Raids Shadow Crit Dmg Vs Attack

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Shadow Claw deals damage and has an increased critical hit ratio. Shadow Claw can also be used as part of a Contest Spectacular combination, with the user gaining extra three appeal points if the move Focus Energy was used in the prior turn. If your attack is weak then it deals 30% less damage than normal and cannot crit. If it's normal then it works just like regular attack and can crit, but damage is also reduced by 20%. Below is a formula to calculate average damage dealt to a stronger target. WEAKDMG = 0.4. ATK. 0.7 + 0.6. ATK. (1 + (CRITC - 0.15). CRITD). 0.8. Jun 12, 2019  As a Hunter, 1 Agility gives you 2 ranged Attack Power, 1 melee AP, a small increase to your chance to critically strike (53 Agility = 1% Crit Chance), 2 armor, and a small increase to your chance to dodge. Agility is a very valuable stat because it also scales with certain buffs. With no buffs and by yourself, 1 Agility is worth 2.5 Attack.

Raid Shadow Legends Crit Damage

  • Oct 19, 2016  crit bonus from weapons does not show there, but whatever is on your weapon adds to what you see on your player sheet. So, if you have an armor gem that boost crit by 10%, your sheet will show 15% crit chance. If you are using a weapon that has 10% crit chance, your chance per attack is 25%.
  • Shadow Priest DPS Rotation & Cooldowns. Below is our guide for prioritizing your abilities optimally. This should help give you a basic understanding of what to do and what's most important to focus on. Each rotation list is more of a 'priority list'-in real-time, you'll constantly be determining which ability to.

In this thread I will compare the value of a full page of attack damage versus a full page of crit damage, in order to evaluate the significance of critical strike damage runes. I will account for the influence of the (10%) critical strike damage mastery by using shaded regions between curves. I assume that anyone who would be interested in maximizing critical strike damage would also build an Inifinty Edge, so the increased damage multiplier from infinity edge has already been factored in.
A full page of crit damage grants 46% crit damage. Exe file converter to dmg. A full page of attack damage grants 22 ad. In the graphs below, the AD axis is the attack damage excluding the 22 bonus attack damage from the ad rune page; besides the increased crit multiplier, the influence of the 22 bonus attack damage is what differentiates one curve from the other.
The yellow region represents the full page of critical strike damage.
2.96x < y < 3.06x
The red region represents the full page of attack damage.
2.5(x+22) < r < 2.6(x+22)
One question is immediate, what is the percentage increase in damage of a full crit page over a full attack damage page, for a given value of AD.
In the following graph, the range from 1.00 to 1.14 denotes a percentage increase in damage ranging from 0% to 14%.
The upper bound of the orange shaded region is the percentage damage increase of a full crit page over a full flat attack damage page, without the crit damage mastery.
The lower bound is with the crit damage mastery.
(3.06 *x )/( 2.6 (x + 22)) < o < (2.96 *x )/( 2.5 (x + 22))
A full crit damage page provides approximately a 10% increase in damage over a full flat attack damage page for critical strikes, after accumulating 300 AD (excluding any runes) in either case.
Given that the effectiveness of critical strike damage diminishes with critical strike chance that is less than 100%, this 10% increase will translate to a much lower average damage increase, possibly as low as 2.5% (25% crit chance from infinity edge, which was assumed built and was factored into this analysis), but again that will further be reduced because a flat attack damage page provides increased damage on normal hits, whereas a crit damage page does not. You could even see a damage loss before accumulating a lot of crit chance and attack damage (a lot more than what the infinity edge provides).
The total value of a full critical strike damage rune page should not be buffed because of certain outlying cases that I have excluded from this analysis for brevity (Tryndamere).
The value of a full critical strike damage rune page should stay the same, but the number of runes required to access all of that critical strike damage should be reduced. Glyphs and Seals should be consolidated into Marks and Quints in order for the Critical strike damage runes to be a competitive, strategic, niche option. To reiterate, there should be no crit damage seals or glyphs, and a page of full crit damage reds and quints should grant 46% crit damage.
Currently critical strike damage runes are underpowered. Even in the extreme outlying cases for AD exceeding 500, the critical strike damage runes provide a paltry 12-13% damage increase over a full flat attack damage rune page, and significantly less of an increase over a full scaling attack damage rune page.

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