Sto Ship Weapons Dmg Or Crtd


Sto Ship Weapons Dmg Or Crtd Free

  • edited October 2010
    I'll take a stab at this.
    Critical Hits are damage plus bonus damage. From what I've seen in the numbers that fly up, that it is a % based on your damage your base damage. In my personal opinion, accuracy of the weapon doesn't really seem to make a difference in hits or misses possibly due to the accuracy trait and maxing out Starship Attack Vectors, may also have something to do with the Bonus Defense meaning next to nothing right now (haven't PvP'ed enough to say that it does something).
    Recommendations for your weapons as I see it, you may want something different, are in order [DMG] > [CrtH] > [CrtD] >> [ACC] for most weapon types. If you want to go with Anti-proton, then go with the [CrtH] and [CrtD].
  • edited October 2010
    So, go for the higher critical severity percentage, and not the accuracy bonus - at least right now. I will try that out.
    I believe that you are right, that right now accuracy does not play as big a role as the extra crit severity dam you can get.
    Going to buy the +2% Crit, +40% Crit Severity when I get back on the game.
  • edited October 2010
    Accuracy overflows into crit severity when it caps. So at the very least, it's a (half-strength) +critd modifier.
  • edited October 2010
    I'll take a stab at this.
    Critical Hits are damage plus bonus damage. From what I've seen in the numbers that fly up, that it is a % based on your damage your base damage. In my personal opinion, accuracy of the weapon doesn't really seem to make a difference in hits or misses possibly due to the accuracy trait and maxing out Starship Attack Vectors, may also have something to do with the Bonus Defense meaning next to nothing right now (haven't PvP'ed enough to say that it does something).
    Recommendations for your weapons as I see it, you may want something different, are in order [DMG] > [CrtH] > [CrtD] >> [ACC] for most weapon types. If you want to go with Anti-proton, then go with the [CrtH] and [CrtD].

    This explains it pretty well imo. The critical hit modifier simulates you hitting something important (like an EPS conduit of a ship or an artery or organ of a person).
    I like to think of it using old pen, paper, and dice rules. The game 'makes two rolls' for each shot you take, one to determine hit or miss (this is where the [ACC] and [CrtH] modifiers come in), and the next one to determine the damage (this is where [DMG] and [CrtD] modifiers are taken into play). All of your character and BO traits and modifiers are also added into the equation. STO just uses a more technological form of rolling dice to determine the outcome.

Natural weapon dex to dmg file. Mar 29, 2012  I think your best bet would be to use a scrap sheet of paper and compare DPS on weapons with those modifiers from the exchange. I think DPS is a function of damage versus fire rate, so I would think that Dmg would mean more than either CrtH or CrtD. Not critical chance in general. There is a reason nobody ever uses weapons with CTRLH as a mod. Meaning that, instead of CTRLH any other mentioned mod (CTRLD,PEN or DMG) will be far better than ctrlh. You referenced 2.5%, which is the proc chance for the special abilities of weapons, which has nothing to do with critical chance. Nov 01, 2015 For a tactical captain weapons with any combination of crtd/dmg + pen are good. If you want to use lockbox weapons, which are way more expensive than pen-weapons. In that case I would recommend coalition weapons with crtd/dmg + terran task force array. Jul 16, 2016 In general all combinations of crtd and dmg on weapons like crtdx2dmgx2 or crtdx3dmg or crtddmgx3 or the x4 versions arent a big difference at the end, all combinations work pretty fine. Reply August 7, 2016 at 8:51 pm.

Mac create dmg from pkg to amazon. Dec 28, 2019  Tips To create an image from a folder, drag the folder onto the Disk Utility-icon, or choose 'New-Disk image' from folder in the File-menu in Disk Utility. A.dmg file can be a very easy way to send files from one Mac to another. Any Mac can mount and access the Disk Image. Steps to convert macOS DMG files to PKG files. Go to the folder that contains the DMG file. Double click the dmg file and it gets mounted as a virtual disk and reveal its contents. Copy file to the Applications folder in the mac; Eject the DMG file by clicking on eject button. Open Terminal. Build the PKG file using the productbuild command.


Sto Ship Weapons Dmg Or Crtd 1


Sto Ship Weapons Dmg Or Crtd System

  1. # This program compares the damage difference potentials of STO's weapon mods
  2. # (most notably, a comparison between DMG, CrtD, and Pen, which is done via averaging
  3. # possible team damage potentials). This is useful as an analsis on the subject.
  4. #This function plots a graph, which shows relative effectiveness of a TEAM of modded weapons using certian mod configurations;
  5. # this is done via an average of the entire team (in the case of mixed mods of Pen,
  6. #we assume that Pen is always active, and that only some weapons are being used
  7. # with that mod. The rest are either all dmg mods or all critD mods, and that is what
  8. # we want to compare (that is why I introduced the idea of pets, we assume there are pets/people/ships
  9. #that are basically copies of your stats, and that they are firing at the 'injured with Pen
  10. #
  11. # Example of test: plotCVDVPen2(50,300,300,100,10,60,0, 3)
  12. # Parameter explanation: plotCVDVPen2(critcal chance, catergory 1 buffs, category 2 buffs, r,i,b,d, # of ships firing [in the case of Pen mod])
  13. # Note: r, i, b,d refers to values used in calculating the resistance multiplier of an enemy;
  14. # r = resistance, i = injuries, b= bonus resistance, d = debuffs
  15. plotCVDVPen2 <-function(crit,category1, category2, r,i,b,d, pets){#type in the percent value (not decimals!)
  16. crit_sev<,1000)# crit severity as a sequence
  17. cat2 <- category2 #category 2 buffs
  18. # pets = other weapons that are fired from your ship, pets, or other ships
  19. crit4 <-c(((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.8))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2))
  20. dmgx4<-c((cat1/100)*1.193*(mult(r,i,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2))
  21. dmgx3Penx1 <-c(((((cat1+1.025)/100)*1.158*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.2))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2)+(pets*((cat1)/100)*1.193*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2))/(pets+1))
  22. crit3Penx1 <-c(((((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.6))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2)+(pets*((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.8))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2))/(pets+1))
  23. dmgx3Penx1All <-c((((cat1+1.025)/100)*1.158*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.2))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2)))
  24. crit3Penx1All <-c((((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.6))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2)))
  25. #Graphics part; also Do not mind the y axis label; I'm just to lazy to relabel it;
  26. # But, the y-axis label should say 'total damage increase proportion' (or something like that)
  27. plot(crit_sev, crit4,type='l',col='red')
  28. lines(crit_sev, dmgx3Penx1,col='blue')
  29. lines(crit_sev,dmgx3Penx1All, col='black')
  30. legend('bottomright',c('Critx4','dmgx4','dmgx3Penx1','crit3Penx1', 'dmgx3Penx1All', 'crit3Penx1All'), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),lwd=c(2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5),col=c('red','green','blue','purple', 'black', 'Grey'), cex=0.8)
  31. title('DMG_Vs_CrtD_vs_Pen: Best Mod?')
  32. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  33. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  34. z <-(75/(150+x))
  35. return((1/4)+(3*z*z))
  36. }
  37. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  38. return((m(r)/m(i))*(100/(100+b)))
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