Peso Poison Dmg Is Physical Eentration

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Apr 27, 2017 Heavy armor people can still withstand that, because they have high resistance both physical and magicka attacks. The 400 weapon damage + 6487 penetration would be best against lowly armored targets. Youd do more damage at them already, so 400 weapon damage would just increase that. Physical damage is one of the five damage types. It is the most common and the only one reduced by armour, rather than by a resistance. Most physical damage comes from weapon attacks, but some spells deal physical damage as well. Every 10 points of strength give a 2% bonus to physical.

  1. Peso Poison Dmg Is Physical Penetration Theory

It would give Physical dmg some flavor. Adding elemental dmg to your build as a% of physical damage is great, but it's stale when that's the only option to scale the dmg. It doesn't even need to be Keystone, it can easily be unique jewel (so any class can use it and it wouldn't require balancing of the tree around it). The main idea behind my build is based on weapon damage and overall damage being highly focused stats (taking advantage of medium armor 5pc bonus and various direct dmg increases), while adding valuable Magicka damage skills into the back bar for rotation. I define 'valuable' as an ability that had a good duration (10s minimum), a reasonable. (5 items) Adds 110 Weapon Damage and 1240 Physical Penetration. This bonus doubles to 220 Weapon Damage and 2480 Physical Penetration when you are under 75% Health. This bonus quadruples to 440 Weapon Damage and 4960 Physical Penetration when you are under 50% Health. Type: Medium Armor Sets Style: Location: Icereach Required: Harrowstorm DLC.

Questions about Poison Dots for a Poison Build
Compared to direct damage abilities Do crit, crit damage, and penetration all effect poison dots? Considering things like the champion points, weapon traits, mundus stone.... Are poison dots and direct damage abilities all effected the same?
Looking at an archer Lethal Arrow / Poison Injection build for Cyrodiil with 2 of these 3 set procs... Vicecannon, Sheer Venom, and Viper. For Mundus would you go Weapon damage or crit damage? considering that I would mostly be opening with sneak attack Snipe - Lethal Arrow

Poison Dot's are all effected by Weapon Crit, Crit damage, Physical Penetration, Weapon Damage, and Stamina.
For champion points(CP) there is a star that buff's direct damage and another that buff's Damage over time. These effect different things. As a general rule when you read the tool tip for the skill and it states: 'Does X damage and an additional Y damage over 10 seconds', the Y damage is the Dot that will get boosted by Thaumaturge, the X damage is the direct damage that will get boosted by Master at Arms.
Viper is not a good set if you are trying to do a bow build, as it only proc's on melee damage ie damage that is within the range of a sword swing. This can vary a bit depending on skill, but you won't proc it with a bow from range.
Vicecannon should work fine.
Sheer Venom should work fine, although I would point out that on the PTS its function has changed and it wont proc on targets above 50% health. It remains to be seen whether that change will go live or not.
PesoSnipe will get buffed more by Penetration and Max Stamina than by weapon damage, Crit damage is not as strong as it used to be, however you will have to play around a bit to see if it is worth your while. Crit damage benefit is very much dependent on the amount of impen of your target as well as whether it has a shield up or not(shields cannot be crit).
For maximum damage Penetration is best stat provided there is armor to penetrate, however Shields are also not affected by penetration, and once you penetrate all armor then you gain no additional benefit from more penetration. Armor values can vary widely from target to target. Against high armor targets, high penetration will net you the most damage. Against light and medium armor targets you have to be more careful that you are not overpenetrating. Personally I wouldn't run more than 9k-11k penetration.

Peso Poison Dmg Is Physical Penetration Theory

Weapon damage and Max Stamina as contributing stats are not as significantly influenced by Impen, Resistances, Shields. Your damage will be mitigated by those factors but more weapon damage or Maximum Stamina will always net you some damage gain. However both weapon damage and Max stamina do not offer quite as significant a benefit as Penetration or even Crit Damage at certain points.
DmgWeapon damage increases the value of your light and heavy attacks more than it increases the value of your skills, it does increase the value of your skills. Stamina increases the value of your skills more than it increases the value of your light and heavy attacks, but it does increase the value of your light and heavy attacks.
For a bow your base weapon damage is fairly low, and can act as a limiting factor when trying to optimize peak burst, so additional weapon damage is usually a good option.
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