Soul Reaver Smite Dmg Tick

The smell of old ink. The flapping of dusty pages. The smooth feel of an ancient tome's cover. These might not seem like a warrior's weapons yet -- but as Thoth, the Arbiter of the Damned, opens up a new chapter in SMITE's Season 3..they soon will be.

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The Scribe of Secrets has kept in the shadows as blood was spilled in the Battleground, but no longer -- Chaos has gained an upper hand, and this sorcerer supreme will watch no longer. This powerful traditional Mage is here to show his enemies he hasn't just seen victory, he wrote the book on it. So follow us and we'll teach you every trick and build ever written when it comes to Thoth, the Scribe of Secrets -- and the Arbiter of the Damned.

Thoughts on Thoth

Thoth is a potent addition to Egypt's already formidable line-up of traditional Mages, joining the ranks of magical powerhouses like Anubis, Isis, and Ra. While he might not have quite the potency of the dark hellhound, or the support potential of Ra, Thoth's damage, mobility, and superior skillset leaves this new arrival with a thing or two to teach his magical friends in the Egyptian pantheon.

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Where other Egyptian (and game-wide) magic-users have 'walking mincemeat syndrome' -- that is, little to no way to escape a gank or focus fire -- Thoth brings all the raw power, wave clear, and damage of these vulnerable powerhouses in addition to at least some measure of safety in his ability to Evade and Punish.

Thoth might not be the safest Mage in the game, but his survivability and potency in punishing clustered enemies (or outright deleting squishier targets with his Final Judgement) can certainly turn the page in what would've otherwise been a losing game. Careful positioning and game awareness is paramount, as always, but with a little practice using the abilities we cover below you'll soon be writing whole new chapters in your competitive Mage game.


Dead Reckoning

Thoth pens the names of his fallen opponents in his book, recording their weaknesses. After killing 30 enemies, Thoth gains a stack of 4 Magical Penetration. He unlocks a new stack every 4 levels, up to a maximum of 5 stacks at level 17.

Kills per stack: 30

Penetration per stack: 4

Soul Reaver Smite Dmg Tick Download

Maximum Penetration: 20 at 5 full stacks

If it's one thing we learned from recent all-stars like Fafnir, it's that free is good and 20 free penetration is more than the base pen of some fully built items. This allows Thoth to focus on other areas of items like raw Magical Power or Cooldown Reductionand leave the Penetration items for much later in the game, as his excellent passive does most of the work. This means Thoth is going to power earlier and for much less gold than other Mages that don't essentially get free passive items as they murder minion waves.

Hieroglyphic Assault

Thoth raises into the air, ignoring the Basic Attack Movement penalty and conjuring 3 Hieroglyphs. His next 3 Basic Attacks pass through Enemies and apply Ability Damage instead.

If these attacks pass through the Glyph of Pain, their range is increased by 30.

Damage per shot: 35/55/75/95/115 (+25% of magical power)

Glyphs spawned: 3

Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana

Cooldown: 8 seconds

Activate this ability, and you'll see your three power shots hovering nearby. While simple left clicks will send these penetrating hieroglyphs through any number of nearby enemies (and deal plenty of damage), Hierglyphic Assault is best paired with the Glyph of Pain -- and ability we'll cover below which adds not only damage but effective range to the Assault. Practice lining up this 1-2 combination (and the slightly slower than average missile speed of the Assault) to clear minion waves and punch through enemy clusters alike.

As both your primary wave-clear and your go-to ability for damaging enemy players, Hieroglyphic Assault is Thoth's primary level up. Pick it early, and pick it often.

Evade and Punish

Thoth dashes in the direction he is currently traveling. After dashing, for 5s Thoth's next basic attack instead fires a magical projectile at the target which slows and deals ability damage.


If these attacks pass through the Glyph of Pain, Both the Dash and the Projectile's range are increased by 30.

Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 (+60% of magical power)

Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%

Slow Duration: 2.5 seconds

Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

Cooldown: 18 seconds

Taking a page straight out of the 'Competitive Mage' handbook, Thoth's Evade and Punish is a much needed escape in the high mobility world of Season 3 SMITE -- and a powerful chasing tool to secure escaping targets other mages would have no hope of catching.

