maximum damage amplification would be 412.5%. This can then be further increased with the headshot multiplier. Using Widowmaker's 2.5× headshot multiplier, the absolute highest increase from the original damage would be 1031.25%.
  • Healing amplification works the same way as damage amplification, though the only healing dealt amplifier is Amplification Matrix (+100% healing dealt) and the only healing taken amplifier is Biotic Grenade (+50% healing taken). Together, the target would gain 300% of the base healing.

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