Poe Trade How To Sort By Highest Dmg

Welcome to poe.ninja! An economic and build overview of the action role-playing game Path of Exile based on public stash tab data. Path of Exile has a currency system consisting of various orbs and scrolls with no fixed value. Keeping on top of fluctuating exchange rates between the different currencies is almost impossible. Jun 04, 2017 If you wish to talk with me or others, join the discord! Discord: In this guide we will be taking a look at Damage Resistances and their importance to your character’s. Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand.

Poe trade how to sort by highest dmg in mac
What do you believe to be the highest single target damage skill in the game? Which has the best potential and I'm speaking about pure damage not DPS.
I'm personally thinking about shield charge.
Last edited by Ire_of_Desire on Oct 13, 2014, 4:12:10 PM
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 4:11:16 PM
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 4:12:16 PM
IGN: NNQQ, Sporkay, Rands_
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 4:32:32 PM
Discharge 5+ charges of each element crit, Bear Trap crit, Facebreaker Infernal Blow punch crit (Assassin's Mark)
All these above have insane dmg per hit = good for overkill bonus and bad because reflect^^
Last edited by Broliciously on Oct 13, 2014, 4:35:13 PM
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 4:33:19 PM
I guess max distance shield charge will provide the hardest single hit.
Though discharge probably will do better with enough charges. True.
Last edited by torturo on Oct 13, 2014, 4:40:37 PM
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 4:36:17 PM
Crit dagger any skill

you are right my bad
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 4:43:40 PM
Bashing on crit mechanics is cute. But it's irrelevant in this case. Besides that daggers don't have the highest base damage stats.
Thread is not about dps, if I got it right.
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 5:20:33 PM
Bashing on crit mechanics is cute. But it's irrelevant in this case. Besides that daggers don't have the highest base damage stats.
Thread is not about dps, if I got it right.

dagger crit one shot dmg of 1000x multiplier rules
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 5:23:41 PM
when I see a tag probation I wonder, what did this man to deserve this?
Then i feel envy, perhaps he has the balls to write the things that many of us can't.
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 5:24:07 PM
For attacks Viper Strike probably wins because it's 110% base + 50% chance for 25%/s for 7s base. Which is like 197.5% without any duration nodes.
Barrage with +1 arrow on quiver/bow could beat it though 5*40%.
A shotgun Tornado Shot that hits all 5 with GMP would be 5*110%*0.5 = 275%, not op at all.
Last edited by Axarion on Oct 13, 2014, 5:36:23 PM
Posted by
on Oct 13, 2014, 5:29:35 PM

Consider helping out in updating the wiki for 3.9.0 - see Path of Exile Wiki:To-do list/3.9.0.

Poe.trade is a shop indexer that publishes items in a easy-to-read manner.

Summary of poe.trade mechanics

Poe.trade gets its information from the official Path of Exile forums, in the trading subforums and through the Public stash tab API specifically. poe.trade will read the content of the threads created in the trading subforums and upload it to its page. The forums also have a system to link item from your game stash in your posts, which helps verify if the item is still available. The items can then be prized by appending the correct syntax after the code that links the item.

Every few minutes, poe.trade look at your posts on the forum, and update what you buy/sell. The indexer has a limit to how many threads it searches, which is why it is good practice to regularly bump the thread.

Creating the forum thread

  1. Log in to www.pathofexile.com.
  2. Browse to the forum trading section. A couple of alternatives will be available depending on which league playing in and if you're buying or selling only a few items or want to create a large shop full of items. For example, if you are playing in Standard Prophecy League and want to create a shop.
    1. Go to the Standard Prophecy League - Shops subforum.
    2. Create a thread. The title of the post does not matter.
    3. In the original post; link the items you want to sell. On the top left part of pathofexile.com, you should see your account and one of your character should be displayed. If you click on the picture of your character, you'll see your inventory, and you'll have access to your stash.
    4. Click only one time on the item you want to sell. A code, looking like this one, will be copied to the text of your forum post: [linkItem location='Stash2' league='Prophecy' x='5' y='0']. If you preview your post, you'll see the item picture and a proper link in your post.
    5. After the code, you can tell the indexer what price you want to sell the item for. For example, the syntax for a buyout (b/o) of 3 Chaos OrbChaos OrbStack Size: 10Reforges a rare item with new random modifiersRight click this item then left click a rare item to apply it.
      Shift click to unstack.
      would be ~b/o 3 chaos.
    6. Once finished, submit the thread and wait until the indexer finds it. This can sometimes take a while. Bump the thread if it takes unreasonably long.

Poe Trade How To Sort By Highest Dmg In Games

This procedure has been automated by various inventory management tools. Buyout prices can also be added in-game with Premium Stash Tabs.

List of price codes

The full list and the full syntax is on: poe.trade/html/tags.html

Appearing online

These are the current methods to appear online on poe.trade. How to install dmg sierra on vmware pc.

  1. Go here. Send any message. Wait for a reply. You'll get an 'online link'. You should then input it into a inventory management tool and your online status will be tracked by that program while it is open. This will only apply to poe.trade, not other indexers.
  2. Buy at least one Premium Stash Tab set as public. In this case you don't have to do anything and your online status will be determined automatically.
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