Poe Check Your Spell Dmg

Path of Exile Weapon DPS Calculator with More Pleasing Interface; PoE Box Physical Weapon Damage Calculator; As already mentioned, there are a bunch more out there, but these are a good place to start zeroing in on your own preference. For more Path of Exile, check this out: PoE Best Maps to Shape Things Up. Perhaps one of the neatest corollaries of the gem and socket system is the concept of PoE Cast When Damage Taken (“CwDT”). CwDT allows you to build a character that automatically fights back as you take damage, without requiring any additional action on your part! CwDT: A Primer. CwDT is, at its core, a pretty simple concept. I was considering to start a summoner but i am wondering what determine's the damage of minions? Is it affected by intelligence, strength or dexterity or do they only have their own damage depending on level and quality of the gem and from there on only affected by minion related talents? POE3.0 Build Templar Spells Crit Ball Lightning build to easy farm endgame bosses, like the guardians and Shaper, it got some serious clearspeed aswell tho. It is life based (with a lower ES pool) and reaches 5-6k life & 1-2k ES with ordinary gear.

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1. Introduction

1.1 Dmg Calculation 1.2 Pros 1.3 Cons

2. Ball Lightning Mechanics

3. Mandatory Items

4. Gearing

4.1 General 4.2 Weapon 4.3 Belt 4.4 Armor 4.5 Helmet 4.6 Boots 4.7 Gloves 4.8 Amulette 4.9 Rings 4.10 Flasks 4.11 Jewels 4.12 Good jewel mods

5. Gems


5.1 Ball Lightning Setup (map clear) 5.2 Ball Lightning Setup 5.3 Movement (3L) 5.4 Extra damage (3L) 5.5 Aura (4L) 5.6 Curse & Powercharges (4L) 5.7 Curse & Powercharges (4L) 5.8 Utility (4L)

6. Skilltree/Ascendany/Bandits

6.1 Skilltree 6.2 Ascendany 6.3 Pantheon 6.4 Bandits

1. Templar Spells Crit Ball Lightning build Introduction

Most, not all, of the weapons in Apex Legends have a 2X head shot multiplier. A head shot multiplayer takes the weapons base damage, and multiplies it when you get a head shot. For example, if you hit a player in the body with a Kraber it will do 125 damage, but if you hit them in the head it will do 250 damage to the player. Apec does shield dmg count as damage form.

POE3.0 Build Templar Spells Crit Ball Lightning build to easy farm endgame bosses, like the guardians and Shaper, it got some serious clearspeed aswell tho. It is life based (with a lower ES pool) and reaches 5-6k life & 1-2k ES with ordinary gear. The concept is to crit enemys as often as possible, with extremely slow Ball Lightning projectiles and Orb of Storms. In combination with the Choir of the Storms amulet, this results in huge DPS.

1.1 Dmg Calculation:
The damage output of this build is not that easy to calculate. Some informations are required first:
The shown DPS of Ball Lightning is, according to the wiki, calculated as BL would hit 1x.
Due to several reductions of our projectile speed, a single ball will hit bossmonsters atleast 5x, even more often vs big hitboxes.
The second factor to consider is Choir of the Storm. It says 'Trigger level 20 Lightning Bolt when you deal a critical strike'. While you weare it, you can check its DPS. Press C and scroll all the way to the right. The shown damage is 'per use', so that is not the DPS yet. To calculate that, you have to figure out the amount of crit you deal per second:
BL = Ball Lightning (your main skill)
LB = Lightning Bolt (from Choir)
OOS = Orb of Storms
BL casts per second * BL critchance/100 = crits per second
and multiply this with LB damage per use:
crits per second * LB damage = LB DPS
If u want to get exact numbers, calculate your crits per second for Orb of Storms aswell with the exact same formular and add both outcoming LB DPS.
To get your final DPS just do:
Resulting numbers are huge and can easy go above 1mio in your lategame.
1.2 Pros:
-insane single target DPS
-high clearspeed
-can do any content in the game
-terrific bosskiller
1.3 Cons:
-slow movement until full ascended
-weak mid game
-less powerful against quick, agile bosses (can kill everything anyways)
-no braindead playstyle

2. Ball Lightning Mechanics

ZiggyD made a great video about the Ball Lit mechanics, check it out here, or read the short version:
Every single BL ball can hit every 200ms, this occurs per cast, wich basically means that 2 balls casted with LMP/GMP cant hit the same target more than once!
To increase BL's damage, Slower Projectiles is a great choice, as it increases the amount of time a single enemy gets hit by the same ball. Same counts for Increased AOE.
Ball Lightning wont apply shock to enemys with big lifepools as easy, because the single hits are rather low. A Vaal Lighning Trap is recomended against guardians. As the skill wont shock against endbosses, we can use Elemental Focus for additional 49% more dmg.

