Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3

  1. Hi guys, im currently fying the t6 vorgon escort but i still wanna use my sovereign class cause its beautiful, my biggest thing is that beam arrays do not do no where near as much damage as cannons so i would be stepping down, the high level beams and consoles are so expensive on the exchange. I just want a beam array build, preferably phasers, for my sovereign class that can compare to.
  2. The Phaser Quad Cannons Dmgx3 is obtained from the Tactical Escort Refit (C-Store, 1500, FED Tier 4). Game Description edit edit source Quad Cannons very rapidly fire small, high damage bursts in a narrow firing arc, and are equally effective against shields and hull. Phaser ship weapons have a chance to disable enemy subsystems.
  1. Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3
  2. Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X300
  3. Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3 Review
  4. Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3 For Sale

Dual Heavy Cannons make more Damage so they are better then Quad Phaser Cannons or do the Quad firere faster again i dont think so and you can only use one not 3 or 4 of it in Front of your Ship. The quads are 2 dps lower than the dual canons (CritH, Acc, Borg). The major diffrence is the quads have a dmg x4 on them, the borg. The Sao Paulo comes with Phaser Quad Cannons Dmgx3. These Quad Cannons can be equipped by any starship capable of equipping Dual Cannons, and have a base damage 3% higher than Dual Cannons (before Dmg modifiers), as well as an innate 15% boost to their own damage. This fearsome energy weapon draws power from the ship's engines to deal massive damage to an enemy. Sep 27, 2018  Welcome,%1$s.Please login or register. Did you miss your activation email?

(by @minerk, thx a lot)

Hi everyone,

here is our suggestion for the latest Event Ship, the Alliance Battlecruiser T6. We show you some Cannon and Beam builds for this ship. Enjoy!



Here they are for Cannons:

Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3Phaser

For Beam Overload:

For Fire at Will + Torpedo:

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Doffs (for all builds):

  • 3x Technician: Auxiliary to Battery CD Reduction (required, could be obtained via B’tran Cluster chain for free or via commendation ranks store)
  • Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTH (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
  • Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTD (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
  • Emergency Conn Hologram: CD Reduction for Evasive Maneuvers (phoenix store, just get one!) and/or
  • Shield Distribution Officer (Agent Nerul): Attack Pattern Beta restores hull when firing (delta operations pack, 12k zen pack. just use him when you have him) and/or
  • Space Warfare Specialist: When activating Eng or Tac Boff Abilities, 20% Chance to get 10% of your outgoing damage as heal for the next 10 hits (if you don’t own Agent Nerul)
  • Fabrication Engineer: Increase Duration of Reverse Shield Polarity (Only useful when using Reverse Shield Polarity!)
  • Elder Malik’itan (Warfare Master, Gamma Recruit, ground slot): Increase damage vs All (if you have him, slot him!)
  • Neal Falconer (Ground Warfare Specialist, Phoenix store, ground slot): Increase damage vs Borg (just get one, it’s not a mistake 😉 )
  • Assimilated DOFFs like 20/22/25/27 of 47

Personal Space Traits
Here’s a list with some useful traits. Which one you use depends a bit on the mission.


  • Fleet Coordinator (free)
  • Superior Beam/Cannon Training – Basis version for free, superior version obtainable at K-13
  • Inspirational Leader (exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Duelist’s Favor (exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – more interesting for cannon builds
  • Into the Breach (exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Point Blank Shot (Episode: House Pegh)
  • Terran Targeting Systems (exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Context is for Kings (exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Adaptive Offense

Recommended race/profession-specific

  • A good day to die (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Great for Tacs
  • EPS Overload (free) – Kinda must-have for Engs
  • EPS Manifold Efficiency (free) – Very useful for Engs
  • Photonic Reinforcement (exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Great for Sci Captains
  • Romulan Operative (free) – Only for Romulans
  • Infiltrator – mandatory for Remans on Warbirds

Other helpful traits

  • Fluidic Cocoon (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Only if you got hit by torpedos
  • Give Your All (Lvl 15 Engineering R&D School) – for fluffy captains
  • Repair Crews (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – another anti-fluffy trait