While it's heavily advised to keep Evade and Punish available to save yourself, and allowing the range increase of the Glyph of Pain and your long-reaching nuke Final Judgement to be your securing mechanisms, the dash (and the increased range of the dash through your Glyph) is available if the situation calls for it.

Unfortunately, the cooldown remains the same regardless of ability level, so pick up Evade and Punish early (level 4 at the latest) and leave it to level for last.

Glyph of Pain

From his book, Thoth conjures forth a Hieroglyph in front of him. Thoth's ability projectile passing through the glyph receive increased damage, and a range increase of 30.

Thoth and allies' Basic Attack projectiles receive a reduced damage bonus, but no range increase.

Ability bonus damage: 15/25/35/45/55 (+10% of magical power)

Basic attack damage: 5/10/15/20/25 (+5% of magical power)

Cost: 55 mana

Cooldown: 5 seconds

The bad news is, Glyph of Pain is Thoth's primary set-up mechanic for dealing damage to enemies and objectives, and his best way to support his team outside of actually just deleting whatever's in front of him. But since the 'hieroglyph' he summons is actually more of a 'gigantic wall made of lasers', it's pretty obvious when Thoth is about to move.

The good news is, at 5 seconds it's used easily and often -- allowing you to stagger comboing your abilities, or just throw up 'fake out' walls to aid your basic attacks, and keep your enemy guessing as to when your medium-damage basic attacks are what's coming through, and when they're about to be under a Hieroglyphic assault.

It's worth noting that this does increase damage on objectives -- even towers and Phoenixes. While your Assault won't touch a tower's HP (being an ability), the Glyph of Pain will for you and your nearby allies. 55 might not seem like a lot, but easily adds up to hundreds of damage in only a few seconds when you and your friends are all firing through the Glyph.

As your kit's necessary combo mechanic, and a fine damage increase to your main gun Hieroglyphic Assault, pick up the Glyph of Pain early, and level it second, just behind Assault.

Final Judgement

Thoth begins summoning pages from his book, up to a maximum of four. When all four have been summoned, he sends them forward damaging all Enemies in their path.

Thoth may activate this ability again to fire the ability early, doing a reduced amount of damage based on the number of pages currently summoned.

Damage: 360/440/520/600/680 (+140% of magical power)

Cost: 90 mana

Cooldown: 75 seconds

Thoth's Ultimate, and the quickest way to slam the book shut on enemies, Final Judgement deals an incredibly massive amount of damage in a penetrating lineshot when fully charged. For comparison, Poseidon's Kraken deals 340+60% of magical power in the dead center of his Ultimate, meaning Thoth's Ultimate does nearly twice the damage of one of the most iconic finishers in SMITE.

Oh, it also receives the range and damage bonus if fired through Glyph of Pain. This means that later in the game (when mages have around 600-700 ability power), this can deal between 1500-2000 damage depending on an enemy's magical protections and your (passive-boosted) magical penetration.

From a distance, this skillshot can rather easily be dodged -- but Final Judgement wants to have a few words with any enemy not watching Thoth, and most of them are 'DIE'.

As an Ultimate, you're going to level Thoth's Final Judgement whenever available -- but don't only hold it back to secure kills. Pushing four digits of damage straight through an enemy cluster is as fantastic a way to start a teamfight as it is to end one.

Team Comp

Thoth has done his reading when it comes to competitive Magery in SMITE's Season 3. And while he's still a very traditional mage, he has all the markings of a competitive powerhouse. Despite the fact that he literally wrote the book on Magic, Thoth is best slotted into a team that's looking to poke down an enemy from a distance before moving in to mop up what's left.

Look for long range allies such as Neith, or mobile frontlines that can move with him such as Amaterasu, or Xing Tian. Also, because of the way his Glyph of Pain interacts with basic attack projectiles, generally the more ranged attackers your team has, the better.


