Pet Talent Dmg Boost Wizard 101

The Top Ten


'Storm is pretty much about strategy.' is wrong. There's no strategy, no planning, no thinking at all needed to play a storm. There's only 6 spells in a storm wizard's deck. Epic, Storm Blade, Elemental Blade, Sharpen Blade, Glowbugs, and Tempest. Literally just blade twice and glowbugs/tempest. There's no planning phase, there's no strategical thinking, it's just tempest. And tempest. And tempest. It's always funny to me thinking storms have to have 'well-planned out strategies' when their deck is nothing more than tempest. But that's just my 2 cents. It's a clearly overpowered school, Kingsisle hasn't realized it. So yes, play a storm if you would like to blindly click the same spell repeatedly for 130 levels of your gameplay, rather than thinking out a real strategy and gameplan.

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Whether you master storm or get defeated by it is all determined by how you play. The attacks are extremely deadly, but is compensated for with the lowest natural health in the game. At lower levels storm is difficult because of the health disadvantage, but after awhile you get used to having short, quick battles! Storm is pretty much about strategy. You have to defeat your enemy before they can defeat you. In the end storm is a decent school.

  • Mar 17, 2019 This elixir boosts any wizard below level 50 (including level 49) to level 50, skipping the first arc entirely. The affected wizard will receive several additional benefits besides the level boost, including an advanced gear set tailored to the wizard’s school, a pet and mount, and access to the first three areas of Celestia.
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  • If you are a myth wizard, you are a very creative fighter. You can see multiple endings to a fight, and choose the best route to take. With good accuracy and decent damage, lots of multi-hit spells, and not to mention op minions, myth definitely is one of the best schools. Minions provide everything a myth wizard falls short of.
  • Derby Powers will only help you in the Pet Derby. Your pet starts off as a Baby with no Talents or Derby Powers. Each level your pet gains will give it one new Talent and one new Derby Power so that every Epic pet will have four Talents and four Derby Powers. There are ten possible Talents and ten possible Derby Powers for each pet type.

Storm is is great school for PvE, especially soloing. in my opinion it's actually the best school for soloing. Some people say to take Life as a secondary, but I disagree. For me it's all about offense. No way you should ever be casting Satyr. Best secondary is Ice to Tower Shields, Balance Blades, Reshuffle, Death to Feint, then Sun and Moon type stuff.
The key to Storm is killing things as fast as possible, which is why they are actually best for soloing. By level 25 you can have +10% accuracy using Bazaar gear alone. By 30 you can get Zeus gear to have almost 90% accuracy or possibly more. Since you can end most fights in under 5 turns this results in using much less mana and hardly ever taking damage.
Also, Tempest is probably the best spell in the game since it lets you infinitely charge an AoE spell. The way the game works, killing fast has so many huge advantages and Storm is the best at that. Also, always use a Myth wand so against Storm bosses that cast Myth ..more

Storm, although tough in the early stage of the game due to low health, is a great school as it levels up. High powered spells combined with increased accuracy, high damage, critical, and enough health to get bye is great! Tower shield is a great addition for a storm wizard, and I still use tempest in Azteca to quickly end street battles. The game is pretty well balanced and depends more on the user than the class, but for me, I'd give storm the edge due to their overpowering spells.


Honestly, I love having the Death School as my main. It's pretty cool how I could heal and attack at one time. It's really helpful playing solo. My only problem is that it doesn't do a lot of damage like storm. Still, it's a pretty good school. My second school is Storm because when I'm in a tight situation or the monster has enough health I could wipe them out. Overall, I still like Death better than storm because it doesn't fizzle a lot. I'm no expert, but this has to be the best school.