3. Mandatory Items

As your slow traveling BL's hit very often, the LV20 Lightning Bolt from Choir of the Storms is a great way to enhance your DPS. Lit res will be used as critical strike chance up to 75%!

Not really mandatory, but Vessel of Vinktar makes you basically immortal during flask effect!

4. Gearing

4.1 General:
We use mostly rare items with high base ES (not through mods necessary, life is more important), just to get that little extra shield and because we need a lot of blue gems. ES as mod on your gear isnt that effective but can be picked for minmax if everything below is considered.Cap your resistance first, then watch out for as much life as possible!
4.2 Weapon:
Use a dagger, for the crit and to use Whirling Blades. Divinarius is cheap and works fine till you get a better, rare one. Look out for spellcrit/crit multi/#-# lit dmg to spells/attack speed.
A Heartbreaker is a nice and cheap option for the phase between lv50 and maps.
Dual Voidbattery means a huge improvement for damage! You loose your Whirling Blades on the other hand. Only use it against bosses, that can't kill you onehit.
4.3 Shield:
Any high life (125+) shield should do, if possible try to get spell dmg/spell crit aswell.
4.4 Belt:
Doryani's lit leech & dmg are nice little adds, alternativly use a rare belt with life & flask modifiers of your choice.
4.5 Armor:
We want life here, as much as possible (125+)!
4.6 Helmet:
Buy a Hubris Circlet with ilv 84+ and the 45% Reduced Ball Lightning Projectile Speed enchantment and roll some life on it. Or run some Laby's yourself ;)
4.7 Boots:
Get high res boots with life. Movespeed is luxus, as we travel 95% with Whirling Blades.
For mapping the best enchant is '80% chance to avoid stuns' - for Shaper/Guardian farming it is 'adds 1-120 Lit damage'.
4.8 Gloves
The same as for boots. Attackspeed is recomended if u can get it (again, Whirling Blades).
Recomended enchantment is 'Commandment of Blades', because it got some scaling with our build.
4.9 Amulette:
Is mandatory! Read the introduction!
4.10 Rings:
First use Diamond or Topaz Rings for the crit, watch out for % lit dmg, cast speed, and life as always.
An essence crafted Opal Ring can yield insane power!
CotB can improve your clearspeed with Herald of Ice.
4.11 Flasks:
Thoose are offensive Flask options, Dying Sun is great for clearspeed, Atziri's Promise slightly better in single target situations.
This flask helps on Hexproof/no leech maps!
Anti bleed/freeze on utility flasks of your choice is mandatory! In 3.0 a Diamond Flask might be a good idea!
4.12 Jewels:
The Blue Nightmare is expensive, but provides free Powercharges, 5% Spellblock when in the Witch socket and extra chaos damage. Only buy that when you have everything else in this build already.

4.13 Good jewel mods :
-crit multi (with lightning/elemental skills/spells)
-cast speed (while holding a shield/with lightning skills/cast & attack speed)
-% life
-elemental damage
-spell damage
-crit chance (with lightning/elemental skills/spells)

