Mk11 Sub Zero Needs Dmg Buff

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  4. Mk11 Sub Zero Needs Dmg Buff Game

I don't really mind Sub Zero except for his stupid slide kick which for some reason can be rewarded with 32% damage if you spammed it enough. There's much worst ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t in this game. Baraka has a mid screen 50% combo. Sonya does 40% on a regular basis. May 27, 2018  It just isn't even a competitor to the SKS. It just needs a slight increase, like maybe 35 extra RPM. It is just too slow for most gunfights. Mar 03, 2016  The biggest surprise was that Triborg is not only Robot Smoke, Sektor and Cyrax, there’s also a fourth, hidden variation that represents Cyber Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat 9. If you want to play as Cyber Sub-Zero we’ve got all the details to unlock him! Sektor, Cyrax and Robot Smoke make up the three main variations of Triborg. For Mortal Kombat 11 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Did Boon succeed in destroying Sub-Zero's popularity?' This NEEDS To Get Fixed In MK11! By Super / You all know i've been complaining about this since day 1 and after playing some MKX last night i realize how bad it really is that it hasn't gotten fixed. So i'm uploading this video to highlight thi free MP4 video / Christians United Statement.

  • 2Moves
  • 3Move Analysis
  • 6Combos


An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Kuai Liang commands the power of ice and cold. Unlike other members of his clan, he and his older brother, Bi-Han, were abducted as children by the Lin Kuei and trained in the techniques of assassination throughout their lives. Though his codename is Tundra, he has now assumed the mantle of Sub-Zero to honor his brother after Bi-Han's mysterious death. With the help of his fellow Lin Kuei Smoke, Sub-Zero tirelessly hunts the one who killed his brother.


Basic Attacks

during angled jump, or
during angled jump, or
during straight up jump, or
during straight up jump, or

Command Normals

Hold to charge up; 3 levels of charge; / / ; level 3: and frozen


or + +
+ +

Kombo Attacks

; 1st and 2nd hit:
; 1st and 2nd hit: ; 3rd hit:
; 1st and 2nd hit: ; 3rd hit:
; 1st and 2nd and 3rd hit:
; 1st and 2nd hit: ; 3rd hit:
; 1st and 2nd and 3rd hit: ; 2nd hit: and frozen ; 3rd hit:
; 1st and 2nd and 3rd hit: ; 2nd hit: and frozen ; 3rd hit:
+ +
; 2nd hit:
; 1st and 2nd hit: ; 3rd hit:
; 1st and 2nd and 3rd hit: ; 3rd hit:
; 1st hit: ; 2nd hit:

Fast Tags


Tag Kombos

Attack from Teammate's Tag Kombo

Tag Specials

, +
Performs Icebeam ; frozen
, +
Performs Powerslide ; + ;

Special Attacks

Mk11 Sub Zero Needs Dmg Buff Download

, +
frozen ; If performed on an already frozen character, 6% damage and
, +
, +
frozen wkup
, +
frozen ; Cannot be buffered into ; If performed on an already frozen character, 0% damage and

Enhanced Special Attacks

, + +
frozen ; If performed on an already frozen character, 6% damage and
, + +
+ ; ; has armor *patch*
, + +
, + +
frozen ; Cannot be buffered into ; If performed on an already frozen character, 0% damage and

X-Ray Attack

+ +
1st hit: , has armor when charged

Finishing Moves


Move Analysis

Basic Attacks


Command Normals

Big Leg

Bufferable overhead. Use Ice ball if connects, use ice clone if it's blocked.

Kombo Attacks

, string

  • On hit cancel the third hit into ice ball.
  • On block finish with and throw a clone.
    • Easy hit confirmable string into ice ball. Also good anti-air.

, ,

  • Can be finished with an ice ball on hit to get another dash up kombo.
  • On block or hit can be cancelled into a safe clone.

Special Attacks

Ice Clone

Good for anti-air and shielding. Use it to control space and keep opponents in corner and pressured. Once out it lasts for 3 seconds.

Ice Ball

Unsafe on block up close. Keep opponents in check with Ice balls. Remember you can shoot them while a clone is out. Try to bait them into projectile wars and you will most likely tag them with a ball.
After patch the freeze is now 10 frames longer!

