Pathfinder Monster Blood Causing Dmg

Each technological weapon has a full description, including a set of abbreviated statistics. This information is organized as follows. Price: This is the cost (in gold pieces) to purchase the weapon if it's available for sale.As with magic weapons, a technological weapon can be sold by PCs for half this value.

Blood of the Sea
Author(s)Amber E. Scott
PublisherPaizo Inc.
Price Print: $14.99
PDF: $10.49
Released July 26, 2017
Type Sourcebook
Binding Softcover
Pages 32 pages
isbnISBN 978-1-60125-955-4
Rules set PFRPG
SeriesPathfinder Player Companion
FollowsAdventurer's Armory 2
PrecedesElemental Master's Handbook
Artwork from Blood of the Sea

Blood of the Sea, a Pathfinder Player Companion sourcebook by Amber E. Scott, was released on July 26, 2017.

It Came from the SeaWhether from the dark depths of the ocean or azure tropical seas, heroes rise from beneath the waves. Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Sea explores the mystical paths and strange abilities of sea-born adventurers. Discover the secrets of aquatic elves, gillmen, merfolk, tritons, and more. New magic items and spells aid aquatic characters and land-dwelling characters alike. A host of new archetypes, feats, and other options allow you to infuse your character with the power of the sea. Dive into Blood of the Sea and discover oceans of possibility!

Inside this book you'll find:

  • Archetypes for a variety of classes, such as the coral witch and the kraken slayerpaladin, as well as a new cavalier order and bardicmasterpieces, useful for characters in aquatic campaigns.
  • Rules for playing non-standard races like cecaelias, locathahs, and tritons, along with a collection of gear both magical and mundane that can help your heroes in the world beneath the waves.
  • Advice on what to consider when your land-dwelling character must explore the depths, and tips on how aquatic characters can overcome the daunting challenges of adventuring on land.
Pathfinder Player Companion
  • Blood of the Sea
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Pathfinder Monster Blood Causing Dmg 2

Blood Lords
Type Government
LeaderChancellor Kemnebi
HeadquartersMechitar, Geb
Goals Administration of Geb
Scope National
MembersWizards (necromancers)
Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 75

The ghostlynecromancerGeb, nominal ruler of his self-titled nation, rarely chooses to manifest. As a result, the acting head of state is his lich Queen Arazni, but the day to day administration of the kingdom is carried out by the Blood Lords. They are all powerful necromancers headquartered at the Ebon Mausoleum in Mechitar, and have pledged loyalty to Geb till death—and beyond, as many of them are undead. Their leader is the vampire lord, Chancellor Kemnebi.[1]

  • 1Members


There are about 60 Blood Lords, and they include vampires (usually moroi[2]), wraiths, mummies, shades, and liches. They look down on the nation's lesser undead nobles.[3]Specific members include:

Fortnite 100 dmg is actually o9. I also tried a lower 40% HS accuracy in the spreadsheet, the perks suggestions are exactly the same.—.EDIT Conclusion: I had the wrong input in the calculator in the 5th column, see Whitesushii’s comment below. Hero with no weapon dmg boost; I just picked SMS with no support options available), the results are similar.– HS accuracy was assumed at 50% (given how the recoil works I think a higher HS accuracy is probably not realistic).

  • Quarnim Ix[4]

Favored familiars

Most Blood Lords demand longevity from their familiars, relying on undead, constructs, and outsiders. Those who prefer animal familiars usually select a creature with a deathly connotation, such as ravens and vultures.[5]


Members of the Blood Lords help run the state in numerous ways. They are lawmakers, creating and adjudicating the laws that govern both the living and the dead in Geb. They act as judges, resolving disputes between mortals and the more intelligent undead. They promote the nation's well-being by maintaining its numerous magical wards and looking after its interests abroad, in addition to acting as diplomats and signing treaties with other countries.[6]

Pathfinder Monster Blood Causing Dmg


  1. James Jacobset al. (2011). The Inner Sea World Guide, p. 75. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-269-2
  2. Tork Shaw. (2012). Blood of the Night, p. 24. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-470-2
  3. James Jacobset al. (2011). The Inner Sea World Guide, p. 77. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-269-2
  4. Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon, et al. (2013). Mythic Realms, p. 25. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-567-9
  5. Will McCardellet al. (2015). Familiar Folio, p. 5. Paizo Inc. ISBN 978-1-60125-731-4
  6. Colin McComb. (2011). Faiths of Corruption, p. 22. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-375-0
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