Start with Soul Stone to keep your mana high, and your damage and bullying potential even higher. If you're planning on clearing waves more than boxing, but taking poke from long range enemies such as Isis, Vampiric Shroud is a fine (if ultimately less potent alternative). From there, start building the book you wrote on magic -- literally the Book of Thoth -- and pick up some Shoes of the Magito give your passive magical penetration a boost, while keeping your power and mana regeneration high.

In typical fashion, Chronos Pendant is your next pick-up, followed by the Rod of Tahuti. Finish out with Soul Reaver for a bit more upfront punch (or maximizing your Final Judgement's ability to completely one shot most enemies). Alternatively, you can pick up Spear of Desolationto keep your sustained DPS astronomical.

Finally, (if there's any enemies left alive by now), feel free to swap out the Soul Stone for whatever you might need -- usually whichever of the final two items you didn't pick up. But DivineRuin or Gem of Isolation are also fine purchases against healing compositions or in games where you need to peel for yourself, respectively.

Here's the TL;DR:

Shoes of the Magi > Book of Thoth > Chronos Pendant > Rod of Tahuti > Soul Reaver / Spear of Desolation > Soul Reaver / Spear of Desolation

Gameplay Strategy

While he might not be as naturally dominant as power-only picks like Zeus, Thoth isn't too far off, either. Use your Glyph/Assault combination to quickly clear enemy waves -- and harass any enemy foolhardy enough to stick near their minions while you do so.

Thoth is powerful, and easily capable of harassing multiple enemies through terrain or units, so take advantage of this whenever possible. Don't be afraid to walk up near the front of your line to ensure some of those Hieroglyphs go through the enemy gods along with their minions. Chances are pretty good you can manage to score noticeable damage while still being able to quickly retreat behind a wall of friendlies -- or, in some cases, not have to retreat at all thanks to your increased range.

While you should always have your Evade and Punish at the ready to.. well..evade and punish gankers, Thoth will find very few enemy lanes in which he's forced to play passively. One of the most dominant Mage items in the game is the Book of Thoth for a reason, so don't be afraid to let your enemies know it. Poke them down early, poke them down often, and try to find hidden angles to set up a Glyph of Pain / Final Judgement combination -- and write a few final words to any enemies caught in the blast.

In short, whether it's in a full teamfight or just a small lane skirmish - stay safe, but don't be afraid. You have more range and at least as much power as most Mages in the game, so harass down enemies before finishing them off with Final Judgement, or an Evade and Punish/Glyph/Assault combination. This 'hell from afar' strategy will keep your kill count rising as your write your name in the 'Winner' column game after game.


'Death from afar' might be the oldest trick in the book, but with the Scribe of Secrets the writing's on the wall -- so go forth and conquer! But be sure to stop back and tell us how you wrote yourself a few final 'W's' in the last months of SMITE Season 3 with Thoth, the Arbiter of the Damned.

Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » Thoughts on Soul Reaver?11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink Quote PM by » Report
I forgot they presented this as a new item a few patch notes back. What is the strength of the item and what gods benefit from this greatly?

Posts: 6
The problem with this item, as in all smite, is smite doesn't have 'active items' like League of Legends does, for example. This item is effectively a Deathfire Grasp, but you can't choose when to activate it, and as such, something as simple as a Ra's could trigger it, and then it's on CD for 60 seconds with no way to choose.
As such, the benefit is an all-in type of god. A god who, when you use your abilites, you're going for the kill. Champions that would benefit from this are provided you don't poke with your , as when they are coccooned into a or , it's basically a kill, , because freya, and , because his ball will trigger the item, then they're stunned while you have the speed to catch anyone and everyone, just to name a few. Basically, if it's going to be triggered by poke that you don't want it to -- Tornadoes, , , -- you probably don't want it.
The only exception to this is assault, if they don't have a healer, as all damage becomes permanent, and putting down a very easy is an instant 15% damage on someone that is effectively permanent. If they have healers, I caution this strategy, as the healing may undo this 15% damage and make your item a useless 100 MP and that's IT, item, compared to a 100 MP item with a nasty active.
TL;DR Choose for all in gods, never gods with poke unless assault with no heals.

