Roll 20 Dmg Bonus Not Working


Roll 20 Dmg Bonus Not Working On Computer

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Roll 20 Dmg Bonus Not Working Windows 10

I have a problem where the 'Misc' modifiers for Ability Scores are not adding fully, only using the first number in the sheet (or occasionally using the first two). My DM wants me to indicate in square brackets where each bonus is coming from, so it is important that I can give the individual bonuses on the sheet. For example, for 'Misc' Strength bonuses I would write: 2[size]+2[racial]+2[levels]+4[warshaper]+2[bracers]+2[arm] Any help solving this would be much appreciated! To clarify, my character's base strength is 18, so the total strength should be: 18+2+2+2+4+2+2=32.   However the total shown on the character sheet is only 20. Even when removing the square brackets the total is still wrong.
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