5. Gems

5.1 Ball Lightning Setup (map clear):
BL - Spell Echo - Inc Crit Strikes - Inc Crit Damage - Arcane Surge - Faster Proj.
Faster Proj is only recomended when u already have the '45% reduced BL speed' enchantment. Use Faster Casting till that point.
5.2 Ball-Lightning-Setup(bosskill beam):
BL - Spell Echo - Inc Crit Strikes - Inc Crit Damage - Slower Proj. - Elemental Focus
5.3 Movement(3L):
Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify
5.4 Extra damage(3L):
Vaal Storm Call - Inc Crit Strikes - Inc Duration
This will (on crit) trigger lots of Lightning Bolts from Choir. Make sure to use a Diamond Flask before casting it on bigger enemys.
5.5 Aura(4L):
Many many options here. Some people prefer to run Warlords Mark with Blasphemy & Herald of Ice.
For early-mid game i used:
Enlighten - Herald of Thunder - Herald of Ice
For pure clearspeed in endgame i`d recomend:
Enlighten - Haste - Inc AoE - Herald of Ice
Full single target would be:
Enlighten - Wrath - Herald of Ice - Herald of Thunder
5.6 Curse Powercharges(4L):
Orb of Storms - Power Charge on Critical - Curse on Hit - Warlord's Mark
If u prefer to run Blasphemy + Warlords Mark, switch CoH & Warlords for Inc Crit & Crit damage.
5.7 Utility(4L)
Lightning Golem - Increased Duration - Vaal Haste - VLT
Untill you have 75%+ crit on full Power Charges you can use an Ice Golem aswell.

6. Skilltree/Ascendany/Bandits

6.1 Skilltree :
Thoose trees are very similar to my actual one, but not identical. I will update some nodes over the whole season. A skilltree in PoE is a living thing :

Lv40 Tree

Lv60 Tree

Lv80 Tree

6.2 Ascendany:
Has to be the Inquisitor, as his critical hits ignore elemental resistance!
Get Righteous Providence first, followed by Inevitable Judgement. Instruments of Virtue gives some attack speed for movement, and a lot cast speed. Finaly spec into Augury of Penitence.
6.3 Pantheon
As greater soul use Lunaris or Solaris. The lesser soul should be Yugul (25% less reflect damage).
6.4 Bandits:
Kill all, you may also help Alira if u like.

Poe Check Your Spell Dmg In Linux


Path of Exile 3.0 Bleed Flurry Brutality Build for Duelist

poe3-0-bleed-flurry-brutality-build-for-duelist(Fast mapping + Uber Lab farming + Hall of the Grandmasters + all T16 + Shaper + Uber Atziri (HSC)) This build guide is an active and ongoing collaboration between Little_MessPM and Bladewing_M; LMPM is natively a Russian language speaker so he asked me to create a guide for his 100% original build.


Max Block Scorching Path of exile 3.0 Ray Necromancer Build

Max Block Scorching Path of exile 3.0 Ray Necromancer Build pros : - can do All mapmods except 'less armour / block reduction' - CAN'T DIE if there are 'many hits' (Storm Herald, Ball Lightning, Breaches,Daresso Swords.........) - can do Hall of the Grandmaster - Afk tanking Chimera (haven't tried other Guardians because of Atlas customizing)

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POE3.0 Witch Arc - SSF-friendly Mind over Matter Caster

POE3.0 Witch Arc - SSF-friendly Mind over Matter Caster is one of the oldest guides that still gets updated to keep it strong with every major patch, and has been fairly successful over the years. Part of its success is due to the heavy focus on teaching new players about important game mechanics and -knowledge, even beyond what is relevant for this build.


Path of Exile 3.0 Duelist Build Retch - SLArcher

Finally Vessel of Vinktar provides a huge lifeleech-amount based on your lightning damage (30% base for leg. version and 20% for the new one), which is already showing the direction they build has to take: Getting as much lightning damage as possible (more later at following points).


POE3.0 Build Very Budget 854K DMG For All Class

POE3.0 Build Very Budget 854K DMG For All Class lose +1 power charge from bandit reward try look +1 power charge corruption on the bow , not essential but its nice to have it.Or Instead Of Power Charge if you manage find 'Culling Strike' you can always turn into Alternative Version if Assasin Bothers you.

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Poe Check Your Spell Dmg Lyrics