Ice Puddle

Very unsafe, only to be used for mind games against other players. Best cancelled into after the b+1 2 4 string to catch them blocking on wake up.


Hits low and is a staple to Sub's mind games and his entire strategy. On hit the opponent can't roll recovery either.

Enhanced Special Attacks

Ice Statue

Lasts on screen 5 seconds as opposed to 3 for the standard clone.

Ice Beam

Rather than a ball, this freeze comes out as a beam, use this if the opponent likes to jump your balls and it'll hit when they come back down.

Mk11 Sub Zero Needs Dmg Buff Pro

Ground Freeze

Instead of a small puddle this version freezes the entire ground in front of Sub. Slow start and only use with mind games and heavy blockers.

Power Slide

Does an extra hit and swaps sides with the opponent, good when trapped in a corner to turn the momentum. Now has armor after patch.

X-Ray Attack

Dashes 2/3rds of the screen.


One hit of armor AFTER releasing the charge, it doesn't have armor before that.

Can be charged to delay the attack to hit jumpers or to mix up the opponents timing.

Can be chained into after

Basic Strategy

Sub is an adaptable character that's is typically used in two main ways, neither is 'better' as they're just a different style and depending on the opponent should be switched between.


This type likes to get an ice clone out to stop fast rushes and will throw ice ball from cover. This style works best against characters without 'special' projectiles that say freeze or trap sub zero on hit. Pure damage projectiles wont stop the freeze and full combo afterward. A player using this type revolves around frustrating the opponent into making hasty and stupid mistakes.


This type will do his best to stay in your face and cancel his attacks into the clone or slide as much as possible to keep the opponent on the defense. Trapping the opponent in the corner is the end goal of this type.

Regardless the type of sub you use I find that it's critical to develop your own hybrid of these types and throw your own little tricks in to surprise opponents.

Advanced Strategy



Bread and Butters

7-Hits: Ice Ball Slide

8-Hits: Ice clone Straight Up Jump Punch Dash + , , , Slide

8-Hits: Anti-air: into Ice Ball + , , , Slide

9-Hits: + Ice Ball Straight Up Jump Punch Dash + , , , Slide

Jump-in Combos

  • N/A

Combos With Enhanced Specials

  • N/A

Combos With X-Ray Attacks

1. + , Ice Ball Straight Up Jump Punch Dash + , Dash , , Xray

Corner-Only Combos

44%: + , Ice Ball Straight Up Jump Punch x2 + , , , Slide


Lockdown type character with Ice clones and balls.


These will be updated as I gain experience. Kratos and Freddy not included yet cause Freddy isn't out and Kratos is banned.

They are all from my personal experience, not saying these are 100% accurate.

Jax: 7-3

Johnny Cage: 7-3

Kano: 7-3 - Try to bait out up balls by jump in cloning, make sure to constantly be wary of the balls cause a block on a horizontal ball gives a FC. Slide under knives when mid range.

Sonya: 7-3 - Throw a clone and stand behind it since blocking the arc kick bounces her into your clone, slide under projectiles.

Baraka: 6-4 - Stay away from him at all costs, Baraka is huge for damage if he gets in on any character, pop a clone and throw ice, you still have to fight smart but this is in Sub's favor.

Kenshi: 6-4

Liu Kang: 6-4

Noob: 6-4

Reptile: 6-4

Sektor: 6-4

Shang Tsung: 6-4

Sheeva: 6-4 (not enough experience)

Stryker: 6-4


Quan Chi: 6-4

Cyber Sub-Zero: 5-5

Jade: 5-5


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Rain: 5-5 (no idea yet, really)

Scorpion: 5-5

Smoke: 5-5

Sub-Zero: 5-5

Kabal: 4-6

Kung Lao: 4-6

Nightwolf: 4-6

Raiden: 4-6

Sindel: 4-6

Cyrax: 3-7

Ermac: 3-7

Kitana: 3-7

Mk11 Sub Zero Unmasked

Mileena: 3-7

Mk11 Sub Zero Needs Dmg Buff Game

Skarlet: 1-9

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