Death is my favorite because, well, even though it doesn't have the greatest attacking power or is as flashy as the other schools like storm or fire, it is a pretty good school for strategy. Also, like some other people before me has already said, it is easier to solo on death, seeing as I soloed my death character for most of the game and I consider myself not that intense of a gamer. Another favorite part of death is that its steal health attacks can bypass those pesky life and ice absorbs. Whenever bosses spam those shields, I still am able to kill them because of the steal health spells.
I cannot stress this enough. On death, you can heal AND attack. That is very important, because if you are low on health, you don't have to waste pips on healing and just attack as much as you want, which immensely helps people who solo most of the worlds.
Death is also very good for supporting and tanking. My playing style is as a support and a tank, so whenever I have to face ..more

My main favorite schools are death, storm and balance. My first ever character was balance, and I really liked the wards, blade, and shields that come with it, however I think balance is best as a secondary to boost your primary school and not so great as a primary.
In my opinion, I think death is the best, and when paired with storm as a secondary, you get steal spells for attacking and healing simultaneously AND you can hit heavy with storm spells in between. I play my main character with this combo and I have soloed most of my quests so far in the game due to the attacking and healing I can do. This combo is a really good idea for those who like to tank because it means you can survive several attacks by healing with a steal spell WHILE attacking, and when you don't need to heal you can hit really hard with storm spells.

Well every school has their strengths and weaknesses, they were designed to be equal but you can choose to play to your style of combat. Death is particularly interesting because there are many spells which can both take life from the enemy and give life to your wizard at the same time. However, there are many spells that involve risks, such as a ward that increases damage done to yourself in order to massively increase damage to the enemy. The idea behind the death school is 'sacrifice.'


The second highest damage in game
The second lowest health in game
Perfectly balanced right?
Fire has the same problem as storm. The health disadvantage can really be a pain. However if you don't mind low health in exchange for more damage then the fire school is great for you!
But a balanced and well rounded school? I THINK NOT!

In my opinion I don't think it's the best at all. First of all the way it attacks is very inefficient. It does all the strong damage first and leaving a weak DOT behind. It has low health, defense, and accuracy. These things may not seem important at first but later on in the game your going to need these things to be there. All you need to do is put a fire shield and then that fire shield has gone to waste. Although other school spells may have this problem I still think Fire isn't the best.

Fire is the best! Why? Well fire is the second most powerful our health is good its not really low or high and we get spells earlier in the game for example fire blade.also the DOT's are very useful when your enemies keep shielding and most of our spells hit all so there's no problem handling a group of enemies so fire should be first.

Fire is a good school, it has the second worst accuracy. The spells may be very powerful, but again you get your blade so early.


One of my characters is life, and I've got to say it's pretty cool being able to heal myself whenever I need it. Just that when going against high level bosses or enemies, a round of healing can be a waste, because then the enemy will inflict damage on you again. It's also fun being in a group; healing and tanking for everyone else gives a strong sense of purpose.

With life, you can get the healing spells like satyr and sprite without having to spend training points. You also get rebirth, which is an AMAZING healing card because it casts absorb armor as well. I don't know Michael bout anything past celestia because that's when I last played. With the high health, high accuracy, free healing cards, and decent damage, it's pretty obvious life is the top class of them all!

As a level 110 life, I can tell you that there is more to life than a lot of people know. Life, in a team, is built for support. It works incredibly well for healing and protection. However, life is a decent soloing school too. With good attacks (and great ones in the high levels) and awesome heals and a good minion at 75. Very well-rounded school. Life is best!

'Life itself is meant to be a solid support unit, but when used right can switch between that and an offensive and defensive powerhouse, sometimes alone when coordinated correctly. It's got the second highest health and 90% accuracy, so you can definitely count more on life spells to work rather than storm spells. Life is mostly used as the most efficient healer, but this becomes a problem in pve due to the enemies teaming on you when you reveal you're the healer, yet again that's why life wizards were given high amounts of hitpoints; so that they could have a chance with surviving when it's clear that they are being teamed on.


Balance is arguably the most underrated school. Their power lies in their 'balance' of everything- damage, hit points, etc. They are incredible allies in battles because of the multiple blades, minions, and traps at their disposal. Plus, the only shield that can block Balance spells is a tower shield- damage is easy to deal and hard to resist against.
Once you get past the harder levels in the beginning, balance is by far the best school. Paired with an ice for defense, a storm for damage and a life for healing, you've got an unstoppable team.