So what exactly is the difference
If using let's say a fire skill and got 1 item of either 10% spell or elemental increase the damage increase would be the same of either of them right??
And playing as a Witch is your normal attack considered to be a 'Spell' attack with a wand or elemental?
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:24:05 PM
10% spell damage or elemental damage will do the same on a fire spell.
But 10% spell damage will increase chaos damage, unlike elemental damage.
Do you mean basic attack with wand? No, it isn't spell damage. But if the wand deals elemental damage, %increased elemental damage will work on it.
PoE forums ignore list script:
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Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:34:40 PM
Ah oke thanks for the quick awnser and chaos damage is a special kind of damage or?
Also to increase wand damage I have to get STR/Pysical boosts?
Also if your weapon has like 6 cold damage does elemental increase only increase the 6 cold damage portial of the basic atk?
Last edited by SAKRAY on Apr 5, 2012, 9:58:46 PM
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 9:40:36 PM
Strength does not increase the physical damage of ranged weapons unless you get the keystone passive that allows it to do so, or support your attack skill with it.
Increased spell damage will increase the damage of all of your spells, including chaos spells as was stated.
If you a weapon with elemental damage attached to it, increased elemental damage will only increase the elemental portion, not the physical portion of your attack. However, you can get decent elemental levels on your attacks by utilizing elemental hit, lightning strike, lightning arrow, fire arrow, molten strike, or glacial hammer. These all add or convert a large amount of elemental damage to your attacks, and increased elemental damage will add to all of them (but spell damage will NOT because they are attacks and not spells).
Last edited by Kraide on Apr 5, 2012, 10:10:31 PM
Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 10:10:10 PM
Ah oke thanks for the quick awnser and chaos damage is a special kind of damage or?

yes, chaos damage isn't reduced by elemental resist or armor, and it bypass energy shield.
Some enemies have chaos resist though, but it just reduces the damage a bit, you can still kill them.
SAKRAY wrote:
Also if your weapon has like 6 cold damage does elemental increase only increase the 6 cold damage portial of the basic atk?

yes, if you get the %increase ele damage from a passive, it will increase the 6 cold damage on your weapon.
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Posted by
on Apr 5, 2012, 10:42:22 PM
I know this thread is old but if someone sees it I would be glad to get an answer. so if i understand this correctly. Elemental DMG boost all forms of attacks/spells that have some sort of element in it. And spell DMG only increeses the dmg of actual SPELLS.
I have done a Witch where i go heavy into lightning DMG (dont know if it is good late game or not but i wanna try it). So i can both get spell dmg and elemental dmg to boost the damage of my lightning spells such as spark and lightning trap for exampel?
Posted by
on Nov 9, 2013, 2:18:35 PM
Both spell dmg and elemental dmg will boost the damage of your lightning spells.
Posted by
on Nov 10, 2013, 2:10:09 AM
I have a witch doing cold damage. I was told that x% increased elemental damage passives not only increases the cold damage but also increases chill and freeze damage so is better bang for buck than x% increased spell damage passives.
Using Freezing Pulse, Ice Nova and Ice Spear.
Is this right? Thanks in advance.
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011.
Last edited by DemiDemon on Mar 11, 2014, 12:23:46 AM
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 12:19:10 AM
I have a witch doing cold damage. I was told that x% increased elemental damage passives not only increases the cold damage but also increases chill and freeze damage so is better bang for buck than x% increased spell damage passives.
Using Freezing Pulse, Ice Nova and Ice Spear.
Is this right? Thanks in advance.

In short, no.
'Chill and freeze damage' doesn't exist. Chill and freeze duration is based on the damage dealt by the hit that triggered them. Anything that increases the damage of the original hit increases the duration of chill/freeze. No extra damage is dealt to a monster just because you chilled or froze it.
Whoever told you that is getting chill/freeze mechanics mixed up with ignite/burn mechanics.
You're welcome to make a new thread for this kind of thing instead of bumping really, really old ones. PoE has changed a lot since Open Beta started, much less 2012.
Last edited by KG31459 on Mar 11, 2014, 12:54:00 AM
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 12:52:09 AM
Whoever told you that is getting chill/freeze mechanics mixed up with ignite/burn mechanics.
Thanks for the answer.
Yeah, he had a fire witch and I assumed that what applied to one element would naturally apply to another - my bad.
KG31459 wrote:
You're welcome to make a new thread for this kind of thing instead of bumping really, really old ones. PoE has changed a lot since Open Beta started, much less 2012.
Again, my bad. After looking over the site for 20 mins I resorted to Googling the term 'elemental damage vs spell damage' and this was the only result close to what I wanted to know. When it didn't give me quite the answer I needed I thought it better to post in a similar thread rather than start another and end up with even more thousands of threads that are next-to-impossible to search through.
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011.
Posted by
on Mar 11, 2014, 1:24:17 AM

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