Space ReputationÂ

  • Advanced Targeting Systems (Dyson T2)Â +16% CrtD on Rank I or +20% CrtD on Rank II
  • Precision (Romulan T2)Â +4% CrtH (I) or +5% CrtH (II)
  • Tyler’s Duality (Discovery T4) +CrtH depending on your hull capacity
  • Energy Refrequencer (Iconian T2) – more heals, awesome and i would highly suggest to use this one.
  • Controlled Countermeasures (Temporal T4)Â +addtional DMG against controlled targets => Only for A2B Builds
  • Tactical Advantage (Dyson T2) – more Armor Pen
  • Magnified Firepower (Gamma T4)Â +5% DMG (I) or +6,3% DMG (II)
  • Enhanced Armor Penetration (Delta T2)Â +5 Armor Pen (I) or + 6.3 Armor Pen (II)

Starship Traits
Highly recommended

  • Emergency Weapon Cycle (Arbiter/Morrigu(crossfaction)/Kurak)
  • Withering Barrage for Cannons (Valiant/Malem(crossfaction)/Kor)
  • Redirecting Arrays for Beams (Tucker/Tebok(crossfaction)/Klothos)
  • Entwined Tactical Matrices for Beams and/or Torps (Gagarin / Qugh)
  • Superweapon Ingenuity for Beam Overload (Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser – Lobi)

Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3

and then choose 3 of them:

  • Weapon Emitter Overdrive (Vaadwaur Juggernaut)
  • Cold-Hearted – Must have for A2B (Breen Plesh Tral Heavy Raider Winter 2017/18)
  • Superior Area Denial – If you don’t have A2B or the raider or as an addition (Mirror Universe Engle-class Strike Wing Escort/Infinity Pack: Starship Trait)
  • Vaulting Ambition (Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser)
  • Promise of Ferocity (Thozyn/Vandros/Xechas)
  • Calm Before the Storm (Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser)
  • Strike from Shadows (Shran Escort)
  • Improved Critical Systems (AoY Event)
  • Super Charged Weapons – if you’re using a torpedo (Kopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird, crossfaction or one of the other Tactical Flagships)
  • History Will Remember (Support Cruiser T6)
  • Improved Unconventional Tactics (Strategist Spec, Discount version if you don’t have anything else to use)
  • Superior Command Frequency (Command Spec, Discount version if you don’t have anything else to use)


Weapon mods as always, crtd or dmg, epic mod: crtd/dm. Pen is good too if you’re using crafted weapons.
Other gear used: Colony deflector, Competitive Impulse Engine, Discovery Reputation Warp Core and Shield.

Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X300


Weapons used: Quad Phaser Cannons, Prolonged Dual Cannons, Terran Task Force Dual Heavy Cannon, Targeting or Sensor-Linked Phaser Heavy Cannons, Trilithium Turret, Gamma Rep Turret, Targeting or Sensor-Linked Turret

Weapons used Advanced Piezo Polaron Plasma Cannon, Altamid Plasma DHC/DC, Altamid 3 piece and Biomatter Turret (Lobi).

Weapons used are Terran Task Force DHC, Spiral Wave DHC/DC, Targeting Linked Omni+Turrets.

Instead of Competitive Engine and Discovery 2 piece you could use a Combat Impulse Engine [Spd]x4, a Deuterium Stabilized Core (both crafting) and the Crystal Matrix Shield (Episode: Para Pacem) or a regenerative or resilient elite fleet shield. In addition, Locator Consoles could be used instead of Colony Consoles or even for the first start normal Polaron Phase Modulator consoles. Cannons are from Lukari Rep, 2x Dominion DC (reward from 2600er story arc), Morphogenic Set from Gamma Quadrant Arc, Turrets from Gamma reputation.


Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3 Review

A basic beam boat with a Terran Taskforce and 5 Advanced Phaser arrays. The Wide Angle DBB offers a bit more damage for you forearc. If you just want to broadside, take a 6th advanced array.

This is an example of a beam overload build with 4 Spiral Wave Disruptors and the Disruptor Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank. Sadly you can’t use a third omni-beam, so a beam array has to do the job. The Terran Task Force Beam array can also be used as a front weapon. If you want to use a different energy type you may put a torpedo into the 3rd aft slot just to get a set bonus. Sadly three Lobi consoles and the DPRM make this build quite expensive. Dc 6v dmg 03 05 3.

Beams and Torpedo:

Phaser Quad Cannons Dmg X3 For Sale

Quite identical to the beam boat, just with a Dark Matter Torp. You could also use 2 more DBBs and a 2nd (crafted) omni for more forward firepower.

The ships can be used for any faction and profession.

Feel free to comment below or ask us directly via discord, teamspeak or in-game.

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