Tons of blades and traps that can make your ordinary damage spells absolutely extraordinary! Mid-level health and mid-level damage makes balance seemingly an okay class. But that's not what balance is about. The many traps, shields, and charms make playing as balance completely unique! Even though learning to master balance may be a challenge, once you learn the tricks to balance you're practically unstoppable!
In pvp however, balance's skills are best used in group play. You can buff your team and send devastating attacks to the other team. However, you may find that it works best as a supporting role in the game.

Personally balance is one of my favorite schools. You have the second highest health in the game, good accuracy and fair damage. Early on is kinda tough because the spells are crappy for a little bit but once you start getting blades and traps your set. Judgment is given early on and with traps can deal over a thousand. I find using elemental trap elemental blade possibly balance blade and feint then using the hydra spell pretty effective

No prisms therefore no weakness. Plus the spell animations for balance are pretty cool. Last but not least, you get one of the best starting health stats to start the game plus the gear is pretty good too.

Pet Talent Dmg Boost Wizard 101 Download


Scion of Myth is pretty much the easiest double damage to activate.

Myth is more than hiding behind pets. Y'all need to get over the stereotype. It's like saying Ice can *only* shield and fire can *only* DoT. It's a feature we have, but it's not the entirety of the school- far from it. Myth is amazing, people just don't have the wits to use it. You think a storm is so strong? Just wait until I Medusa you with a 2 round stun, making you absolutely useless and giving me plenty of time to earthquake all those filthy storm blades away. Done. Game over. Myth wins.

If you are a myth wizard, you are a very creative fighter. You can see multiple endings to a fight, and choose the best route to take. With good accuracy and decent damage, lots of multi-hit spells, and not to mention op minions, myth definitely is one of the best schools. Minions provide everything a myth wizard falls short of. They heal you, give you pips, and you can learn 'sacrifice' spells to gain even more health. So if you chose myth, congrats, you are the elite.

Myth is so underrated, but don't worry fellow Myth Wizards! One day we shall have the other schools on their knees begging for mercy! We've been in the dark, waiting all this time, we shall be victorious!


Ice was the school of the first wizard I ever made, and I still love playing on them 10 years later. Ice is not the easiest school to solo in the beginning, because the damage on all your spells are lower then most other schools. Because of having the highest natural health and resist, soloing with the right gear, spells, and strategies becomes a piece of cake. Not the best school for solo PVE, but definitely doable.
In the PVP world though, ice remains superior to every other school in every way. Having the highest resist and natural health really makes ice shine in pvp. In late game (lvl100-130) ice is given a lot better gear than previous levels, so you can easily get higher damage. Ice has an arsenal of extremely useful spells for pvp, such as Snow Angel, Winter Moon, Abominable Weaver, Climaclysm, Snow Drift,Steal Ward, Lord of Winter and even Scion Of Ice. Combine good stats from gear, jewels and a pet with a solid strategy and ice is unbeatable.

Ice is actually the best school in many things. People underestimate them just because they are so weak. I have beat Warlords many times, and I am ice. With the right things in place ice can be extremely strong just like storm. Ice has the highest natural life, and they have tons of resist more than every other school. Ice attacks such as snow angel is better than fire and storm. Snow angel does very low damage at first but over time can defeat the enemy. Fire dragon does the strong damage first then it does weak DOT, Storm doesn't even have a DOT attack. Ice may not be the best but it is an extremely good school.

Ice is by far the best school. You have the most natural health in the game. Ice wizards have great defense, which means that you don't need to continuously heal yourself after every attack. This also means you can focus your secondary school on attack, but without the sacrifice of health that you would have if you primary school was high in attack. People typically think that ice is a school that's all defense and no offense, but with the right blades and traps ice can be just as powerful as storm.

I do think that people very so underestimate ice. They aren't even that weak if you look at their damage on spells it isn't even weak it's pretty decent in my opinion. People just say they are weak mainly because of the health and defense is so high so they must be weak, but they really are just as strong as any other school. And also their spells are like one of the prettiest in my opinion, nice blue flashy spells who says no to that..