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Eminent (157)
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Permalink Quote PM by » Report
i like how powerfull it is even though its very expensive. its kinda like the second cataclisme item for mages right behind .
it works best of instant damage abilitie gods like hebo (which is why i use it in my first guide). but for those gods with ticks i like it less exept on gods who put a tick on the enemy and then do something burst (think of agni and overgrown fish boy).
on gods who soly have ticks like anubis i is just a bit of extra damage hidden somewhere in your ticks and there are items who can help you better in that case.
that are my 2 bucks on it.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.

Distinguished (54)
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It's a very strong item, it's an ideal item for bursty mages such as and . It may have the long 60 second cooldown, but that's because the passive is insanely strong on bursty mages if the active was always on, mages would be pretty over powered.

Prominent (35)
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i like how powerfull it is even though its very expensive. its kinda like the second cataclisme item for mages right behind .
it works best of instant damage abilitie gods like hebo (which is why i use it in my first guide). but for those gods with ticks i like it less exept on gods who put a tick on the enemy and then do something burst (think of agni and overgrown fish boy).
on gods who soly have ticks like anubis i is just a bit of extra damage hidden somewhere in your ticks and there are items who can help you better in that case.
that are my 2 bucks on it.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.

Distinguished (54)
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Let me do some math though, as some people take this over things like
Assuming 500 magic power, and this is a VERY LOW number at full build (note that as Magic Power increases, Polynomicon scales, whereas Soul Reaver scales off health).
Polynomicon Auto attack = 100% + (.35 x 100%) = 1.35x your magic power.
This is 675 damage on an auto attack, at a very weak build.
Assume 2k health for Carry/Mage (very generous), 4k health for tank (very, very, very generous)
.15 x (2,000 // 4,000) = 300/600.
This means that no matter how much health you have, a Polynomicon, on a 2 second cooldown, will always do more damage than Soul Reaver, on a 60 second cooldown. This is not even factoring in the ability to waste it on a dot like Tornadoes, the ability to scale even harder than 500 MP (which with is ridiculously possible]], the fact that it's very rare to achieve these health numbers, and the fact you can't choose when to activate it.
IMO, Soul Reaver is simply not as viable a pick up as other items, as the damage applies to only one singular target, whereas other abilities, such as , can apply to many.
Now obviously some people will be taking both of these items, but it's just an example to show how futile this item is in comparison to others. 300 damage on a carry is not worth a 60 second cooldown. Note that this is bonus damage, and not true damage, so this doesn't even factor in protections, which make this number increasingly useless as compared to other, constant effects.

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Eminent (157)
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Permalink Quote PM by » Report
How long does Soul Reaver Last for? It doesn't tell you the duration.
For example if you are Anubis and do ticking damage does it only do damage for one tick then it stops?
It doesn't really say how long the effect last.
- Like Anubis I wrap and kill people, thats what I do.
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Prominent (41)
Posts: 2077
The way I look at it, the works best if you're going for a tanky mage/magical bruiser build, since it's bonus damage is always the same 15% off the enemy's HP, no matter how much magical power you've built. A , however, relies on the user having lots of magical power to be effective, and pretty much demands a to be dangerous.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.

Prominent (29)
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How long does Soul Reaver Last for? It doesn't tell you the duration.
For example if you are Anubis and do ticking damage does it only do damage for one tick then it stops?
It doesn't really say how long the effect last.

What do you mean, how long does the effect last? It occurs on your first ability damage on a god. If you use and it did 1 damage, it would proc the Soul Reaver. And then it goes on CD. It's always 15% no matter what.

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Eminent (157)
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Permalink Quote PM by » Report

The way I look at it, the works best if you're going for a tanky mage/magical bruiser build, since it's bonus damage is always the same 15% off the enemy's HP, no matter how much magical power you've built. A , however, relies on the user having lots of magical power to be effective, and pretty much demands a to be dangerous.

True enough, but most mages, no matter how tanky they are, will have a and some magic power - or they're practically useless as a mage. The only exception I can think of is , who isn't made for her damage anyway, so I suppose she's a good fit with it.
I'd argue against it with any full mages, though. It's just my preference, personally.

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Eminent (157)
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