Smite High Dmg High Survivability

  1. Smite High Dmg High Survivability Build
  2. Smite High Dmg High Survivability Levels
  3. Smite High Dmg High Survivability Pressure
  4. Smite High Dmg High Survivability 2

Smite High Dmg High Survivability Build

This is my first ever build and i would like some advice and opinions on what i have been able to come up with thus far.
1. Introduction

This build is a mix of the classic The baron Zombiemancer and the new melee summoner build using smite.
For this build we will be using the Guardian ascendancy to boost our minions with the aura from smite as well as boosting the effect off Herald of Purity.
You will be able to achieve 1200 strength with this build for the extra zombie and life leech using The Baron helmet and you will use Smite to buff your minions with the passive effect.

2. PoB link

The skills section is not complite due to unrealeased skill gems not being available in PoB right now.

3. Skill Gems

Smite - Added Lightning Damage - Elemental Damage With Attacks - Ancestrial Call - Physical to Lightning - Lightning pen
Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Maim
Animate Guardian - Blood Magic - Minion Life - Raise Spectre
Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify
Wrath - Herald of Purity - Convocation - Summon Holy Relic
Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal call - Increased Duration

4. Animate Guardian and Spectres

Animate Guardian items

Weapon: Dying Breath (
Chest: Ambu's Charge (
Boots: Victario's Flight (
Helmet: Leer cast (
Gloves: Meginord's (


2x Carnage Chieftan for Frenzy charges.
You find them in Riverways, act 2. Summon 2 of them from there, then open the highest level map you got and cast desecrate untill you can summon 2 new ones from that map.

5. Skill Tree, Bandits and Acsendancy

Bandits: Kill all
Leveling tree 0-60 points

Leveling Tree 60-80 points

Leveling Tree 80-100 points

Final Tree


6. Items

Weapon: Doryani's (
Shield: Rare shield with life, resists, Strength and Ele dmg
Helmet: The Baron (
Armour: Rare Body armour with life, resists and strength. Alt: Belly of the beast (
Gloves: Meginord's (
Boots: Alberon's (
Amulet: Astramentis (
Ring 1: Rare ring with Life, resists and strength
Ring 2: Rare ring with Life , resists and strength
Belt: Rare Heavy belt with strength life and resists

Vioent Dead x1 (
Efficient Training x3 (
Brawn x1 (
Rare jewel with strength, max life and all resist.

7. Outro

With this setup we should get:
* Over 1200 strength for The Baron helmet
* Over 6000 life
* Good melee damage due to nodes in tree the will give you attack speed and damage based on your minions attack speed and damage
* High amount of Zombie damage
* Great survivability with the help of Zombies and Animate guardian as well as the guardian Ascendancy