Turn your cards into treasure cards! Well kind of..
You can add damage and accuracy to the spells you already have. I mean who wouldn't like to add a little damage or make sure it has a better chance of working!

This is VERY important because of the damage adding spells. If you don't have those you basically can't play the game at higher levels.

Sun doesn't take up a turn! You just enchant the spell and use it, unlike star and moon..

Sun literally makes every type of spell better. necessary if you are higher level wizard


Improve your defense or offense without shields and blades! Create a ring around yourself to improve your damage percentage or give yourself extra resistance! What's not to like about this school?

I think it defends you very well and you can also have it instead of blades or shields when you loose it

Star is cool - Ilovestephanie

The auras in the star school are pretty useful, but not enough so that I would rank it as the best school on Wizard101. They look cool enough, though.
My favorite part about auras is that they help boost your stats, but the Wizard101 creators balanced this out by making the wizards more vulnerable to the school opposite of their primary school, in those specialized auras, which I appreciate. Also, they only last four rounds.


Shadow Shrike. 'enough said.

A mysterious, forgotten power.. - Emberflight_of_StormClan



The Contenders


This is the best school by far. It has so many versatile combat options and has the best damage and accuracy.


Moon school is just horrible and useless. By the way, ABSOLUTELY NONE of the schools below this actually exist. There are only 11 schools in the game. Balance, life, myth, death, storm, fire, and ice are the 7 main ones chosen at the beginning of the game. Later, starting in Celestia, you can train sun, star, and moon. Starting in Khrysalis, you can train shadow.

Using moon spells you can polymorph and find out what it's like to have a different school's spells! This however is kind of an unknown school since you can't start training it until like level 50.


Why not top five? One of the best death should be first


It's the best magic by far. I don't even see a point in having any other magic when there's photomancy. The sheer power of photomancy even leave the Jade Lifes shaking in their boots.


This is basically the sub-class to the myth school. Amazing (if not essential) for your conjurer. Useful for other schools too. The best monster I can recommend are the germ ghosts in Mirage - they are immune to spells!

You get to summon minions that actually help in combat!

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Top Remixes (4)

1. Storm
2. Death
3. Fire

Pet Talent Dmg Boost Wizard 101 2

1. Balance
2. Life
3. Storm
1. Death
2. Storm
3. Fire

View All 4

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Pet Talent Dmg Boost Wizard 101 3

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Fill in as much information about the Pet as youcan. Fill in the talent numbers right afterhatching to help determine which talents might havetransferred from the parents. Values are from 0(Common) to 4 (Epic), or '-' for Any / All.

As you train up your pet and more talents manifest, theother un-manifested talents become more determined.

Save pets to the Pet stable (you must be signed into get your own private stable). If you hatch withsomeone, tell him your pet's ID so he can make a copyof your pet in his stable.

Otherwise the rankings remains about the same as at 1440p, with about half the performance. How to save a graphics card that water dmg download

Hatch mode: Load the two parents into the left-handboxes (First Parent and Second Parent), and the hatchedchild into the right-hand box (Child). Saving the childattaches the parent IDs to that child. Later, loadingthat child into the Child box auto-loads the parents.

For pets with both parents set, the combined talent listsof the two parents becomes the available talent pool forthe child. If there are grand-parents, the parents'talent pools are similarly restricted, as high as thefamily tree goes. If a parent belongs to someone else,it's safest to make a copy of his pet into yourprivate stable (in case he changes or deletes his pet).

The calculator accepts pre-loading parameters.Append (for example) ?p1=873 to the end of theaddress bar to load pet with ID 873 into theFirst Parent. Use 'p2' for the Second Parent,and 'c' for the child. 'p2' and 'c' toggleto hatch mode if necessary. 'c' auto-loads theparents as usual.

This calculator relies heavily on the the work ofProject O (previously the Talent / Derby AbilityOrder Project). For more information on how theOrder affects the talents and abilities your petcan have, visit themhere.

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