Poe How To Calculate Voidfletcher Dmg

Poe how to calculate void fletcher dmg downloadPoe How To Calculate Voidfletcher Dmg

Voidfletcher Penetrating Arrow Quiver Requires Level 64 Arrows Pierce an additional Target Consumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level 20 Void Shot when you fire Arrows Adds (30-40) to (80-100) Cold Damage to Attacks +(80-120) to maximum Energy Shield +(20-30)% to Cold Resistance +(20-40) Mana gained on Kill 30% increased Projectile Speed 5 Maximum Void Charges. The example used during our interview was Voidfletcher, which utilizes void charges to increase your damage. These new items will be very expensive and require a lot of effort and attention to utilize properly. For instance, void charges have a regeneration rate of 1 per second.

Diablo 2x dmg to monster 1x to you. Maximum fire resistance was essential along with fire absorption, and digging in for a long toe-to-toe fight with Diablo was almost sure suicide.

Poe How To Calculate Void Fletcher Dmg Download

I've searched for ages for this and I can't find it anywhere. I can calculate the dps of a weapon without factoring in the crit chance and multiplier, but I don't know how to calculate it with those factors.
Does anybody know?
Posted by
on Sep 24, 2013, 8:28:41 PM
You don't calculate with anything other than physical/elemental damage and attack speed. Crit isn't able to be factored in as it has too much reliance on other factors, ie. crit multiplier and accuracy rating, to provide any consistent feedback.
Posted by
on Sep 24, 2013, 8:31:30 PM
You can try this tool:
Posted by
on Sep 24, 2013, 8:32:33 PM
The poe tools calc is read-only, I can't input any numbers to do the math.
Posted by
on Sep 24, 2013, 8:41:35 PM
It's a simple mathematical equation.
MIN(damage)+MAX(damage) ÷ 2 x APS(Attacks Per Second)
7+29 = 36
÷2 = 18
x 1.40(APS) = 25.2DPS
If there is eDPS(elemental) you can do the same equation seperately to find the eDPS and if you want total just add the pDPS(physical) and the eDPS together.
'I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.' - Edgar Allan Poe
IGN: DarkenedSoui
Posted by
on Sep 24, 2013, 8:41:41 PM
Read the 'How to Use' tab. The first thing you need to do is make a copy of the spreadsheet.
Posted by
on Sep 24, 2013, 8:42:31 PM
I need to claryfy one thing.
weapon base dmg 100-100
weapon additional dmg 100-100
%incerased phys dmg 50%
so tooltip of weapon will show 300-300 dmg
From passives I have +100% dmg
Characters dps will be
and will it be the same in this example?
weapon base dmg 100-100
weapon additional dmg 100-100
%incerased phys dmg 100%
so tooltip of weapon will show 400-400 dmg
From passives I have +50% dmg
Characters dps will be
I have to know if 100% inc phys dmg from weapon = 100%inc phys dmg from passives
Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine. -Scissors
Posted by
on Nov 26, 2013, 10:15:20 AM
Anything that says 'increased' (or 'decreased') is additive. In both your examples you would have (100+100) x 2.5 = 500.
Anything that says 'more' (or 'less') is multiplicative, meaning it will take effect after the weapons own damage, all flat damage mods and 'increased' and 'decreased' modifiers have been factored in.
So with 200 damage on your weapon and 150% 'increased' damage (=500 damage), 10% 'more' damage would give you 550 damage.
To get to your actual DPS you will then have to factor in the attack or cast speed.
Last edited by Jojas on Nov 26, 2013, 10:30:43 AM
Posted by
on Nov 26, 2013, 10:30:07 AM
It is possible to factor crit and crit multi in DPS calc if u assume the default 150% crit. multy
lets calc for a wep that has
75-125 phys dmg and 1 attack speed = 100 pDPS wep
lets say the overall crit chance is 5% and the multiplier is 30% giving an overall multiplier of 180%
so 95% of time u will have 100 pDPS and 5% of time u will have 100 * 1,8 pDPS
(0,95*100)+(0,05*180) = 95+9 = 104 pDPS
now lets say it has 30% crit roll and 30% multiplier roll
5*0,3 + 5 = 6,5% overall crit chance
(0,935*100)+(0,065*180)= 93,5+11,67 = 105,2
and so on
That said, this calculation means nothing since your build will influence it a lot. The more % crit chance u have in tree and crit mulitplier the bigger the impact will base crit chance of the wep have. Hence these factors are not included in wep DPS cacl.
Accuracy is another matter and totally depends on your builds accuracy
if your build has 50% chance to hit, additional 300 accuracy (in end game) can have a huge impact on your chance to hit and your dps. For instance it can raise your chance to hit to 60% (thats a 20% dps increase)
if you have 90% chance to hit, 300 additional accuracy will have a very small impact on your dps. Will raise your chance to hit to 91-92%, which is just 1,1-2,1% more dps.
items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
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inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
Last edited by missuse on Nov 26, 2013, 10:36:49 AM
Posted by
on Nov 26, 2013, 10:36:31 AM
Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine. -Scissors
Last edited by licho666 on Nov 26, 2013, 5:32:25 PM
Posted by
on Nov 26, 2013, 3:49:26 PM
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