Last edited by N3oWn on Aug 31, 2018, 4:29:35 PM
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2018, 2:53:47 PM
Im a little unsure about my weapon of choice, any sugestions are welcome. We do want a weapon that can hit hard with Smite, but i had a hard time finding a weapon that could do that and at the same time work well with the minions.
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2018, 2:57:00 PM
Last edited by Super_Duper_Zealot on Aug 31, 2018, 4:20:08 PM
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2018, 4:19:36 PM
Remember that a melee-summoner is a hybrid between melee and summoner. To make the most out of such builds, you have to cater to melee aspects with little to no detraction from summoner aspects [and vice versa]. In other words, be sure the mechanics you've chosen synergize well with both melee and summoner.
In regards to your build:
* Unless I'm missing something, there's a clear gap between Baron and Smite, mainly that Baron scales physical damage while Smite [at least in your build] scales flat elemental damage. Wrath and the Smite aura won't provide much benefit to your Zombies because they're better scaled with added % damage (such as Hatred or Added Fire Damage) rather than flat damage.
* Alternatively, you can support your Zombies with Physical to Lightning to convert 50% of their physical damage to lightning. Replace Wrath with Blasphemy + Conductivity (this way, reduced enemy lightning resistance will prove beneficial to both you and your Zombies, in addition to giving a chance to shock).
* Why only one copy of Violent Dead? You definitely want to aim for two copies of Violent Dead to reduce the cooldown of your Zombies' slam. Also note that you're going to need a fair amount of minion movement speed to maximize the use of Zombies.
* Do you plan on using an Offering? Based on your build, Flesh Offering seems like the best choice. Consider including a low-level CWDT + Desecrate + Flesh Offering setup.
* I feel like you're adding too many minions to your build. Consider getting rid of Spectres. Perhaps use Victario's Charity with Necromantic Aegis instead to generate Frenzy charges for both you and your minions.
* Do you plan on improving the damage of your Sentinels? If so, remember that connecting Herald of Purity to support gems will increase the mana reservation cost, thus limiting your options for other reservation (like the Blasphemy + Conductivity combo). You can either reduce mana reservation costs with passives or items, or perhaps include The Coming Calamity to ensure your Herald of Purity always reserves 45% mana.
* As for your weapon: That really depends on how you want to scale Smite's damage. If you want something hard-hitting, try Augyre (it also gives an inherent 50% physical to lightning conversion, thus freeing up a socket on your 6-link) until you find something better. If you want something with fast attack speed, Brightbeak or perhaps a 1-handed thrusting sword with lots of lightning damage might work.
* Lastly, remember that you need to survive. Invest more into life and armor/evasion/energy shield, in addition to stacking other defensive mechanics (i.e. Mind Over Matter). Also, do you plan on using Endurance Charges? If so, you can keep a high-level CWDT + Immortal Call setup. If not, switch to a low-level setup.
Keep it up though! With the advent of 3.4, melee-summoners are certainly becoming more mainstream and I absolutely love and encourage new builds like this one :)
Last edited by kaype on Aug 31, 2018, 5:27:12 PM
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2018, 5:15:59 PM
The tree in the pob link seems incomplete, only 60 points allocated
Different types of SSD guide:
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2018, 5:32:02 PM
You forgot the best new unique item for this build, the Iron Fortress Crusader Plate!
I instantly thought about combining this with The Baron for the new meleemancer, lots of inc. melee dmg, and the high armour flat gain plus added block chance sinergises really well with Guardian, should be worthwhile.
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2018, 6:54:59 PM
The tree in the pob link seems incomplete, only 60 points allocated

You can change which tree to look at at the bottom of the program. You are looking at the Leveling Tree 1 one
Posted by
on Aug 31, 2018, 7:53:14 PM
You forgot the best new unique item for this build, the Iron Fortress Crusader Plate!
I instantly thought about combining this with The Baron for the new meleemancer, lots of inc. melee dmg, and the high armour flat gain plus added block chance sinergises really well with Guardian, should be worthwhile.

Oh that sounds positively diabolical. I love the thought. Though I am trying to figure out if there is a way to combine this with something like Consecrated Path and Herald of Purity.
Posted by
on Sep 2, 2018, 10:19:06 PM
I dropped Spectres in favor of Victario's Charity. This allowed me to 3 link Animate Guardian with minion life and minion resist. By doing this, I 4 linked Consecrated path, Shield Charge, Faster Attacks, and Fortify. This really allows me to zip around the map easily. I would also suggest picking up resolute technique. Seems silly to not use it.
Posted by
on Sep 5, 2018, 9:09:17 AM
Brutus Lead Sprinkler could be a cool choice for a build like this.
Not sure it would be great with Smite, but maybe? Or Another skill but the similar build. Good synergy potential.
Posted by
on Sep 5, 2018, 9:11:07 PM

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Smite High Dmg High Survivability Levels

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Smite High Dmg High Survivability Pressure

Smite High Dmg High Survivability 2

Jan 21, 2018  Thanatos for the very early game only, then he falls off. Overall though, I would include; - He Bo (2 very low CD, very high damage abilities) - Discordia - Chronos Pendant, Spear of Desolation, plus her 3 means you can spam 1+2 as they are almost instantly off CD with max level 3. Challenging Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing 60-162 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds, granting vision of them, and reducing their damage to you by 20%. Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing 28-164 true damage and stealing 20% of their movement speed. Feb 18, 2020 Subscribe for more videos Let's find out which one is the best for killing Bosses at high levels. Lords of Mayhem High lvl Boss kills with Aspects DMG Check!!! High Survivability + Fast.

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